it never seems to surprise me that so many fans, supporters, pundits, journos, ex players , so called " experts" and even top coaches do NOT understand "TEAM energy" in a funny way you could compare it with the way "the force" is described in the STAR WARS message,,, in 2019 ,,, every aspect came together , players, support, coaching staff, and "luck" to make a TEAM better than any seen since 20 years or more ,, anywhere, a "TEAMERGY" (according to ChRiS) made them not only unbeatable , but virtually impossible to stop WINNING game after game, and now, despite watching so many games, the "assembled public" (above) still expect the same levels after support is removed, atmosphere zero, big injuries to key players,and THE STUPIDITY AND NEGATIVITY OF GOVT LOCK DOWNS curfews and all... ... really you exist in a #FUBARidiocracy
MAD rid (unreal without fans!) v LIVERPOOL
tues 06 april #21..
memories ;
ChRiS> I was in Paris ticketless for the final win in '81, barney scored a late winner, the "tough" game featured Graeme Souness & Kenny, with Clem in his 3rd european champions final ... & translating for travelling KOPITES at the place pigale who wanted to celebrate with the local girls... :)
then in "09 I was in MADrid for the away leg, that game saw Benny snatch a winning header and I stayed there to watch the return (4-0) with local REdS (filmed by spanish tv)
... AND for the the win at OT (1-4) when Nando Torres & Stevie G were on fire in both games... good times..
Tuesday's game:
Said a while ago that Nath & Ozan, could copy Carra & Sami and with Ali B behind them and Fab in front make a defensive unit for the remainder of this F U BAR season in the english plastic money league... Robbo & Gini both come back into the team after a busy period away ("nationals") ... I feel I would bring on Diogo at Half time (as 5 subs allowed) for whoever of the fab 3 is tiring so start ; ; form virtual 3-5-2
Ali B
Nath & Ozan
Trent Thiago Gini Robbo
lets bury the ramos infecte shyte!
arse nal 0 v LIVERPOOL 3
Di0GO 2 , Mo
sat 3 April #21 london
saving key players who have been away for the TUESDAY game at MADrid (real) ....
Ali B
Nath & Ozan
TRent Milly or Kostas
Curtis/Ox Thiago
depending on on fitness with Gini, Robbo & Mo coming back in after 60 mins
ChRiS> I was a young man at highbury, london when my LIVERPOOL team went there the last game of league season '72 , 10 mins before the end Tosh scored to win the title, but the ref (wrongly) disallowed the goal, arse nal were our main rivals then , more than the blues bros or the mancs ... Shanks young transitional Team having lost to them at wembley the year before.. however, Emlyn & the lads won the League & UEFA cup double in '73 and I was a lucky lad, James Bond, STAR wars, and my TEAM plus playing footy as capt of the local amateurs saturday & sunday was more than enough to keep my mind & body fit & my heart full with joy , every May for another 2 decades...
the #idiocracy denied SUPPORTERS a celebration like....
Last season's , fake ending to the already won english plastic money league and a community/charity shield (sponsored by big muck?) confirmed my opinion that the TEAM would, even with a full compliment struggle to maintin the 2019 peak without OUR 12th man support ... and predicted OUR "Best bet" could be 7th heaven in Istanbul ...(

watched the Lfctv PR_opaganda "the season so far" a.k.a. "NERD attack" as they ANAL yse every fing thing except Jk's inside leg measurement! ... catch up with our PREVIOUS SUPPORTERS CLUB LOG at ; and the police/prison state of the IDIOCRACY you exist in ,, ( íts life Jim, but not as WE know it!"Spock) :p
see also :
F U N for YOU ; Freedom e UNION NOW!
the diaries;
but first HONOUR, & never let them go;
march ...26
DC> hello Angelus, CS says that this film reminds him of you, and one of his biggest wishes was/is
that you realise all your (POSITIVE) dreams ;) ...
CS> and Iwatched this the other night,,,
the way the sheeple a.k.a. #covidiots have capitulated to Govt & scumFEARmedia inflation
there are likely to be as many sequels as STAR WARS :p
consider the growing population yet no significant increase in fatalities , despite the PANIC & over reaction of fascisTORY & police/PRISON state REGIME... its "marshal law" killing humanity,...

REdawn LiveBirds>
... so many times, when I went away, especially in europe, my mates & I would say, sh&te match, but what a great trip.. and sometimes the spec we were given would make it almost impossible to take in the game, but we were singing & chanting from before the start, and often way past the end of the match,,,, i have no time now for the owner sharks nor the english plastic money league Tv show... neither will get a cent from me,, ...... i had great times in rish pub s wherever i lived in the world replicating the KOP with other RedS... this is just part of the destruction of society by the idiocratic inconsistent mis-management of the #covidiotsbug.. the disease is the cowardice of the global public ... ..,,,
,,and I used to love bringing a group over from Belgium, Holland, or the former Yugoslavia for a footy weekend, down the cavern , match & Linda's cafe brekkie etc etc ,,sometimes took the whole local footy team for a birthday weekend, (with no chance of getting tickets for about 20 lads & lasses,,,... ..
...and the game is losing the next generation of kids , who are now cemented into the video game market... not least more kids will become weaker * and obese , and its this group who will be victim to your #covidiotsbugs,,, there has been no mention of fake victims, the exaggerated stats , govt lies , mis -management etc etc in this programme.. decent choice as Matt tends to talk more sense than most in the footy media , Clem, Stevie & Trent now examples of players that are/were never trulty supported by the english FA managment or fans of eng_ur_land,, they can go feck themselves , Southgate wasnt a great player, but is a typical england coach, thats NOT a compliment,.... ... the European champions was always our best bet, in a FUBAR season without our Supporters, chances for revenge for Mo over Ramos, but TAW & Gareth need to be careful in writing off MAD rid as a bunch of old codgers,,, ridiculous that the REdS play in London the weekend before and then must travel away on monday, bo time for rest or repair,, so JKs selection at arsenal will be interesting..

9 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod>
every day....dictators (on face book or other aspects of the net) ruin your lives...every day corrupt people make this planet dirtier, every day corrupt "officials" get away with it, every day the mass looks away, the public ignores their friends who cheat, every day people get weaker and every day more kids suffer, and their future goes down the toilet with the choking of the air...but s its ok, enjoy yr weekend..its sunny! ..come on U REdS ! 😉 wink wink! and maybe this should be our "theme song" , or something similar
23 F U N for you?

.... sharks, USA corp, Hen ry, & the billionaires behind get richer whilst supporters loyalty is exploited, cardinale ex goldman sachs, corrupt & evil, wants to join the plan to hook up with the mancs , Glaziers..and take a bigger chunk of english and european footballs profits
REdawn LiveBirds>

, the c1A, nsa, mi5/6 and those supposed to "protect & serve " the people... employ scum, police enforce rules to profit the few & punish reasonable protest, uniforms now = thugs ..
the sheeple have become covidiots obeying idiocratic govt, the UK infested by fascisTORY regime, the world polluted by USAcorp policies that poison the wat,,, the water,, air, land, sea, food & minds of kids worldwide,,., when WILL YOU EVER learn??? WHY ARENT YOU STANDING UP AGAINST THE GLOBAL IMPRISONMENT 7 DAMAGE OF HUMANITY AND THE DESTRIUCTION OF THE PLANET YOU INHERITED??????????????????? ,,these protests are the minimum you should join..

Socialist (Republic of Liverpool ) for Joey Grant
....I started to support as a kid son of a socialist mum who campaigned as a regional gen secretary of the Labour party, all our family delivered flyers during elections etc ... , I support the Team, share with fellow supporters & the "holy trinity "that was of my youth as we were all socialists on the KOP that I went on to as a young boy ... my love for all things Liverpool, even the grim followed me after i left Uk and in my own way making radio programmes , promoting the footy & the music too and told stories about Liverpool people to anyone who listened.. ,un til the late 80s sometimes going to games together, Reds & Blues ... because , IMO we were just brothers that disagreed on colours, on the KOP there was the 60s sound ... and witty chants & sometimes even "Celtic-rangers" would ring out ...later on in the 70s and later more and more came from Dublin /Eire ..none of those were orange, Shanks used to insult the rich and the directors... in our house blue always meant tories,,, so there you are... when I went to work in London (no jobs in Lpool ) i was only 16 , but went to watch games at wham or spurs in midweek with the other lads in the company,,, I recall watching the blues team at wham , Ball, Harvey & Kendall ..i still have the match programme , I wouldnt wear blue but i respected the clubm , bit for me , football started to die in the 80s after Shanks died, and the names of sponsors bigger thsn the clubs logo appeared on shirts and when the sold our game to the english plastic money league early nineties I was involved in fighting fascism in germoney ... (another long story) when I was on the terraces, home or away, uk or Europe, I only opposed the team we played against, & their fans,,, it was simple, I have campaigned against the owners since Moores sold us out,,, this current situation is caused by cowardice and the global society being ruled by media & image,,, I still support MY Team, however I give more energy to youth teams that i have :"managed" any where i lived abroad I have organised footy tournaments anywhere ( a group of blues I invited won two of them) ... I am not blind in my support, but too many fans are , of ALL clubs and i dont see much pride in the nastier chants of your fans either ! so i do take umbrage ,,and hope you get the point,.. btw ... long over due,,, ,..... ..& . ,,......have received info from worldwide links of "civil disobedience"v global prison/police state, banned by mainSCREAMedia & fbook etc?
.... sheep = global public,,, wolf = "the bug" (& all fears) ..shepherd = those who make the rules u obey!
...not A fan of USA comedians or anything USAcorp (especially not Jw Hen ry & his Glazier buddies..), but Bill Maher both funny and CORRECT about the stupid reaction to the 0.01% "fatal"covidiots bug!
..the right to protest ,, deleted by fascisTORY govt
"He's big, He's RED, his head is made of lead, Nat Phillips! "
.... CDAWN> updated from our MEd1Ateam @ ... ...
and inviting you to join global resistance
with the REd NOSE 5th global column group :p
.. /// ,....
CS< >>> 20 years ago ,,yes TWENTY, :) a young man making another "Multi - CELTural music & pirates club show" on Radio Dreyeckland (Freiburg) ...
ACHTUNG face book censors ; all music covered by the radio station licence so leave the fecking thing alone! :p
in honour of the OUTLAWED st paddys day party that I usually make on this day,,, with best wishes to all my CELTS cousins.... worldwide
and for TRUE REbEL REdS anywhere in our universe! ha ha ha the ÜSA corp hackers cant fins all of us , because we are everywhere .
p.s. feck John w Hen ry &co, fen way (is not our LIVERPOOL way!) ..their man u allied INFESTORS at the Glaziers , the evil shyte ; Cardinale (ex goldmann sachs) fascist - capitalism & all at the english plastic money league , the english FA, VARce, the corrupt UEFA, FIFA committees , CGFS a holes, standard chartered bankers ; and all the sponsors feeding off of Lfc fans loyalty, i wont give them a cent .. ... but my aim is to give them all my grief! :p
JOIN MED1ATEAM global resistance at
....tough win ,,,but credit to our TEAM and best with to Patricio,, and wolves the only league team this year to have a go , (inc blue mancs!) at us.... well done our CBs but, wish we had Coady though
... ... ... as f book are fined 650 million by USAcourt for abusing freedoms its time for EVERYone to make a claim join and our global Red NOSE 5th column group and claim against your local & national govt for their failure in protections of OUR FREEDOMS!
take back your life ... escape from their prison state ..&. claim COMPENSATION ...

watched this week; cult film (road/car) film watched this week.
and "the macs" ... based on a true story of a coach who made a champion Team.. without the money game
of the spoiled sports infested by fan nies, sponsors & scumedia ... , its obviously more serious than "emperors new clothes" SYNDROME, But, there is a GLOBAL OUTBREAK OF STUPID!

... always KNOW when I am WINNING against evil /dark side of society, when they block my posts on fing book.. idiot naztie goons! FU2
JUST stop and reflect on the value of what you do, now?
am i a tired Lion remembering to roar?
am i a wolf searching for whore?
angry with people who cannot converse
making contact with them just makes me worse
being alone is what I CAN stand
should I start my own band...?
seen half the world
that is enough for now
challenge them all
cause, they don't know how
so here I am
alien floating on the wave
still looking for some one to save?
but those i meet, dont care for that
hang around me like a lazy cat
and they are so "cool"
use words as a tool
in their self serving bubble
cant see what a muddle
the world they have made
it just rots in the shade,,,
ChriS 170311
extracts from the IDIOCRACY you "exist" in their local & global POLICE/PRISON state of "marshal law"
#gameofTHORNS #MASKerAIDS v #LbiRDco-op
Socialism, Unity & Internationalism - Eve of May Day Tribune & Arise Online Rally Friday April 30, 6.30-8.00pm, Register here // RSVP & invite friends here // Retweet here & spread the word
Start the May Day weekend with a bang with this joint Tribune-Arise rally with: Richard Burgon // Ian Lavery // Apsana Begum // Dave Ward, CWU // Lara McNeill, Labour NEC youth rep // Nadia Jama, NEC // Marisa Matias, Portuguese Left Bloc MEP // Daniele Obono, French Left MP & more special international guests tba! | | |
Rob Urie: The real problem is neoliberalism. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: Drawing a line in a time of moral decay. |
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Joshua Frank: This is where the new Netflix documentary drowns in polluted waters. |
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Julie Y. Chu: The logistical hauntings of the Flaneur. |
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Michael Schwable: When it comes to destroying Black lives, no institution can match the tobacco industry. |
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Paul Street: Same old Washington Post after all these years. |
| |
and ..Women in Qatar have broken barriers and achieved significant progress,but state-enforced male guardianship rules limit their ability to live
full, productive, and independent lives.
Many women spoke to Human Rights Watch for a new report that details how
women in Qatar need male guardian permission to marry, obtain a
government scholarship to study, work in many government jobs, travel
abroad, and access some healthcare.
“Sanaa,” a 31-year-old Qatari woman, said: “To get a scholarship
to study abroad you need guardian permission … Even at Qatar
University, as a TA [teaching assistant], you need your legal
guardian’s permission stating that they don’t mind you going and
continuing your studies abroad.”
Qatar should remove male guardianship rules so women can begin to take
control of their lives.
Brazil’s national health system is on the verge of collapse. Intensive
care units across the country are at or near capacity. News
organizations report people are dying while waiting for a bed.
DUE to excagertion over the "bug risk" ???
Escalating Threats to Women Activists in Poland [13]
Women’s rights defenders should be able to express themselves
publicly, including when they oppose government policy, without having
targets on their backs.
This Week on CounterPunch Radio Ruth Hopkins |
On this episode of CounterPunch Radio, host Eric Draitser talks to Ruth Hopkins about the critical issues facing the Native community in the early days of the Biden Administration. |
TONIGHT! EXCLUSIVE with Jeremy Corbyn here at 7pm (Thurs. April 1) on why we should invest in people and planet not nuclear weapons & war.
Join in on YouTube here with other viewers at 7pm.
From: "Marigona Uka - Avaaz" <>
Dear friends, Far away from prying eyes, a calm strip of Atlantic
waters in West Africa is home to some of the world’s most threatened
marine species.From the critically endangered humpback dolphin and angel
shark habitat, to the foraging grounds of sea turtles -- Loango Bay
makes up for an ecosystem rarely seen on Earth.But it is all hanging by
a thread.A surging demand for shark fins and petroleum has brought a
swarm of commercial fishing trawlers and oil rigs to the area, pushing
this precious pocket of ocean life to the brink.
Congolese activists have
been working tirelessly to protect over 165,000 acres of critical
habitat. They’ve come up with a brilliant plan -- transform this
magical place into a gigantic Marine Protected Area, the size of roughly
ninety THOUSAND soccer fields!They’ve lined up the help of the
government, the community, and even of the scientists from a prestigious
university to help it recover -- but they need to raise nearly a million
dollars fast, or it could all fall through.One wealthy supporter has
said they’ll match anything raised 1:1, literally DOUBLING our impact,
until we've raised enough! So, if enough of us step in, we could make
this dream possible in days. Donate what you can now and let’s help
turn this threatened slice of paradise into a beautiful marine
Aviva Chomsky: Will Biden's Central American plan slow migration?
George Wuerthner: How domestic sheep threaten Big Horns.
Bill Quigley: Peoples Coalition helps elect New Orleans progressive prosecutor.
Gary Leupp: Stop Nord Stream II!
John Grant: The festering hemispheric crisis.
John LaForge: The nuclear war on drugs.
#RIGHTTORESIST - SPREAD THE WORD: Watch & share the message here // Retweet here
"If, like me, you're really
concerned about the Tories' latest attacks on our civil liberties &
human rights, please join me, Shami, Diane & Bell Wednesday ."
Apsana Begum MP.

THIS WEDNESDAY: Our right to resist - the Tory attacks on our civil liberties & human rights
best wishes & greetings to our friends ... I am now at on behalf of all true REbEL REdS worldwide
currently campaigning for GLOBAL RESISTANCE ... daring to challenge their :biased : ANTI-social " BUG" policies ..
THAT shut down this planet TO BENEFIT THE FEW, whilst damaging HUMANITY = Strategy_20-23
do you own a small enterprise? if yes , JOIN
are you a sports person without an agent protecting you ? JOIN
do you feel the large business & institutions are treating you unfairly.. JOIN
do you have a human rights complaint?
have you been damaged without compensation , JOIN?
Freedom e Union NOW ;
On 2021-03-25 05:06, Marigona Uka - Avaaz wrote: Dear friends, Far away from prying eyes, a calm strip of Atlantic
waters in West Africa has been home to some of the world’s most
threatened marine species. From the critically endangered humpback
dolphin and angel shark habitat, to the foraging grounds of sea
turtles -- Loango Bay makes up for an ecosystem rarely seen on Earth.
But it is all hanging by a thread.A surging demand for shark fins and
petroleum has brought a swarm of commercial fishing trawlers and oil
rigs, pushing this precious pocket of ocean life to the brink.
Congolese activists have been working tirelessly to protect 165,000
acres of critical habitat. They’ve come up with a brilliant plan --
transform this magical place into a gigantic Marine Protected Area,
the size of ninety THOUSAND soccer fields!They’ve lined up the help
of the government, the community, and even of the scientists from a
prestigious university to help it recover -- but they need to raise
nearly a million dollars fast, or it could all fall through.One
wealthy supporter has said they’ll match anything raised 1:1 --
literally DOUBLING our impact! So, if enough of us step in, we could
make their dream possible in days. Donate what you can now and let’s
help turn this threatened slice of paradise into a beautiful marine
Kenneth Surin: This adds to the catalog of Brexit failures.
| | |
John LaForge: The nuclear war on drugs. |
| |
Helen Yaffe: Five vaccines and counting. |
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Simone Chun: The real danger of the Pentagon's new Indo-Pacific plan. |
| |
Sonali Kolhatkar: Why is Biden intent on enriching private health insurance? |
| |
Carmen Rodríguez: Still no justice in El Mozote.
| |
Jonah Riskin: What is about Jews and marijuana? |
| |
Patrick Cockburn: The missiles and killer satellites are all there to give the impression that Britain is a power with global reach. |
| |
Melvin Goodman: Diplomatic and strategic failure.
Patrick Cockburn: All Syrians are the victims.
John Carter: Are National Forests "protected"?
David Schultz: They don't protect legislation or minority rights.
Thomas Knapp: White House Director's cut.
Leia Barnett: Actualizing the possible.
Daniel Raventós & Julie Wark: Rape the women to rape the land.
Eve Ottenberg: Hundreds of thousands wouldn’t flood the U.S. border if things weren’t bad back home.
Charles Pierson: The blockade needs to be lifted at once, with or without a ceasefire.
Jeffrey St. Clair: I, the juror.
Linda G. Ford: The long struggle of women's basketball.
Stephen F. Eisenman: Art and money today.
Henry A. Giroux: Challenging the politics of isolated incidents.
Gregory Elich: Reminding South Korea who's boss.
Chuck Collins: These are the 10 biggest COVID profiteers.
Jonathan Cook: We are afraid of each other.
Ariel Dorfman: It is up to us to risk entering that history and its blaze.
Liaquat Ali Khan: How Pakistan’s democracy works in fits and starts.
In February, professional racing driver and double-leg amputee Billy
Monger took on an epic triathlon-inspired challenge to help raise money
for Red Nose Day.
Over the course of four exhausting days, Billy had to overcome huge
distances by foot, take to the freezing open waters by kayak and endure
punishing stretches by bike, as he attempted to cover a staggering 140
miles, to reach the finish line at the world-famous race circuit, Brands
Hatch.Spurred on by the support of the nation and some surprise celebrity
guests, Billy, who had both his legs amputated after a racing accident
three years ago, battled through extreme weather conditions as well as
physical and mental exhaustion, as he pushed through each gruelling day.
Louis Proyect: A short history of the Syria crisis.
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