Budapest : 10th Feb #21
Elaine Tuttle shared a post.

Heaven is SEVEN in Istanbul!, never surrender, we are the CLUB!
ChRiS> everyone who has been involved in our Campaign v U S A corp (a.k.a. "fen way is NOT our LIVERPOOL way") should know that I was never a "Kloppite" BUT... in a FUBAR world, where results are upside down in their #gameofTHORNS english plastic money TV show league... (AND CORRUPT SPONSORS ON OUR SHIRTS)
where fans are capitulating and self imprisoned by the rules of a maniac "BLOwjo" govt.. where VARce is as inconsistent as the anti-'#trendy bug restrictions... to expect " service as normal" is INSANE!
"LUCK" follows positivE ENERGY , however, there is BAD karma off the field, caused by JwHen ry & co getting into bed with man U's glaziers, whilst the devil incarnate (Cardinale) wants to get his hooks in to their big picture plans to take over english & european footy
you WERE warned since before 2007 when Moores stupidly opened the door to G & H...
Previously banned by U S A corp alias ; in F book goons, twatters, Googlies & fen way goon hackers; rednet-/2021/02/redgemnet-european-campaign-heaven.
Propose a fringe /squad selection to save the "First Team" for a ridiculous HOME match in Budapest
sunday 7th Feb £21 at an EMPTY ANFIELD
Ali B
Nico Nath (Ozan/Ben?)
Thiago Kostas
Naby Milly
SEE: (yet another wake up call and at the moral case v lock outs etc)
as for "fans" (they are NOT Supporters) _this phase really shows up who the weak fan nies are , give up? never , save the best for Europe the english plastic money league is FUBAR ...harve ; blogs/2021/03/missionary-position-updated-true-rebel.
the players take the game by game blame, but the cause ..?
do you believe in "karma" ..look at the actions of the boardroom snarkes since they stole our club..? and the fen way/glazier alliance...?
the UK BlowJO govt is fascist and the english plastic money league is FUBAR , a VARce ...
if you are a TRUE REbEL REd also join & Share the group link:
from / > my MEd1ATEAM colleague used to get hay fever at springtime, now we re-named it "divoc-K#21 so your govts can control ppl again! :p hello global cowards! anyway pre LIVERPOOL v chelski /2021/02/rednet-bootroom-update-after-winnig-at.html_________

and extracts from the insane police/prison state enabled by the apathy & capitulation of the global sheeple.. rules made by their #gameofTHORNS.. #MASK_er_AID ;
whats NOT...really..
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