catch up with TRUE REbEL REDS at ; /2021/04/redgemnet-updating-revenge-v-villians.
all TRUE REbEL REdS should campaign for SUPPORT back in the stadium before wednesday v royalists MADrid..btw ; no silence for the fascist royal consort (phillip) he was part of the establishment that backed the PREVIOUS fascisTORY govt who sanctioned the "legalized murder" of the 96
SUPPORT OUR TEAM and the 96 no rest until JUSTICE campaign after 32 years... local REdS should make sure the TEAM hears you with songs and chants around Anfield on walton breck & Anfield road & stanley park ...
The TEAM needs to hear YOU to best the royalist MAD (get) rid!!
still HOPING for 7th heaven in ISTANBUL;

LIVERPOOL v royal MAD-rid
Proposals ; TEAM formation / selection
ChRiS> we made proposals for the away game;
However, we believe in creating an energy, Shanks called the "holy trinity" if the atmosphere outside
if not inside Anfield creates a positive for our TEAM and a negative for the opponents, we may feel inclined to "go again" with risk..
WE noticed how JK substituted the reasonably dependable Ozan late on saturday v villa, and our instincts suggest that we pressure the much praised midfield of the away side from the start, with energy & focus... so, play FAB & Robbo deeper and push Trent, Thiago, Gini, into midfield area with Bobby & MANe deeper , ... Mo & DioGO sitting on the shoulders of the away defence stretching the game and working their socks off..
the average positions looking something like start (5 subs allowed)
Ali B
Nath Robbo
FAB Gini
Trent Thiago
Bobby MANE
Hope to get the goals then settle down with Ozan back on in the 2nd half to Hold the lead. Shaq can come on for whoever is tiring up front.
MILLY, Curtis & Naby may also feature after 60mins..

LIVERPOOL 2 (Mo & TRENT!) villa 1
CAMPAIGN with well over 300 groups worldwide, now, too many linked to count..!
... Y N W A with hope & best wishes
to all TRUE REbEL REdS! via REdGEMnet... updating
Freedom e UNION NOW = F U N v F U B A R
#J4t96_32yrs #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN

EXTRACTS from the idiocratic world you have allowed by capitulation..... local & global, to a POLICE/PRISON state, you have virtually handcuffed yourselves ... ...............
FOOLish perpetuating a CON of the people, there is no need for this vaccine, any more than at any other time in recent history , WAKE up!!
DIARY DATE: Socialist Solutions to the Crisis
Saturday June 12, 11.00-17.30. Register here // Share & invite here // Retweet here to spread the word.
A day-long online event of Labour's Left with: Diane Abbott // Richard Burgon // John McDonnell // Bell Ribeiro-Addy // Jon Trickett // Mark Weisbrot, economist CEPR, USA // Shami Chakrabarti, human rights campaigner & Labour member of House of Lords // Christine Blower, Former NUT General Secretary & Labour member of the Lords // Laura Pidcock. Labour NEC // Lara McNeill, Labour NEC Youth Rep // Gemma Bolton, Labour NEC & CLPD Co-Chair // Mish Rahman, Labour NEC & Momentum NCG // Cat Hobbs, We Own It // Murad Qureshi, Stop the War Coalition // Amy Jackson, Political Director, Unite the Union // Pamela Fitzpatrick, Vice-Chair LRC & candidate for National Women’s Committee // Maia Kirby, Save Our Socialists // Ben Chacko, Morning Star // Ronan Burtenshaw,Tribune // Rachel Garnham, Campaign for Labour Party Democracy // Matt Willgress, Arise. With a range of sessions on topics from a socialist economic policy to defending our rights & opposing the racist offensive to standing up for Labour Party democracy & much more besides. Join this vital event, discuss the Labour Left's next steps and be part of the fightback.
Organised by Arise - A Festival of Labour's Left Ideas. All other pages listed are kindly helping to build the event.
Lee Hall: The Biden administration must get serious. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: Just a shot away. |
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Eve Ottenberg: Inside the judicial persecution of Steven Donzinger. |
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Jeffrey Kaye: New revelations on germ warfare. |
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David Price: Remembering Marshall Sahlins. |
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Paul Street: A critical hegemonic function of capitalist media. |
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Johanna Fernández: The only treatment for Mumia is freedom. |
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Monika Zgustova: Russian dissidents from Dostoevsky to Navalny. |
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On 2021-04-06 23:20, Spyro Limneos - Avaaz wrote:Incredible! Almost 1 million people from around the world, includingscientists, artists, and citizens from all walks of life, have joined ((*their BS!) "Dear friends,
> Our call for a People's Vaccine is again on fire! We're nearly 1 million -- Nobel Laureates, scientists, and now artists like George Clooney, Sharon Stone, Forest Whitaker are joining hands with citizens from around the world to demand Covid vaccines and treatments becomeaccessible to all, not just the richest countries. > More than 100 (fascist!) governments already endorse an emergency proposal that would allow production to be massively scaled up, and experts say that public pressure can help persuade the US and other key countries to join and tip the balance! ( NEXT you will be cloned?, or maybe NOT as you are already #covidiots?) Add your name now, and share widely -- Avaaz will work with this incredible platform of global voices to ensure we are heard all over the media - and in the corridors of power, ahead of a crucial meeting later this month.
Philippe Marlière: Macron can no longer hide. |
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Kennth Surin: The official report is a travesty. |
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Evaggelos Vallianatos: The climate elephant in the room. |
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Chris Orlet: A big loss for the rest of us. |
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Gary Leupp: Inside Biden's NATO plan. |
Use code shirts21 at checkout. |
Henry A. Giroux: Historical amnesia in the age of fascist politics. |
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Paul Street: Why lying is as American as cherry pie. |
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Robert Hunziker: The grandiose plans to cool Earth. |
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Alexander Main: Should expectations be particularly high for US relations with Latin America? |
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Sonali Kolhatkar: How the cops preserve inequality. |
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Socialism, Unity & Internationalism - Eve of May Day Tribune & Arise Online Rally Friday April 30, 6.30-8.00pm, Register here // RSVP & invite friends here // Retweet here & spread the word
Start the May Day weekend with a bang with this joint Tribune-Arise rally with: Richard Burgon // Ian Lavery // Apsana Begum // Dave Ward, CWU // Lara McNeill, Labour NEC youth rep // Nadia Jama, NEC // Marisa Matias, Portuguese Left Bloc MEP // Daniele Obono, French Left MP & more special international guests tba!
1) Bolivia - People Power, Hope & Solidarity
Monday April 19, 18.30. Register here - Invite & share on FB here - Retweet here to spread the word
With: Eyewitness speakers from Bolivia including journalist Ollie Vargas Plus: Jeremy Corbyn MP, Miriam Colque (Bolivian activist in London), Alex Main (US based Director of International Policy at the Center for Economic & Policy Research,) & Claudia Turbet-Delof (Wiphalas Across the World.) Chair: Christine Blower (Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America.)
Organised by Friends of Bolivia. Supported by Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America.
2) FORUM: Why Socialists Are Anti-Imperialists Saturday April 24, 14:00. Register here // RSVP, Share & Invite here // Retweet here
With: Andrew Murray, one of the founders of the Stop the War Coalition & author of "The Fall & Rise of the British Left."With plenty of time for questions & discussion. The second in a series of "Why socialists.." forums hosted by Hosted by Labour Outlook. Kindly streamed by Arise - A Festival of Labour's Left Ideas.
3) FORUM: Why socialists support the global Palestinian resistance DATE CORRECTION: Saturday May 22, 1.30pm. Register here // RSVP, Share & Invite here // Retweet here
A much-needed discussion, led by Hugh Lanning, Labour & Palestine, with Chair Christine Blower.With plenty of time for questions & discussion. The third in a series of "Why socialists.." forums hosted by Hosted by Labour Outlook. Kindly streamed by Arise - A Festival of Labour's Left Ideas.
M.K. Bhadrakumar: The coup attempt in Jordan leaves a trail. |
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Dave Clennon: Here's what they get wrong. |
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Marion Andrew: Roberto Di Vicenzo and the 1968 Masters Gold Championship. |
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David Rosen: Targeting gender nonconforming youth. |
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Steve O'Keefe: What if your family had a filibuster? |
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