11823 REdNeT ..."Re-View" :-
So, where is our famous Belief ;
in you?
...... You'll Never Walk Alone? do you sing it or FEEL it?
The Yankers have (spent ) over 100, Million GBP of OUR money (yes it IS OUR money, because without our global support, tickets, match days, replica kits and Tv revenue there would not be a "Global entity" called LIVERPOOL FC...
after a "dodgy" 2nd half v Sunderland , where it was obvious we were lacking the unity & creativity, much to do with having half our team being "new boys".. only Pepe, Carra, Agger & Lucas can claim "regular status" and only 3 of them any sort of "unbroken appearance level"..as much as I wanted Aquilani to be included (presonally rate him above Meireles) we MUST back Kenny and whoever he plays 100% IF WE WANT TO go for the Title (champions league should be "minimal target")
We have the most complete player in Premiereship history, still sidelined through Injury and Luis showing again as a late sub at Ar*enal why he was adored by our support after signign in january and "most valued player" @ Copa America (which his team won, thanks to Suare7?) ...we won last weekend @ ar*enal for the first time in 11 years...
and Jose looked good, Adam was doing Xabi impersonations; Lucas solid and great to see dAgger back , PLEASE stay fit!!...
Paul: "He looks like he just found his long lost sons! |
Ar*e-nal 0 Liverpool 2
Tell the devils children - we are out to kill
To shut their mouths-& just be still
Because "the Reds are coming up the hill"
"frimPONG" should have got 4 yellow cards before he got sent off, we won despite playing against their Ref, Frimpong could have got red-carded for taking Agger out in the first 5 mins, the ref later booked Lucas for HIS first foul, ..thought both teams made it a game, but we looked like "contenders" again..
Anwar wrote "Ur absolutely right,chris..YNWA!!..."
I hope Kenny rests the "first team" tomorrow @ exeter, I feel we could just "protect " the best 11 and play a team of international class in the early rounds of the cups..we can go for it all - as we are out of europe why not???
at least someone recognises who we are.. | | | | |
yet "fans" are moaning..we dominated the game, and yes they didnt have heir "captain Fabregas", but we had, again, half a team of new boys and also OUR "captain Fantastic" ; Stevie is still out...
Pass, Move, Goal – Victory Over Arsenal | The Tomkins Times
Tomkins> Strangely, there seemed to be a fair amount of negativity from a fair few fans
ChriS> You are a good BLOGGER, but also now "play to the crowd" (your "moody Torres" comment) now that you are paid? its up to us to correct the "fickle fas-food sky-washed fans"
I "removed" a guy called Natan G from my "friends" list because he outright insulted Andy, do fans really thing it does anything to help our players by public criticism??

If Kenny selects the man, its good enough for me to support him, what I may think about his qualities or weaknesses, I will keep for "quiet debate" amongst members of "Universal REds" not so mancs & cockneys and palstic chelski, madrid or barca fans can "enjoy" ...
and i that makes me "impatient" then ..so be it!
Natan is this weeks "Fast-food fan" but still not on the idiot level of Terry (blue & white sh*te) ...btw I still have your comment that Lfc will sell Meireles (and that our defence is sh*te??) ha ha!
Hi ChriS, Лука Грчић commented on Liverpul Balkan's Wall post. Лука wrote "I thought that maybe we can arrange a meeting in Belgrade this time. :)" ChriS> Still waiting for you Luka ?? (beware the dark side) Nice "thank you note" from Ital REdS (Franco) with a photo of the Balkan REds n. 4 shirt on their facebook site hey Chris, take a look at the official page of Liverpool Italian Branch, http://www.facebook.com/liverpoolitalia
I just posted a picture of the shirt you gave to me, with a special thanks to you... hope you don't mind that I mentioned your name there... see you soon mate... Thinking about "Balkan REdS " ..Jovanovic went "quietly" to Anderlecht - Mladen (Crouchy) still has that Jovanovic 11 shirt!! I 'd like it back at the next meeting lads? |
See his black eye? that no "fantasy footy" ;) |
ChriS>;) ok Sean, mate, But it seems to me that too Many of so-called "Lfc Fans" are already playing "fantasy footY" when they comment about our club...its NOT a video game!! - its NOT "buy the best players and win the trophy" ..its about human Being playing as a TEAM! combining individual talent with collective GOALS! ...!!! when will YOU ever learn |
AFC LIVERPOOL have a tv channel, I'd love to see Rafa involved in that club, bet that within 10 years he'd have AFC playing in Europe
sad that 19 year old Tom Ince, son of former player Paul Ince, has finally completed his move to Blackpool.maybe he'll come back to play for us some day!
?? been listening to some of the Tv "pundits" ?..they have the same effect on me lol (nice pic! LEFT)
Especially when they CONTINUALLY lobby (whilst telling absolute LIes about Alberto) to have Aquilani sold to Milan, as if he never performed , they cover up the reality that Purslow & Hodgson were to blame for lending him to Juve, when AA coudl have been "starring" in Stevie's absence, but the Hodgson "ale house footy" wasnt blamed by the english media UNTIL KENNY proved he could make that "poor squad" beat the mancs (utd & citeh) & chelski away..
Despite: (LFC_Stats:) Agents admits Aquilani is set to stay at Liverpool...At last
Aquilani strikes as Italy beat Spain 2-1
CS> you mean "WHO" not "which" ...Aquilani is the most talented FIT senior midfielder at this time! but...look above how the "media speculators" look so foolish during the "transfer windows" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn-pH6BV6Rs (Aquilani skills)
Juan C> "If Luis and Andy get in their top form, we'll have the best striking force in the Premier."
Fin Heno also commented on Liverpool Songs's link.Fin wrote "thats sh*t!!!"
CS>FIN is another "Lfc Fan" who should learn to be CONSTRUCTIVE , he dont contribute, but puts down another lads "song-writing" ;) different menatlity
"Dalglish refuses to sell N'Gog until a replacement is found"....(is right!) ...
European night at Anfield (until next year....just a taste!)Liverpool-Inter 2008. The atmosphere at Anfield on a European night is something very special. Enjoy (from Ugo)"Dalglish calls for Clarification" ... (within 2 games ; we have had 2 situations where opposition players could/should have been red-carded in first few minutes, bet that when our players do somethign the refs will jump all over them??)
CS> yes I hate them , but i wont waste MY energy "hating them on groups & facebook, because thats what the moronic Mancs DO against us!"
another to go in my "twits & tw*ts file" ;Mark-Anthony wrote "All that money spend and we look fighting for 6th spot again"
CS> silly , grow up & learn what YNWA really means !
Btw - ERROR on LFCtv during commentary @ emirates saturday ; (bailey? thingummy, Garys mate?) claimed Kenny made his league debut for Lfc 44 years ago??? I dont think so, LEARN y-our HISTORY, you are PAID enough!!
get it right,..songs too
We hate nottingham norest
We hate everton too (they're SH*te)
We hate man United
.............But LIVERPOOL we love you
Whats your favourite? recently I Like; "Noise of the Bill Shankly Boys" or "no surrender" from the old standing KOp...wich i still had that album (Lp) "oh Liverpool we love you"
LFC_Stats: Liverpool's Carroll has no regrets... (support ALL of our players! CS)
sad, another lad, who had injury & form problems that dogged his limited tiem with us, Nabil El Zhar joins Levante as Liverpool terminate his contract.....
Roko likes Liverpool is the best club forever on Facebook and suggests you like it too.
Good luck to Bilbao REdS
good luck to "Birthday REds"
i know its not just about scoring.. and post that article becouse i think its good.. we won that match, and i was satidfied with game and with new players. they re new guys and need time to "get in".. but i m tottaly satisfied how it goes for now.. its perfect! theres 7 new guys who need just a little time to show the best! till then the others who are watching us will think that its not impressive.. thay cant wait, they think yyou buy a player for 20 or 30, 40 milions and he must scoring every game, making assists.. and thats what these amerikans think.. BUT, i don t care about that.. i love liverpool, football.. and the BIGGEST reason why I posted NasN article on group is the "Returning to Pass-And-Move Roots". Even they are so stupid and don t understand that football is not bussines, than way of life, they have seen that liverpool is on way to bring back that style of play they had first played!! I post it on my status also that anyone who doesnt know nothing about liverpool can see it, becouse ppl alway first look at TITLE. I got many friends that are barca fans.. and I wanted they to see that LIVERPOOL is coming bask with THEIR game! becouse that "Pass and Move" style is OUR product! not barca's!!!! i just wanted that! and had an argue with mz brother who is barca ffan, i said him its OUR play, OUR product, OUR!! they just have steal it!!!
CS>dont have to "know" english to say hello - i dont know yr language , but say "dobro dan" to almost everyone i see

..btw this is what I wrote (on the NESN article) ..to their "writer"...
grow up, how old are U , below 10? u know nothing about footy, its not just about scoring, even if u "short attention-span" yankers want it to be like that, we looked like "contenders" again, not just for "a place" , given that we are bedding in several new players and half the team werent there last year, it was a sound, and memorable victory..
CS> I wish Our players to be "international class" but not leave their "best" with the national teams - we have suffered too much form inuries to key players on duty for the national teams!
I just can t Get Enough
His name is Suarez he wears, the famous red
I just can t get enough
When he scores a volley
Or scores one with his head
I just can t get enough
He scores a goal and
the Kop goes wild and I just can t seem
to get enough SUAREZ
du du du du du du du du du
du du du du du du du du du
Luis scores 2nd @ ar*e - would have loved |
| to see him play in our team with AA |
By totalling up the points every team has won during their time in England's top division, going right back to the founding of the Football League in 1888, we've worked out which club is top of the all-time pile.
A total of 1,756 points separate first and 10th place, with all of last season's top seven Premier League teams in the mix, but you may be surprised by the order.
From 1888 until 1981 Football League clubs were awarded two points for a win, with three points subsequently handed out for a victory in Division One and, from 1992, the Premier League. We've stuck with the original number of points won by clubs until 1981, rather than give them three points for wins gained before that season.
1st - Liverpool 4911
2nd - Arsenal 4815
3rd - Everton 4766
4th - Manchester United 4551
5th - Aston Villa 4366
6th - Newcastle United 3524
7th - Tottenham Hotspur 3517
8th - Chelsea 3475
9th - Manchester City 3402
10th - Sunderland 3155
I get an offical Lfc membership newsletter : but our discussions are more interesting
Nat had a "go" and Milos Defended Rafa (I agree with Milos most of the time) Nat & I are going to have to sort this before I travel to her "Palestine KOP" ;)
I am waiting to see the minutes of the actual Lfc (fans) "committee" ..Karen Gill promised to try to get them, (why would they be "secret"? ) anyway...
....Lets we forget , we wasted opportunities before (I wrote this almost 3 years aGO, Rafa was right..and so was I (because we missed our chance of taking over our club...........GO to .("under construction")
RED opportunity must not be allowed to be ruined by "spoilers"...
Since the semi finals of the then European CUP in Milan in '65 when we had our very good chances to be the VERY first British winners of that "Champions cup" denied by corruption. I have felt we are always going to be involved in extreme emotional times both ecstatic & tragic.
and also during the various generations and teams that we have had in the last 50 years we have fought back against adversity and opponents within & without.
Even Shanks (in his book "Shankly by Shankly" ) complains that eventually fighting constantly to get his way too away his energy & whatever his "funny ways" (and if the media today think Rafa is eccentric, they would have wiped out by Shanks exclamations) the man that established us as a global force surely deserved a better treatment by LFC...
Even King Kenny, arguably the best player to ever put on the shirt and certainly the best player-manager in the history of the Football league complained of unwarranted criticism during his time as manager, despite the immense contribution he & his family made to LFC & the community post-Hillsborough.
Souness, arguably one of our best players, whatever your opinion of his mistakes as a manager, had a heart attack, & GH, who prior to Rafa had given us our best success since Kenny, was virtually crucified for his substitutions at Leverkusen after his return from absence caused by his heart attack, when I see the unwarranted attack on Rafa, who has put us in our best position overall since Kenny resigned & certainly capable of bringing us our best chances of a return to Domestic and European glory since Bob & Joe, it quite simply makes me sick!
Some "fans" born of this "fast food" & "instant entertainment" generation could possibly be excused for their lack of patience (after 4 draws, 2 away & 2 Deby games, lets not forget that the mancs LOST both of their derby games last season!) but its surely up to us, who were part of the legend of the standing KOP, on which this forum is based, to make it clear that such pessimism is unwarranted and UNWANTED at LIVERPOOL football club.
The Media has written us off, our captain pilloried by the same & opponents fans ridicicule him, our players scorned by the FA & our supporters tainted by UEFA, the KOPITE mentality I feel is the essence of our "holy trinity" of Supporters, players & manager is to rallly the "troops" around our Liverbird flag..to defend ourselves and show WE are deserve to be champion supporters.but, If there are to be inquests, at least have the respect to wait until there is a a "dead body" ...otherwise WE are guilty of football suicide & losing this opportunity...
over to you Rafa...
Paul Eaton 30 January 2009
Rafael Benitez has shrugged off his side's recent indifferent form by insisting they still have a 'fantastic opportunity' to claim this season's title.
Although three successive league draws have seen the Reds relinquish top spot to rivals Manchester United, the manager remains confident his players will soon rediscover the winning habit and keep in the hunt to end their long wait for a league title.
"The players know that, after a lot of years talking about being contenders, this is a fantastic opportunity so they are really together and you can see the mentality of all of them," he said. "The training sessions over the past two weeks have been very good.
"This season, from the beginning we were so good, we were scoring goals and winning games and everyone could see that it was an opportunity for us.
"People were saying, 'Maybe it'll be this year' so we have created a lot of the expectation ourselves. But we are still in this position so everybody knows that we have to do our best.
"Clearly we have to improve in attack. We have plenty of control and plenty of possession, but we have to create chances and take them. This is one area we can clearly improve on and we are trying to improve.
"We are in the best position that the team or club has been in for the last 15 years or something so we have to be positive and think about the positives, concentrate on Chelsea.".
thinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ;)
I have to correct you!
we ALWAYS had & have a voice, when it counts, Global REdS have a network of unofficial supporters & fan clubs connecting several Millions, but you currently have the (apparent) advantage of being "sanctioned" by Lfc officially, but I feel you should have waited (if you are as wise as we wish you to be) to see the actual RESULTS of meeting with Henry & Werner, before congratulating the board or commending your own benfited position on the committee..
If you are that comfortable with the english lanaguage you will know the saying "the proof of the pudding is in the eating"..well the menu looks inviting but we dont know any more than you, whether FSG's business team are just so much better than the previous "suits" at placating the globals fans..
IMO they have obtained a global entity , worth several times the 200 Million+ they paid for. It was sad that due to the distractions of the SoS/SL fund concept not being "sold" to our global members , and that failing to materialise through "prolonged committee discussion" etc, (and Lfc failing to sanction the supporter action!) that WE (the global Reds supporters) do not own the club, on paper.
Although LIVERPOOL FC is morally and actually OURS, should anyone ever attempt to "con" our global members again, we shall act, radically, however, in the meantime, we shall obviously give you & your colleagues the opportunity to earn the privaledge you seem to have gained. Quite candidly, I am highly suspicious of the mechanics that placed you and 17 others in such a position. (You were selected by people selected by Lfc, were you not?)
p.s. only 17 arrived - one absent through ill-health (get well soon!) isnt there a "back-up" (substitute) for each member in case of emergency/sickness??
p.p.s why werent the global membership canvassed for THEIR viewpoint/questions prior tot his meeting , or have you a "system" worked out to do this in future?
(otherwise the committee will only be representing 18 people?)