sam's fat w brom? v LIVERPOOL sun. 16thmay #21
pre wbrom
Before commenting too much on the next game at fat sam's west brom, who is bloody-minded enough to park 2 buses
just to make life difficult for The REdS..
Taylow/VARce refs ; could have given 2 refs, could have given 3 red cards to manc players;
Bailly ; dangerous play v Nath & foul on Diogo?
MvTomilnay ; OTT v FAB & rugby tackle on MANe
Cavani ; foul on Thiago (who made a fuss , which I dont like) & deliberate hand ball to set up chance for Rashford?
THE front players of LIVERPOOL still not at their best, although Mo right now looks sharpest,
even though Bobby scored 2, and a lot better than of late he isnt at his best (IMO) in empty stadia
DioGO also , which scoring the first, is not as sharp (yet) as he was before the 3 months out through injury..
& Allison...although widely prasied , fro me , has too many lapses in comcentration could have given away goals in every recent match?
CUDOS to Nath & Trent, my joint MEn of the Match... and with Rhys, to think that neither he or Nath had played top class footy at CB
before this season! did well up against Pogba, Fernandes (diver) Rashford & Cavani...FAB Gini & Thiago helped , but although worked
well, none of the midfielders were outstanding either.. so I have to play down the mancs "revival" if the LIVERPOOL TEAM get back to recent high leval seasons performances all the rivals should be worried...
so I would deffo want the FRESHEST selection at w brom ; proposing start virtual 3 5 2 formation
Ali B
Nath & Rhys
Trent Milly Robbo
Mo MANe (who is hungry & angry !! against fen way sharks??
from Thiago, Diogo, Gini & Bobby after 60 probably...
? why are u at redmen, daytrippers, TAW still "zooming at home" ??????????? you cowardly
perpetuate the BlowJO fascisTORY prison / police state ....anyway my
joint men of the match; Trent & Nath !!! (Phillips is the raw
"mentality monster" ... ) " he's BIG, he's REd and his head is made of
lead, Nat Phillips" ....... ... really SUPPORTERS need to focus on the true issues, that protest against the sharks who ruin & sell off our clubs & the leagues to tv/sponsor money are the dark aspect of modern football..not a few manc hooligans! Lfc..fans are too docile! pre wbrom V LIVERPOOL after mancs 2 - 6 in nikesh7te beachwear, DioGO, Bobby 2, Mo, & 2 pens unseen by blind ref .... highlights
the LIVERPOOL lads get through to the YOUTH cup final....
(good for our new Liverpool in 2023) ...best wishes from REbEL MEd1ATEAM at;
+ facebook.com/groups/Union.BrEdS
mancs 2 LIVERPOOL 6 in beachwear
DioGO, Bobby 2 , MO & 2 pens ignored by blind ref taylor
& ,,, "clash of the (absent) titans" (re-loaded)
& protests repeated? ..(Video)
proposals; whilst the 2 CBs v soton had NOT played in the english plastic money league before this season...they both did well, especi ally Nath (again MY MotM ) who has grown up into a reasonably capable CB.... so after JKpre match press the same players available so : would start with virtual 2-5-3; Ali B
Nath & Ozan/Rhys (fitness?)
Trent Gini Robbo
with DioGO, Curtis, Bo60 mins..bby, (Naby?) & Milly available from 60 mins
... with warm greetings during May days & protests for FREEDOM (many unreported) with hope & best wishes
#J4t96_32yrs #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
#LbIRDco-op via REdGEMnet is the ONLY future offering shares to over 30 million SUPPORTERS & fans worldwide.
from 6 years ago rednet-alien2015/05/steven-gerrard-shames-plastic-champions ; 150511
@ """"
All the BULLsh*te came to my head on sunday, whilst watching us against the PLASTIC CHAMPIONS
, who like Cameon and Bush represent all that is BAD about the sheeple
of this planet, the soul sold for commercial gain, ...the US ELESS of
is not enough ,that they pollute the air , water, land , food and
MINDS of the world population wit their selfish & hypocritical "new
world order" they poison the "peoples beautiful game" and OUR CLUB.""""" and
A MERRY CunTZOONamei ; F U B A R continued v USAcorp & faNmily (link)
pre manu v LIVERPOOL ..protests!
after LIVERPOOL 2 soton 0
still not at their best, but credit to the "93" (shirt 46 / 47= CBs ) still tendence for the lads to slow down atatcks, an extra touch , a lucky bobble goes against our TEAM whereas luck went with the energy of our momentum in previous season,
... was miffed when Lfctv interviewed Juergen , who we like, about the last home game, and JK ASKED "how many will be allowed In" __ for the last home game... surely if JK has the relationship we think he has with support he should KNOW!! SUPPORT A BETTER LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL (SUPPORTER SHARED) CLUB BY 2023!
?????????????????????????????????????????? p.s. er do NOT know why redmen tv are u bumming up shitty / chelski ... IF SUPPORT comes back so should OUR TEAM !!
and battle of (absent) titans ...LINK!
(from :no fixed abode F/U HQ) : =
LIVERPOOL 2 (MANe, Thiago) soton 0
MAY day greetings during protests for FREEDOM (unreported) in LIVERPOOL >>> the "spirit" & message of JC ...has to be applied... & .... "what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity"
#censoREDS #LbiRDco-op #REdGEMNET....Y N W A with hope & best wishes
#J4t96_32yrs #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
----" Freedom e Union" ("F.U.").... from 7 years ago
... 14 Years ago . In defiance of the "system" I ("legally") formed a Union to defend the rights of those persecuted by the state
(or others) and to support, Self-development, Eco-logistics & social justice. (an equal chance...& Justice for all)
in accord with the ECHR/UDHR...
After my coma - I woke up the ralisation that we are either L I V E ..or we feed the opposite ; E V I L...
all religions know a part of the truth; that we have freedom and must accept the consequences, however if you choose to stay "inside the box" do not complain about the world as you allow Air, food, water & your minds to be polluted by the evil that manipulates you like sheep or robots.
The (system) "titanic" sunk, so why do u keep trying to get a ticket, after it hit the iceberg..
WE are building LIFE-boats. (is it "we" or just ME?) ..what are YOU doing to improve y-our world, or do you just shout "mayday" ? 😉
pre LIVERPOOL v soton
at an empty Anfield saturday night 8th May 2021
with 2 weeks prep I would propose; virtual 3-4-3;
Nath & Ozan
Trent Gini Robbo (capt) !
OX(or) Curtis
Fen ways mouthpiece ; LFCtv ~ " press box " full of establishment propaganda by the journos .
who, with fascisTORY govt have perpetuated the ~ "money leagues" .... the stadiums need "bubble cleaning" as if the EXPLOITED #paranoiaBUGGERS as if
were carrying the black plague.. the social media blackout also excluded coverage of proper protests in LIVERPOOL and
210506 a great player , dominating Captain, and almost as tough as a "pundit"
210504 Sanida?
this WAS::::::::::
CLASH of the absent TITANS F U B A R world continued linkmancs protest puts to shame the lack of action last week at
Anfield...there are a thousand reasons for protesting about the yan
kers Axis fen way/glazers sharks, the Uk govt, the gates & co exploiters
of the #paranoiaBUGGERS..
you (& at redmen/TAW/SoS) have done virtually NOTHING to
oppose the sale of our soul to the sharks!!..
pre manu V LIVERPOOL
sunday may 2 ..the day after... Social awakening? ;)
As Nath, is probably out (@" fen way curse") & Rhys played at the last game at OT ...I would fill the midfield , play FAB just in front of the 2 CBs (allowing him to join in, when attacking) so its a "virtual 3-5-2 ) 'for me (ChRiS & for REbEL MEd1ATEAM);-
... Ali B
Rhys(Nath) & Ozan
Trent Gini Milly Robbo
Ox (or Curtis)
from one year ago learn the #LbiRDco-op ;
from 3 years ago /2018/04/reds-now-get-stoked-up-do-it-roma.
hiya Mark Sweetlove. best wishes .... but typical TAW (josh?)...ignoring that their FUBAR world is upside down... these are not robots, many long away from their native land, restricted from contact ... with the Fen way sharks causing all sorts of off field distractions... and the 22nd? CB change in 33 games?? i think any fan or "pundit" that expects "normal service" from our team... needs to be TESTED , and I dont mean for the #paranoaiBUG !!! ... "what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity"
#censoREDS #LbiRDco-op #REdGEMNET....Y N W A with hope & best wishes
#J4t96_32yrs #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
ChRiS @ mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059
LIVERPOOL 1 (Mo) v newcastle 1
Anfield (still empty) sat 24th April #21 12.30 h UK
with mild (considering the damage to reputations) protests pre match;
210424 @ "groundhog day game"
starting line up; Ali B, FAB & Ozan, Trent , Gini, Robbo; Thiago, Bobby; MANe, Mo & DioGO;
(on in 2nd half Curtis & Milly )
Mo with 20 +league goals in 3 seasons...!
but,.....Watching this after squandering several chances to add 3 or 4 goals to the early lead taken excellently by Mo, who missed a couple of arguably easier chances later ,as did DioGO & MANe, it worries me when I see Bobby (and not only him) pull out of a a 50/50 /.. the fen way curse was there , and i could have predicted the geordies equalizer ... even at 95th minute (game was 90 +4 on the clock!) because .....we live in a FUBAR world, play ioin an english plastic money league, a VARce ..and still pudits & fans expect "normal service" as the TEAM selected their 20+ different CB unit & something like 30th defensive change...surprised
Mo's expression seems to say "my 27th goal is not enough?~
Geordie delight
MAINscreaMEDIA .sportinglife.com/football/news/liverpool-drift-in-top-four-race/
21o423 ....
Late TEAM news rules out Math, and the curse again affects another CB! ...so we still feel that Robbo & Bobby should come from the bench and start MANE as he scored at least and should build on his confidence , we propose starting Ox, for the first time and vice Capt Milly left sided to fill in for 60 mins ..
so; -
Ali B
FAB Ozan
Trent Gini
Thiago Ox
SUPPORTERS will be protesting saturday morn?

WE PROPOSED the same formation as we did for the away game at leeds .. Team faded in the 2nd half...but leeds can be very difficult to beat, Nath was injured and surely could have defended the corner better for their equalizer?

on the 15th April 1989, we lost 96 of our brothers & sisters, om 15th April 1995 I went in to a coma
and woke up in the night of 21/22 april ....perhaps on this april date the majority of the previously
Fen way cloned fools of the LIVER' community will FINALLY realise that Sharks have been swimming in our 'POOL?
WAKE UP find your BALLS?
"what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity"
#censoREdS #LbiRDco-op #REdGEMNET....Y N W A with hope & best wishes
for all TRUE REbEL REdS!
... updating rednet-alien.blogspot.com
Freedom e UNION NOW = F U N v F U B A R vimeo.com/531156881
#J4t96_32yrs #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
Christopher Richard Smith mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059
wake up... so much naivety, you all sold out to money & media... 30 years ago... when the "premiere league" started... UEFA & FIFA are as corrupt as the big business behind the big clubs...
you were warned all of you!!
time & again... feck USAcorp ; what BS, the USA corp axis of fen way / glaziers always intended to hook into european sport profits, but the english plastic money league ("premiere") already spoiled football itself, hypocrites, THIRTY years ago when dumping the original football league for MONEY & media PROFIT intent,..
we at REdGEMnet #LbiRDco-op warned of this coming ever since the first yan kers infested our club in 2007 ... but too many fans dont care when the team was winning, oh and UEFA is as corrupt as the english FA! ,,,,,,,
. Y N W A with hope & best wishes
#J4t96_32yrs #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
Christopher Richard Smith
if you are told by your state to react to a life threatening emergency, why didnt they declare "state of emergency" ?
...210418 if you can sit in a bIER garden and watch the game togther, why not in a massive stadium? (because u are soft?

leeds 1 v LIVERPOOL 1 (MANe)
first, .... Trent was outstanding v royalist MADrid but BIG shout for NATH "he's BIG , he's REd , his head is made of lead, Nath PHILLIPS" ... who did not look out of place in the european quarter final tie.!!
WE love MANe & Firmino, but feel this #covidiotBUG paranoia has emotionally effected them more than most (being also seperated from their big families) ... and Robbo has also looked a (bit) tired in the last game, had no pause, I would tend to bench them and give them a chance to "freshen" .Milly because its at Leeds and he deserves the game as Capt...
.. so formation our MEd1ATEAM propose;
Ali B
Nath & Ozan Milly
Trent FAB
OX/Curtis? Gini
Mo. DioGO
? signifies "depending on match fitness" Ox & Shaq may have done enough to get a rare start...
after 60 mins Robbo &...MANE
.... Christopher Richard Smith
"there must be a better wor(l)d
there must be a better word
"anniversary" seems unworthy & absurd
the 96 we lost fron that day
cant tell me what I should say
no one else did, after all.
Justice delayed means justice denied
Thatcher is dead, she never cried
I lost my family and all I love
but I move on, dont ask if they are "above"
I live in heaven - a land of wild beauty
spontaneous people, dont worry about "duty"
its a long way from Sheffield or the 'pool
but I dont ever want to be "cool"
I met someone for whom I care
should I persue, should i "Dare"
in this cold world, dont want to be "old"
So deep is my story, that never will be told
ChRiS SMITH 15th April 2014
... Y N W A with hope & best wishes
#J4t96_32yrs #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
catch up with previous SUPPORTERS club log (link)
SCLOG: REdNET update '; its ONLY about the 96. the money clubs league now YOU got the results & society you deserve (chrismithlog.blogspot.com)
and ;/2021/04/support-true-rebel-reds-team-v-royalist.
MY YOUTH was the best ;
" 77 ; STAR WARS arrived in the cinema , "night fever" and disco dancing (yes i can) & LIVERPOOL won the first European CHAMPIONS trophy... to close , with a good night & sweet dream message to anyone who "gets it" tonight. NOT from "night fever" (but of the same era)
... dedicated to OUR TEAM this night ..and all TRUE REbEL REdS, worldwide ... YOU NEVER walk ALONE! and of course in memory of 96 brothers & sisters ..on the 15th April... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrE273GSlNw 210414 ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOfXTYhcu_c Pre LIVERPOOL v royal MAD-rid! .. .. Y N W A with hope & best wishes to all TRUE REbEL REdS! SUPPORTING our TEAM at ANFIELD ...
Yesterday also few of the fickle fan ny groups celebrated the bEST manager the REdS have had of the last 30 years (and they were pre english plastic money league)
from 2 years ago: 2019/03/update-hating-pause-pre-spurs-and.
Happy BIRTHDAY Rafa..
its co-incidental that Rafa has his birthday the next day after the fateful april 15th , his wife as well as Benitez supports many community & charity initiatives in LIVERPOOL as his family still live there..
an empty Anfield ; not many supporters in & around raising the energy? vimeo.com/536662789
SUPPORT OUR TEAM & 96_??????
sick that the "Lfc fan ny channels" (TAW, redmen, daytripppers) failed to do enough to focus on the 32 years of denied justice for the 96! ... (Lfctv went off line, supposedly in "respect" , more likely the lazy so & so's wanted to stay in bed on the 15th April, as usually the programme would be full of features related to the slaughter on 15th april 1989 .... see rednet-alien./2018/04/do-you.
do YOU?
updated i80415
this on my mind and in my heart this morning,.. thanks for your words
... it helps on this day, 15th April 1989 , and 15th April 1995 i also
"died" (coma) so its never going to be forgotten.... for 97 reasons!
150415 YNWA
J4t96 = JUSTICE for the 96 .. Justice for ALL
"26? , no! NOW 29years passed since that day
Cant believe that they did not pay
for the slaughter of 96 brothers & sisters RED!
their spirit ALIVE in me, though their bodies long dead
"Justice delayed is justice denied..
Over & over this I have sighed..
ever day people are abused
by government officiials, like fodder are used"
Everywhere I go see see the same
who are the the ones to blame?
you the people who wont stand up
they arrest us, block us and such"
t extr
So when will you have your day?
when will you stand up and say..
enough of the corruption , enough of the same,
its our world, not yours, its OUR "beautiful game"
CS150415 U
pdated i80415
from one year ago...
rednet.blogspot.com/2020/04/karma-1-our-local-global-c0-0p. !!!!!!!!!
BEFORE they started selling out to sponsors no names should be bigger than LIVERPOOL or our LIVERbiRD
recent extracts from their #gameofTHORNS
#paranoiaBUG #MASKerAIDS..

John Witbeck: It's "tribute" not "aid". Here's why. |
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Kenneth Surin: The breakdown of last week's votes in the UK. |
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Laura Capote & Zoe Alexandra: Colombia's leaders want to stain their country with blood. |
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Robert Hunziker: Poisoning the life on Earth. |
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M.G. Piety: The triumph of irrationality. |
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Dear friends, | I am writing to you from Palestine with a broken heart. Blood is spilling in the streets, olive trees are being torched, and children are being killed. I just watched one of them being brought to the hospital. His name is Hamza Nassar. He was just 11 years old.  For many of us reading, Hamza will become a statistic. A number that passes in the news cycle. But Hamza is not a number, he is someone's son. A brother. A grandchild. A classmate. He was a beautiful dream of a brighter future. And now he is gone, forever. This spiral of oppression and violence must end. The only way to stop Israel forcing Palestinians from their lands, the collective punishment of innocent families, Hamas firing rockets, and Israel bombing Gaza, is to make the economic cost of this conflict too high to bear.This strategy was key to ending Apartheid in South Africa, and it will be key to finally achieving peace in the Middle East. But it won't succeed unless there's a massive global movement behind it -- and that's where every one of our voices counts. When this is huge, we'll take it directly to members of the UN Security Council demanding sanctions on Israel until it puts an end to the military occupation. Add your name now, and let's make sure Hamza's death is not in vain and no more dreams are vanished. |
| Currently, the Israeli government and extremist settlers make BILLIONS of dollars from the oppression of Palestinians. The settlers stealing the homes of Palestinians are often funded and supported by the Israeli government, which allows them to live a subsidized life on land they steal. The Israeli government steals water and other natural resources from the Palestinian territories it occupies, while many Palestinians are forced to become cheap labour. Before selling weapons and surveillance technologies to violent regimes, such as the military in Myanmar and dictatorship in Saudi Arabia, Israel often experiments with them on Palestinian communities. Extremists and corrupt leaders in Palestine also benefit from this rotten status quo, using it as a means to stay in power. Meanwhile, people continue to suffer. To make freedom and peace viable, we need to shift this broken system that makes crimes against humanity a for-profit endeavor.
Israel currently occupies, colonises, bombs, raids, and controls the water, trade and the borders of Palestine -- a legally free nation that has been recognised by the United Nations. In Gaza, Israel has created the largest open-air prison in the world, and then blockaded it. Now as bombs fall, the families have no way to escape.
These are war crimes and we wouldn't accept them anywhere else. The Israeli government, occupying settlers AND extremists and corrupt leaders in Palestine benefit from the status quo, and for too long the international community has ignored Palestinian suffering. To bring peace to the Middle East, that must change. And now is the moment to change it. This must end.
Israel's power and wealth dwarfs that of Palestine, and if it refuses to end its illegal occupation, the world must act to make the cost unbearable. Calling for sanctions on Israel is the most potent non-violent strategy to ensure sustainable peace for Israelis and achieve Palestinian freedom and justice.
Our team has direct contacts with top government officials and members on the UN Security Council -- and they've told us that real change in their approach won't happen without a massive shift in global public pressure. Join now, and share this widely, to stand up for a better future for the region's children, where dreams are no longer shattered. | | Our community has worked to bring peace, hope, and change to some of the world's toughest conflicts, and often that means taking difficult positions to address the root cause. For years our community has looked for a political solution to this nightmare, but with this new round of violence unfolding in Gaza, the time has come to turn to sanctions to finally help end the horror for Israelis and Palestinians.
With hope and determination,
Fadi, Marie, Christoph, Mo, Nax, John, Risalat, and the entire Avaaz team |
| Steve Early: Direct actions lessons from three days in May 1971. |
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Richard Falk & David Krieger: Biden's foreign policy and nuclear weapons. |
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Ralph Nader: Limitless greed. |
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Sonali Kolhatkar: What happened in India? |
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Medea Benjamin & Marcy Winograd: Why we need to unite and fight Biden's military budget. |
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Stan Cox: Tiptoeing across the starting line. |
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Noam Chomsky & Vijay Prashad: Why the U.S. is not really leaving Afghanistan. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: We who are about to get shot, salute you. |
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Alejandra MarÃn Buitrago: Colombia just experienced the most widespread civil unrest of its modern history. |
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Rob Urie: One of the persistent questions from history is how once thriving peoples and nations decline. |
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Eve Ottenberg: So now it’ll be legal in some Neolithic U.S. states to run over leftists with your car. |
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David Macaray: Labor unions and Taft-Hartley. |
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Ramzy Baroud: On the dangerous decision to postpone elections. |
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Steve Martinot: Yes, Chauvin lost. But the murderers won. |
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Binoy Kampmark: Quibbling over cruelties. |
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David Rosen: Inside AT&T's California harvesting scam. |
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David Rovics: Cancel culture is at a crossroads. |
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Karen J. Greenburg: Inside the Guantánamo conundrum. |
| Gruesome factory farms are pumping animals full of powerful antibiotics, creating vicious new superbugs that could kill 10 million people a year by 2050. But if we push McDonald's to slash antibiotics, its sheer size could shift the global industry to more sustainable farming -- and help stop the superbugs. McDonald's is deciding right now... so let's push them to stop the next pandemic and help millions of desperate animals -- sign and share! | |
Dear friends, | Every year 70 billion animals are raised in gruesome factory farms -- pumped with powerful antibiotics to keep them alive and make them grow faster.
It's a horror show for the environment and animal welfare -- but a paradise for pathogens to mutate, multiply and jump to humans. Already 700,000 people die from drug-resistant infections every year, and scientists say it could reach 10 million deaths a year by 2050.
But we can help to change that.
McDonald's is the world's largest beef purchaser -- and it's deciding new antibiotics policies right now. If we push McDonald's to ban them, it could then shift the whole industry towards more sustainable farming.
Let's make it happen! There's almost nothing McDonald's cares about more than its public image -- so if millions of us raise our voices, we could push the meat giant to slash antibiotics and help stop the next superbug pandemic. Sign now and pass this on, fast: |
| Factory farms are all about producing tons of fast, cheap meat -- but it means cattle are raised in toxic conditions, which wouldn't be possible without massive amounts of antibiotics. Already over 70% of the global supply in antibiotics is used on farm animals!
The result is that pathogens can become resistant to treatment, creating vicious superbugs that are immune to even our most powerful antibiotics. Millions could die -- and that's exactly why scientists and public health experts are raising the alarm.
To protect ourselves, we must not only reduce meat consumption, we also have to drastically cut the use of antibiotics on farms. This could also force farmers to raise cattle in better, healthier conditions. McDonald's is considering its antibiotics policy for beef right now, and if millions of us speak up, we could inspire the giant to lead the world.
It's worked before. After massive public demand, McDonald's banned the use of antibiotics for its chickens in 2016, setting off a chain reaction throughout the industry. Now let's do it again! Add your voice and pass this on: | | The Covid pandemic has shown again how interconnected and fragile our societies really are, creating a new appreciation for nature and the ecosystems that support all life on earth. The best time to prevent the next pandemic is right now -- but this is also a golden opportunity to continue our fight to reform food production, animal welfare, and the rights of factory farm workers. For the world we all dream of, let's make it happen!
With fierce hope and endless determination,
Mike, Marie, Anneke, Marta, Spyro, Luis, and the whole team at Avaaz |
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Anna Buss: Bolsonaro attempts to silence indigenous leaders for criticizing its handling of the pandemic. |
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Sam Pizzigati: Bill and Melinda's great burden. |
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Chris Gilbert: The most impressive rebellions that have taken have left political parties behind. |
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Binoy Kampmark: STATCOM's nuclear death wish. |
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M.K. Bhadrakumar: The IP waiver is political theatre. |
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Patrick Cockburn: Toxic populists and demagogues. |
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Dean Baker: The economy is moving, but not quickly. |
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In this newsletter:WHAT WE'RE READING - Time to start fighting the Tories, not the Left – Diane Abbott // An alternative Queen's Speech for a fairer, healthier & greener Britain – John McDonnell // Following Hartlepool, Labour must urgently learn the lessons to avoid further defeat - Ian Lavery // Hartlepool shows Labour needs to build on the coalition of 2017, not canter to the right - UPCOMING ARISE EVENTS - The Cause of Women is the Cause of Labour // Why socialists support the global Palestinian resistance // Socialist Solutions to the Crisis & more.
- SOCIALIST CAMPAIGN GROUP RALLY - Don't miss it, this Wednesday!
WHAT WE'RE READING - EXCLUSIVES VIA OUR MEDIA PARTNER LABOUROUTLOOK.ORG: - Time to start fighting the Tories, not the Left – Diane Abbott. Read here // Share here // Retweet here.
- An alternative Queen's Speech for a fairer, healthier & greener Britain – John McDonnell. Read here.
- Following Hartlepool, Labour must urgently learn the lessons to avoid further defeat - Ian Lavery. Read here.
- Hartlepool shows Labour needs to build on the coalition of 2017, not canter to the right - Sam Browse. Read here.
Stan Cox: Tiptoeing across the starting line.
Stuart A. Newman: Inside CRISPR technology.
Kenneth Surin: It is becoming clear that cracks are starting to appear in Northern Irish Unionism.
Dean Baker: The perfect way to pay for Biden's infrastructure package.
Felice Pace: Klamath River coho salmon are in dire shape.
Jack Rasmus: The first quarter GDP.
Continue Reading
Jeffrey St. Clair: One hundred days of platitudes. |
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Peter Linebaugh: A steel worker and a scholar. |
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Farzana Versey: India critical. |
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Joseph Mangano: Nuclear era over for NYC. |
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Ariel Gold: Extremism is on the rise in Israel. |
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David Yearsley: All dressed up for the Oscars and nowhere to go. |
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Jonah Raskin: The man and the medium. |
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Mark Ashwill: The real war in Vietnam, revisited. |
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John Clamp: American "state building" fails again in Afghanistan. |
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Victor Grossman: The Greens and vaccines. |
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George Wuerthner: The coastal cow problem. |
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Binoy Kampmark: Inside Biden's decision to recognize the Armenian genocide. |
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T.J. Coles: Inside the CIA's plots in the Congo. |
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Linda Pentz Gunter: Peter Maxwell Davies takes on the uranium mine. |
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Kenneth Surin: For the poor, it's even worse than you think. |
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L. Ali Khan: The politics of free speech in Muslim countries. |
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Karl Grossman: The Russia/China space weaponization treaty. |
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Howie Hawkins: Too little too late. |
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Roger Harris: The US role in defeating Ecuador's leftist presidential candidate. |
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T.J. Coles: Inside the CIA's plots in the Congo.
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Melvin Goodman: The politicization of intelligence typically involves pressure from policymakers on the intelligence process. |
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Patrick Cockburn: The Cold War mindset damages human rights. |
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Cesar Chelala: Dare to make peace with Iran. |
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Ariela Ruiz Caro: The main obstacle in the fight against COVID is inequality. |
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Sonali Kolhatkar: Almost everything Biden says about Afghanistan is a lie. |
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Dean Baker: How's that great recovery treating you? |
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Eve of May Day Tribune & Arise RallyTHIS Friday April 30, 6.30pm. Please help us spread the word - retweet new message here // register here Jeremy Corbyn // Marisa Matias, Portuguese Left MEP // Richard Burgon // Daniele Obono, French Left MP // Dave Ward, CWU GS // Sarbjit Johal, South Asia Solidarity Group // Nathália Urban, Brazilian Journalist & BrasilWire contributor // Lara McNeill, Labour NEC youth rep // Siân Errington, Arise & contributor to Futures of Socialism Nadia Jama, NEC // Ronan Burtenshaw, Tribune // Kamel Hawwash, Palestine Solidarity Campaign // Gyekye Tanoh, Hand & Brain Africa Activism Initiative & Third World Network, Ghana // Apsana Begum // Ian Lavery.
OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS STREAMED BY ARISE - A FESTIVAL OF LABOUR'S LEFT IDEAS 1) FORUM: Why socialists support the global Palestinian resistance DATE CORRECTION: Saturday May 22, 1.30pm. Register here // RSVP, Share & Invite here // Retweet here |
Pete Dolack: Another fantastical myth.
Jeffrey St. Clair: Derek Chauvin was the kind of police officer America wanted.
Alfred de Zaya & Richard Falk: The ultimate crime.
Susie Day: She was a brand long before most writers knew they needed one.
Paul Street: Slavery distorts American political life and policy.
Rob Urie: The enemy of the free.
Robert Hunziker: It's safe? Then drink it!
Anna Buss: Why Bolsonaro is bad for the Amazon.
Monday, it starts again. Boots will be dug from under the stairs and
prised onto feet that have moved onto bigger things. One shinpad will be
A five-a-side for ourselves is still some way off, but at least the kids are back in the field.
From the start, it will be all pods and non-contact again. But new GAA president Larry McCarthy stuck the perfect note today in marking an important signpost in what is hopefully a recovery towards normality.
Monday, more clubs get the chance to take the first step into what will
ultimately be a post-Covid world. It is a glorious opportunity to
continue to bring health and happiness and fun back to young people
through our games."
Tomorrow's Examiner Sport carries a special four-page feature with tips
from 17 top coaches on ways to make sure youngsters fall back in love
with the games.
senior coach Colm Nally is among them. Having watched his young lad
take the knee before every game he plays out on the green, he warns it
will take some time for GAA to win back hearts and minds from Match of the Day.
now, teacher, sports scientist and coach Shane Smith offered the words
of advice he tries to apply to coaching, teaching, and parenting: "Remember to catch them doing good".
Onto less wholesome matters, David Shonfield reckons the short-lived Super League may well have been in breach of EU competition law.
While Manchester United fans want the Glazers to loosen their grip on the club.
So what do you reckon should be done with the Big Bad Six of English football?
the rest of the season seems unlikely to match the high drama of the
week gone by, surely the Premier League can't pass up this perfect
opportunity to administer a reducer and liven up the run-in while they
are at it.
the rebels at least 20 points each, throw City into a nip and tuck
title race with Leicester and West Ham, United into a battle for fourth
with Leeds, Everton, Villa and co, and condemn Spurs and Arsenal to a
relegation dogfight with Fulham.
But would you have been ready to turn your back on them all if the Super League had gone ahead?
For this weekend's Big Interview, Maurice Brosnan caught up with former Munster out-half Tyler Bleyendaal, now coaching in Super Rugby with the Hurricanes.
misfortune with injury prevented him from becoming the heir to Ronan
O'Gara he was supposed to, but few will be surprised if the man who
carried a notebook everywhere follows Rog into one of the top head coach
As for Rog, he says smoothing out the T&Cs on that new three-year deal at La Rochelle was an easy decision, since the project is right and the family are happy.
In today's other developments, Peter O'Mahony returns for Munster this weekend, Tipp's Philip Austin has called it a day, while gymnast Emma Slevin followed her history-making efforts of midweek with a top-20 finish European Championships in Switzerland
Finally, a line was eventually drawn
through our Euro2020 hosting hopes this morning, though the FAI
continues to progress our involvement in the World Cup 2030 bid. John
Fallon will have more tomorrow.
And even at a time of unrelenting bad news for the association, Paul Rouse reminds the FAI not to let its centenary year pass without reminding people of its contribution to Irish life.
Thanks for reading,
Larry Ryan,
Assistant Sports Editor,
Irish Examiner.
In this newsletter:
WHAT WE'RE READING - Tory denial
of Institutional Racism flies in the face of evidence // Covid Third
Wave - Boris Johnson is risking unmitigated catastrophe // Full
employment is not a pie in the sky aspiration – Jon Trickett.
- UPCOMING EVENTS - Saturday - Why Socialists Are Anti-Imperialists // Eve of May Day Tribune-Arise rally // Socialist Solutions to the Crisis & more.
Brian Terrell: We must urgently demand a ban on the production, trade and use of weaponized drones.
Steve Early: Why is AFL-CIO so worried about its Vermont affiliate?
David Rosen: The recovery and structural inequality.
Thomas Knapp: Jaw-jaw is better than war-war.
Jonathan Cook: We have made a new religion of science.
Pete Dolack: Another fantastical myth.
Kerry Mitchell Brown: Finding George Floyd’s murderer guilty on all three charges was a significant victory, but we need more.
David Lindorff: The US has no moral standing when criticizing Russia.
Dean Baker: If Biden really wants to close the corporate income tax loopholes.
Thomas Stephens: Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Stan Cox: Earth abuse the next pandemic.
Jeremy Corbyn & global guests join line-up for Socialism, Unity & Internationalism - Eve of May Day Tribune & Arise Online Rally
Friday April 30, 6.30-8.00pm, Register here // Share & invite here // Retweet here
With: Jeremy Corbyn // Richard Burgon // Ian
Lavery // Apsana Begum // Dave Ward, CWU // Lara McNeill, Labour NEC
youth rep // Nadia Jama, NEC // Ronan Burtenshaw, Tribune //
Marisa Matias, Portuguese Left Bloc MEP // Daniele Obono, French Left MP
// Kamel Hawwash, Palestine Solidarity Campaign // Gyekye Tanoh, Third
World Network, Ghana // Sarbjit Johal, South Asia Solidarity Group &
more special international guests tba.
1) FORUM: Why Socialists Are Anti-Imperialists
THIS Saturday April 24, 14:00. Register here // RSVP, Share & Invite here // Retweet here
Paul Street: Why the Chauvin trial is dangerously deceptive.
watch & comment on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/c/AriseFestivalChannel/live
With: Eyewitness speakers from Bolivia including journalist Ollie Vargas
Plus: Jeremy Corbyn MP, Miriam Colque (Bolivian activist in
London), Alex Main (US based Director of International Policy at the
Center for Economic & Policy Research), Claudia Tuberg-Defor
(Wiphalas Across the World.)
Chair: Christine Blower (Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America.)
A special event marking 6 months since the Left's historic election victory & defeat of the coup in Bolivia.
Organised by Friends of Bolivia. Supported by Labour Friends of
Progressive Latin America & a range of solidarity + labour movement
groups. Streamed by Arise.
1) FORUM: Why Socialists Are Anti-Imperialists
Saturday April 24, 14:00. Register here // RSVP, Share & Invite here // Retweet here
With: Andrew Murray, one of the founders of the Stop the War
Coalition & author of "The Fall & Rise of the British Left."
>> At long last Finn Harps have grounds for optimism beyond the pitch
>>: 'Horse of a lifetime' Presenting Percy dies from blood infection
A lost links: The love affair between Nick Faldo and Bartragh Island has fizzled out
>> Tommy Martin: Paul Gascoigne's beauty and bedlam amid the FA Cup's last great hurrah
'This one runs deep': No love lost as Cork City meet Shelbourne
Michael Hudson: China's industrial socialism.
Charles Pierson: Yemen is starving to death.
Jeffrey St. Clair: Invitation to a haunting.
Daniel Beaumont: Their simple determination to win their rights remains their greatest strength.
Paul Street: Simple reform will not change the dynamics.
Eve Ottenberg: The US vs China.
Eve Ottenberg: An interview with author Colin Jerolmack.