REdNeT's Liverpool way (thanks to SHANKS).."the MediA are US"

To obtain at least shared ownership of LFC for Global REdS and to improve the situation of all true REdS worldwide , ecology, logistics and individual improvement link to ;
& Y-our own Media ;

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

no decent left winger since Peter stopped...

sclog ...   no decent left winger since Peter stopped...  

playing outside left for Lfc

(a "left winger" in "old school" football language)

the "alternative" you tube journalist "Jonathan Pie" promoted this reflection...

who & where is the " left " that PIE rants about (i like his stuff...but....) 

ChriSx [

Jonathan Pie thinks he knows who is to blame for the rise of Trump...and you're not going to like it!…

Chris > The problem "Jonathan" 🙂 is that there is no "left" for example "brexit" was campaigned by 2 on the right??? Horrid Boris  and "call me David" ( written 4 months ago! 160710 ,,The Missionary position, cont... "idiocracy" in departments... )              

 in ... uk or USA ,for example ; Hilary is more right than centre whatever she SAYS! Sanders had no chance as the "democrats" would never allow an "alnmost socialist" to campaign against trump, he might win! 😛

same in uk with Corbyn,,, the media/biz people cant allow anyone to "rock their biz-war boat"
President Trump: How & Why...
Pie thinks he knows who is to blame for the rise of Trump...and you're not going to like it! To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, pleas...

THe SHEEPLe, just go with the media,, who spent the last 20+ years telling them that selfish is their right and "greed is good" ...allowing governments everywhere to reduce the (barely applied) equality of life & chance that all human beings should get..

 FOUR examples of media BS today

... critics of "revoltng democrats" on the streets of US of A
... Germans raiding 100s of houses of Is is  "sympathisers"
... C1 a and US army accused of "war crimes" in afghanistan & iraq?
....Russian minister accused of corruption


RT america , who were rightly crtitcal of media bias towards Clintons election campaign  point out how "revolting democrat fans"  are hypocrititical , saying that they would have claimed the elections valid had Hil ARY won it...  ????

instant reaction is getting anyone in the USA out of their cars and walking the streets is a GOOD thing :)

then they report on german police raiding "100s of Islamic st ate sympathizers" homes ////>>>  WITHOUT any critical comment.... ??  
Surely,  there a thin line between sympathizing and actually particpating in Terr orism  ???   if you GO back far enough (the Brits could have said about 200+ years ago that the American revolution was terror ism?  )  just about every group or state has been "in revolt" raid "sympathizers" houses by the german authorities I KNOW to be corrupt and biased is "extreme" itself???

Of all the war crimes committed by US of A agents since WW2 through Vietham, until Afghanistan and Iraq ,  when has the US(eless) Government or its officers and agents EVER made proper compensation or been appropriately punished???

so a Russian minister corrupt, hardly news is it> ??  I would like someone to show me a politician, anywhere who IS NOT corrupt,,,,

 human race?  get an empathy injection...

billions spent on electing (or not) one person
whilst every day an estimated 25,000 kids die from your fauilure to fairly distrubute resources

MORE for enthusiasts ONLY;   dark dog, tale of dark time... continued ,,,
From:     yr notes 4 u!


Marija's  media (music selection) ( here we are)
from me 2 u;probably me
& 4 ME, from me :) house is not a home
HVALA!  for making ME smile, & for sweet cake, your sweet smile. & giving me some time

161110 - no one asked if i need help, hope u ok, shd have new phone number tomorrow

was  attacked this night, injured head, eye and tooth, robbed of e50, phone and gold chain... spent night in hospital, difficult to se e, i wont use car, i stay in bed all weekend..
161105nSAT 20:38

Ok i hope you will be better
See you at monday
  I am sill in bed, there was some curious things about this attack, problem is that u cant call me, please rell Marija not to worry, we met for coffe friday, to talk about Girls league promoting and her "problems"..the car is still in same place wheer u parked..hope u had a good trip, i  wont be on line again until tomorrow as it hurts to concentrate on writing...
This message didn't send. Check your internet connection and click to try again

Empire strikes back  & art of war by  Mo(o(n tea 

I am writing this , well trying, through one eye , as the other has more colours than a rainbow
but nothing so and ble dominate,  (bit like the political scene)

I was attacked fridat night after leaving the Cafe-bar "Berlin" Podgorica... about 01.30


ChriS (with difficulties) 161106 36 hrs after attack..

anti Nato articles on social media
theft (unlikely , never heard of any such attack in 6 years in this Balkans region)
complaint v Lfc, FSCG (Montenegrin Football Assoc / UEFA
Complaints v Germmoney, Uk and (accessory) MNE
V property owner (Ivanovc) others?


a week agao..... sunday 16h 30th Oct.

I was standing with some of the lads waiting for the rest of the "MOnteREDS" team to arrice
and a young American lady dressed in jeans and t shirt with travel bag approached me at the station,
asking about a taxi.

She wanted to go to "Centre ville or centre view hotel, in Podgorica, we didnt know it (new)
but our driver (J) called a taxi for her, as she said she came from Kosovo for NA to conference
quite openly, i advised her;  that some people wont be happy about that , and to be careful to avoid taxi sharks
and to test "Caffe Berlin"  I asked her name (Jessica)  and introduced my self J and Balsa B..

OUR team played the first "Biz liga" game that evening... "away" v "Expo commerce" hard start

I was curious about Jessica and that new hotel, so I found it by "hard rock"  obviously expensive
I left a message for "Na to group - Jessica Allcott - the consierge confirmed her name)  I left a message
inviting her to conract me to check out my favourite cafe  and if she had a free day the beautiful countryside
as i had DRs car whilst he is in Hamburg. I called the hotel desk too,
but didnt get much intelligence so repeated the message on facebook to the hotel.

I had a quiet week, we trained wednesdat, DR went to Hamburg , and to deliver a parcel with evidence
of complaints and coerruption. H-T  Interference of mails etc continued but i dint feel that restricted me.
even though it was annoying not being able to get the weekend fixtures for my boys sorted. until friday.

Friday I also had a meeting for coffee with M, to talk about her "problems" and the Girls league (which is not encouraged here)

I wrote an article on the net about the anti russian paranoia/propaganda  and joked that the C 1 A etc
were panicked by me organising global "REds"  (over 30 million supporters and fans of Lfc on the net)  ......

Sunday and my head is clearing a bit,
and i recall that I was "letting loose"  drinking well, and when I met 2 tall young english in the cafe pub ("Berlin_)
who claimed to be "touring" the region, and drinking shots with them and 3 local girls, they left before me,
and the bill...

they left just before me...(they didnt look like "back packers" and their accents..)

I was concussed and my memory still foggy,, the attack came from no where,
I just remember being on the ground...almost knocked out, trying to protect my face from flying fists and boots,
I blacked out, just remember the ambulance stretcher, throwing up  in hospital, passing out , I think they took photos and
x ray,  my nose fractured (again) my eye badly damaged and swollen  cuts and bruises on my head and some body pain.

I checked out, as I was just left in the ER with others and wanted my own bed...
The Police had waited to interview mw , at about 06h saturday mornong took me to the main police station in Pg.

Drasco N. detective interviewed me , asked  me about identifying the assailant (s)
and then vrought a "suspect"  (apparently caught near the attack scene) and told me teh public prosector would not do anything unless I was 100% sure
then I noticed that my wallet was missing... with ID cards some personal notes and cash. I told the officer thats a huge problem

Then some minutes later a uniformed colleague brought the wallet into the room and gabe it to me, (minus about 50e)
_(where had he found that)

My fairly new leather jacket ruined,  (cut>) arm and side split
cash about e50
and most importantly ; i didnt realise until returning to the apartment (Fc office) to unfress that my "St Christopher"
is missed,, a thin God chain and more importantly it was a sentimental souvenir of my wife (deceased)
who gave it to me when we were married.

ChriS (with diffiulties) 161106 36 hrs after attack..

anti Nato articles on social media
theft (unlikely , never heard of any such attack in 6 years in this Balkans region)
complaint v Lfc, FSCG (Montenegrin Football Assoc / UEFA
Complaints v Germmoney, Uk and (accessory) MNE
V property owner (P. Ivanovic, Namos co.) & others? 

“the art of war, by MO(o)n Tea” ...( with apologies to Sun su!)
Chris_v)the_u_s_of_a·Friday, November 4, 2016
all you need is an “enemy”..

and a few billion “sheeple”
1. keep the sheeple fed, with BS,  biased media and “confort” fast food, fast media and lost of technology and cheap entertainment to fill their minds so they are “too busy” to question..

2, pick on a group,,, easy when it was “the soviets”  because the average person had little personal knowledge...  but when this “collapses” pick on another group...that can be demonised, such as “ISLAM” ...   then you blame everything on that group..which plays exactly into the hands of the minority fundementalists.... who can then recruit young people who have someone in their family or knowledge of a person murdered by “collateral damage” whilst the USA bombs or “dromes” civilian districts , with their ignorant “agencies”  manned by remote kids,, told what to do by masked bosses

3.  Keep making weapons and sell them to anyone, that why war will be certain to continue , no matter who has the miititary ability to kill other humans.

4..  Ignore alternative media and moderates who call for intelligent solutions

5. When this fails,  go back to  original enemy, even if they are now more western than the US citizens , demonize and start all over again...  and shout LOUDLY “the russians ARE coming” 

Lucky Russians, I say!  because those fascists and bigots and their sheeple, need some “loving” :)

======================================                ChriS >  was  attacked this night, ejured head, eye and tooth, robbed of e50, phone and gold chain... spent night in hospital, difficult to se e, i wont use car, i stay in bed all weekend..
SAT 20:38

X> Ok i hope you will be better
See you at monday
 C>  I am sill in bed, there was some curious things about this attack, problem is that u cant call me, please rell Marija not to worry, we met for coffe friday, to talk about Girls league promoting and her "problems"..the car is still in same place wheer u parked..hope u had a good trip, i  wont be on line again until tomorrow as it hurts to concentrate on writing....
This message didn't send. Check your internet connection and click to try again   (censored!)
Whilst "out of Action"  Pedja Ivanovic stole my house and property, changed the locks..etc  ,,,Borko  to get it ??

Christopher< >>>>
Hello Borko, i have a problem wih Pedja Ivanovic , I need you to transport the contents ack from the house in D to Spuz (will store my stuff at san siro stadium ( c/o Dejan Rolovic ) .ok?
B > When? I ask that becouse i am not shure that i can do that tonight. Maybe tomorrow afternoon. Ok?
ok  no not  tonight  tomorrow  Ok!   ..    please call Pedja in  morning as he must be there to let you in house, because I do not have key!///...
B > Ok
i think his number is 063 222 221?
Mon 10:19pm
B > What number Criss?
Tell me your numb
Pedja Ivanovic 063 222 221?   for collection ......and call Dejan Rolovic for Delivery at Spuz san siro stadion ( 317 310)  my phone is not working//..
just please take what u can get in the car personal items in boxes, posters and souvenor things off the wall,  small radiator, kitchen items and sovenir +bow etc , whatever you can, Pedja will have to bring large stuff by his namos van..

Chat Conversation End

 this song a lesson for "modern fee-males"
10 Items or Less - "Al pasar la barca"

Morgan Freeman and Paz Vega singing in 10 Items or Less (2006)

this is your day, and so, I have something to say
(of course) :)
you can do what you want
live it  , its your day
if you really have FRIENDS
keep them that way!

be honest
in all you do
because , in this wonderful universe
it will do the same to you

have fun !  x
ChriS 161109

 Hello Bilja Jokic 

Hello Bilja 
Its been hard to see ya 
no more dinners vino or such
 but those times I appreciated much

 do good for the kids 
carry on what you did 
my big regret we haven't danced,
 that i didnt get in this mad world
 you have a role to play 
and do things for good... and ...have a great BIRTHDAY! 



Greetings , from the AEFAN euro league,,,and,
RedS abroad , supporting

new  "REd" order  v   new w old R der?

* none of (!) :
* *Watching the Hawks


naša nova Crvena poredak stranka    our   party


a move back to Lp????

AFC Liverpool’s Under 17’s team are looking for a new manager for this coming season.
The team had a successful campaign last time out, claiming the treble of the Craven Minor League, the Craven Minor’s Ken & Les Cup and the Adam Bell Trophy.
Anyone wanting to apply for the position or requiring further information should contact Paul Young, either by email at or by phoning = +447557794473.

161113 to ALL members

I decided to ask Dejan to Train you tuesdays, not only because I was absent ("injured")
but because ONE training and 2 games was not working, (in the Biz League)

your condition (considering you are young men at prime physical time) is not good enough
as stated before,  Thursday night is intended to keep your condition and work on team bonding

The social aspects (and  your responsibilities to MonteREDS D.o.o) I propose you do not care much about means that training must be more intense
so that at the weekend you focus on ONE game UNTIL you show that you can cope..

Its significant that you dont use each others names when calling, that must improve...
a team functions best when you are "familar" ..the english word "team- MATES" has meaning,,learn it!

I take care of you, even when I am injured, I do my best to give you an advantage, it is not resiprocated
so I must find other ways ..

since starting this CLUB!  ( thats MY intention even if some of you just use it for selfish reasons)
We have lost l Stefan & Wolfie ("quiT") , Sava (?) Lazar (no respect) and now probably Filip (Injured)
Goran (work) and others didnt bother,,,  the other Goran (Spuz) has difficulties because of location.

I have been LOYAL to you all... is it reciprocated?  sometimes....!  but you are spoilt by a selfish society.
people cheat and tell you its "normal" ,,,,  I dont accept thsi..

WE have several weeks before end of this year,  I plan many things in football and life in 2017
when I was 16, i was working , distant fro home, in London and captained the local senior team,
my "team mates" looked after each other, on and off the field..

I expect MORE than 100%  tomorrow, I dont want any stupid comments here, do your talking in the game,
give the effort and you will enjoy the result,  you are not children , you are young men,
you are forng the character of your future lives in what you do, how you are , and if you
do what you have trained to do, AND what I have explained to you,

to close down opponents
to "press" and steal the ball back from them
to tackle with strength
to find space to receive pass
to pass to other players when obvious
to attack as a unit
to "mark" and defend your goal, thats VITAL!

you will win,... if you do all, then I will ask no more..

I see you at 17.30 at "stadium" Donja G.
ChriS Smith
Monte REDS d.o.o

p.s. parents are excluded from "coaching" but I welcome SUPPORTING!

p.p.s. I would rather tell you this in personal voice, but language does not yet allow..understanding.

no decent left winger since Peter stopped...

sclog ...   no decent left winger since Peter stopped...  

playing outside left for Lfc

(a "left winger" in "old school" football language)

the "alternative" you tube journalist "Jonathan Pie" promoted this reflection...

who & where is the " left " that PIE rants about (i like his stuff...but....) 

ChriSx [

Jonathan Pie thinks he knows who is to blame for the rise of Trump...and you're not going to like it!…

Chris > The problem "Jonathan" 🙂 is that there is no "left" for example "brexit" was campaigned by 2 on the right??? Horrid Boris  and "call me David" ( written 4 months ago! 160710 ,,The Missionary position, cont... "idiocracy" in departments... )              

 in ... uk or USA ,for example ; Hilary is more right than centre whatever she SAYS! Sanders had no chance as the "democrats" would never allow an "alnmost socialist" to campaign against trump, he might win! 😛

same in uk with Corbyn,,, the media/biz people cant allow anyone to "rock their biz-war boat"
President Trump: How & Why...
Pie thinks he knows who is to blame for the rise of Trump...and you're not going to like it! To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, pleas...

THe SHEEPLe, just go with the media,, who spent the last 20+ years telling them that selfish is their right and "greed is good" ...allowing governments everywhere to reduce the (barely applied) equality of life & chance that all human beings should get..

 FOUR examples of media BS today

... critics of "revoltng democrats" on the streets of US of A
... Germans raiding 100s of houses of Is is  "sympathisers"
... C1 a and US army accused of "war crimes" in afghanistan & iraq?
....Russian minister accused of corruption


RT america , who were rightly crtitcal of media bias towards Clintons election campaign  point out how "revolting democrat fans"  are hypocrititical , saying that they would have claimed the elections valid had Hil ARY won it...  ????

instant reaction is getting anyone in the USA out of their cars and walking the streets is a GOOD thing :)

then they report on german police raiding "100s of Islamic st ate sympathizers" homes ////>>>  WITHOUT any critical comment.... ??  
Surely,  there a thin line between sympathizing and actually particpating in Terr orism  ???   if you GO back far enough (the Brits could have said about 200+ years ago that the American revolution was terror ism?  )  just about every group or state has been "in revolt" raid "sympathizers" houses by the german authorities I KNOW to be corrupt and biased is "extreme" itself???

Of all the war crimes committed by US of A agents since WW2 through Vietham, until Afghanistan and Iraq ,  when has the US(eless) Government or its officers and agents EVER made proper compensation or been appropriately punished???

so a Russian minister corrupt, hardly news is it> ??  I would like someone to show me a politician, anywhere who IS NOT corrupt,,,,

 human race?  get an empathy injection...

billions spent on electing (or not) one person
whilst every day an estimated 25,000 kids die from your fauilure to fairly distrubute resources

MORE for enthusiasts ONLY;   dark dog, tale of dark time... continued ,,,
From:     yr notes 4 u!


Marija's  media (music selection) ( here we are)
from me 2 u;probably me
& 4 ME, from me :) house is not a home
HVALA!  for making ME smile, & for sweet cake, your sweet smile. & giving me some time

161110 - no one asked if i need help, hope u ok, shd have new phone number tomorrow

was  attacked this night, injured head, eye and tooth, robbed of e50, phone and gold chain... spent night in hospital, difficult to se e, i wont use car, i stay in bed all weekend..
161105nSAT 20:38

Ok i hope you will be better
See you at monday
  I am sill in bed, there was some curious things about this attack, problem is that u cant call me, please rell Marija not to worry, we met for coffe friday, to talk about Girls league promoting and her "problems"..the car is still in same place wheer u parked..hope u had a good trip, i  wont be on line again until tomorrow as it hurts to concentrate on writing...
This message didn't send. Check your internet connection and click to try again

Empire strikes back  & art of war by  Mo(o(n tea 

I am writing this , well trying, through one eye , as the other has more colours than a rainbow
but nothing so and ble dominate,  (bit like the political scene)

I was attacked fridat night after leaving the Cafe-bar "Berlin" Podgorica... about 01.30


ChriS (with difficulties) 161106 36 hrs after attack..

anti Nato articles on social media
theft (unlikely , never heard of any such attack in 6 years in this Balkans region)
complaint v Lfc, FSCG (Montenegrin Football Assoc / UEFA
Complaints v Germmoney, Uk and (accessory) MNE
V property owner (Ivanovc) others?


a week agao..... sunday 16h 30th Oct.

I was standing with some of the lads waiting for the rest of the "MOnteREDS" team to arrice
and a young American lady dressed in jeans and t shirt with travel bag approached me at the station,
asking about a taxi.

She wanted to go to "Centre ville or centre view hotel, in Podgorica, we didnt know it (new)
but our driver (J) called a taxi for her, as she said she came from Kosovo for NA to conference
quite openly, i advised her;  that some people wont be happy about that , and to be careful to avoid taxi sharks
and to test "Caffe Berlin"  I asked her name (Jessica)  and introduced my self J and Balsa B..

OUR team played the first "Biz liga" game that evening... "away" v "Expo commerce" hard start

I was curious about Jessica and that new hotel, so I found it by "hard rock"  obviously expensive
I left a message for "Na to group - Jessica Allcott - the consierge confirmed her name)  I left a message
inviting her to conract me to check out my favourite cafe  and if she had a free day the beautiful countryside
as i had DRs car whilst he is in Hamburg. I called the hotel desk too,
but didnt get much intelligence so repeated the message on facebook to the hotel.

I had a quiet week, we trained wednesdat, DR went to Hamburg , and to deliver a parcel with evidence
of complaints and coerruption. H-T  Interference of mails etc continued but i dint feel that restricted me.
even though it was annoying not being able to get the weekend fixtures for my boys sorted. until friday.

Friday I also had a meeting for coffee with M, to talk about her "problems" and the Girls league (which is not encouraged here)

I wrote an article on the net about the anti russian paranoia/propaganda  and joked that the C 1 A etc
were panicked by me organising global "REds"  (over 30 million supporters and fans of Lfc on the net)  ......

Sunday and my head is clearing a bit,
and i recall that I was "letting loose"  drinking well, and when I met 2 tall young english in the cafe pub ("Berlin_)
who claimed to be "touring" the region, and drinking shots with them and 3 local girls, they left before me,
and the bill...

they left just before me...(they didnt look like "back packers" and their accents..)

I was concussed and my memory still foggy,, the attack came from no where,
I just remember being on the ground...almost knocked out, trying to protect my face from flying fists and boots,
I blacked out, just remember the ambulance stretcher, throwing up  in hospital, passing out , I think they took photos and
x ray,  my nose fractured (again) my eye badly damaged and swollen  cuts and bruises on my head and some body pain.

I checked out, as I was just left in the ER with others and wanted my own bed...
The Police had waited to interview mw , at about 06h saturday mornong took me to the main police station in Pg.

Drasco N. detective interviewed me , asked  me about identifying the assailant (s)
and then vrought a "suspect"  (apparently caught near the attack scene) and told me teh public prosector would not do anything unless I was 100% sure
then I noticed that my wallet was missing... with ID cards some personal notes and cash. I told the officer thats a huge problem

Then some minutes later a uniformed colleague brought the wallet into the room and gabe it to me, (minus about 50e)
_(where had he found that)

My fairly new leather jacket ruined,  (cut>) arm and side split
cash about e50
and most importantly ; i didnt realise until returning to the apartment (Fc office) to unfress that my "St Christopher"
is missed,, a thin God chain and more importantly it was a sentimental souvenir of my wife (deceased)
who gave it to me when we were married.

ChriS (with diffiulties) 161106 36 hrs after attack..

anti Nato articles on social media
theft (unlikely , never heard of any such attack in 6 years in this Balkans region)
complaint v Lfc, FSCG (Montenegrin Football Assoc / UEFA
Complaints v Germmoney, Uk and (accessory) MNE
V property owner (P. Ivanovic, Namos co.) & others? 

“the art of war, by MO(o)n Tea” ...( with apologies to Sun su!)
Chris_v)the_u_s_of_a·Friday, November 4, 2016
all you need is an “enemy”..

and a few billion “sheeple”
1. keep the sheeple fed, with BS,  biased media and “confort” fast food, fast media and lost of technology and cheap entertainment to fill their minds so they are “too busy” to question..

2, pick on a group,,, easy when it was “the soviets”  because the average person had little personal knowledge...  but when this “collapses” pick on another group...that can be demonised, such as “ISLAM” ...   then you blame everything on that group..which plays exactly into the hands of the minority fundementalists.... who can then recruit young people who have someone in their family or knowledge of a person murdered by “collateral damage” whilst the USA bombs or “dromes” civilian districts , with their ignorant “agencies”  manned by remote kids,, told what to do by masked bosses

3.  Keep making weapons and sell them to anyone, that why war will be certain to continue , no matter who has the miititary ability to kill other humans.

4..  Ignore alternative media and moderates who call for intelligent solutions

5. When this fails,  go back to  original enemy, even if they are now more western than the US citizens , demonize and start all over again...  and shout LOUDLY “the russians ARE coming” 

Lucky Russians, I say!  because those fascists and bigots and their sheeple, need some “loving” :)

======================================                ChriS >  was  attacked this night, ejured head, eye and tooth, robbed of e50, phone and gold chain... spent night in hospital, difficult to se e, i wont use car, i stay in bed all weekend..
SAT 20:38

X> Ok i hope you will be better
See you at monday
 C>  I am sill in bed, there was some curious things about this attack, problem is that u cant call me, please rell Marija not to worry, we met for coffe friday, to talk about Girls league promoting and her "problems"..the car is still in same place wheer u parked..hope u had a good trip, i  wont be on line again until tomorrow as it hurts to concentrate on writing....
This message didn't send. Check your internet connection and click to try again   (censored!)
Whilst "out of Action"  Pedja Ivanovic stole my house and property, changed the locks..etc  ,,,Borko  to get it ??

Christopher< >>>>
Hello Borko, i have a problem wih Pedja Ivanovic , I need you to transport the contents ack from the house in D to Spuz (will store my stuff at san siro stadium ( c/o Dejan Rolovic ) .ok?
B > When? I ask that becouse i am not shure that i can do that tonight. Maybe tomorrow afternoon. Ok?
ok  no not  tonight  tomorrow  Ok!   ..    please call Pedja in  morning as he must be there to let you in house, because I do not have key!///...
B > Ok
i think his number is 063 222 221?
Mon 10:19pm
B > What number Criss?
Tell me your numb
Pedja Ivanovic 063 222 221?   for collection ......and call Dejan Rolovic for Delivery at Spuz san siro stadion ( 317 310)  my phone is not working//..
just please take what u can get in the car personal items in boxes, posters and souvenor things off the wall,  small radiator, kitchen items and sovenir +bow etc , whatever you can, Pedja will have to bring large stuff by his namos van..

Chat Conversation End

 this song a lesson for "modern fee-males"
10 Items or Less - "Al pasar la barca"

Morgan Freeman and Paz Vega singing in 10 Items or Less (2006)

this is your day, and so, I have something to say
(of course) :)
you can do what you want
live it  , its your day
if you really have FRIENDS
keep them that way!

be honest
in all you do
because , in this wonderful universe
it will do the same to you

have fun !  x
ChriS 161109

 Hello Bilja Jokic 

Hello Bilja 
Its been hard to see ya 
no more dinners vino or such
 but those times I appreciated much

 do good for the kids 
carry on what you did 
my big regret we haven't danced,
 that i didnt get in this mad world
 you have a role to play 
and do things for good... and ...have a great BIRTHDAY! 



Greetings , from the AEFAN euro league,,,and,
RedS abroad , supporting

new  "REd" order  v   new w old R der?

* none of (!) :
* *Watching the Hawks


naša nova Crvena poredak stranka    our   party


a move back to Lp????

AFC Liverpool’s Under 17’s team are looking for a new manager for this coming season.
The team had a successful campaign last time out, claiming the treble of the Craven Minor League, the Craven Minor’s Ken & Les Cup and the Adam Bell Trophy.
Anyone wanting to apply for the position or requiring further information should contact Paul Young, either by email at or by phoning = +447557794473.

161113 to ALL members

I decided to ask Dejan to Train you tuesdays, not only because I was absent ("injured")
but because ONE training and 2 games was not working, (in the Biz League)

your condition (considering you are young men at prime physical time) is not good enough
as stated before,  Thursday night is intended to keep your condition and work on team bonding

The social aspects (and  your responsibilities to MonteREDS D.o.o) I propose you do not care much about means that training must be more intense
so that at the weekend you focus on ONE game UNTIL you show that you can cope..

Its significant that you dont use each others names when calling, that must improve...
a team functions best when you are "familar" ..the english word "team- MATES" has meaning,,learn it!

I take care of you, even when I am injured, I do my best to give you an advantage, it is not resiprocated
so I must find other ways ..

since starting this CLUB!  ( thats MY intention even if some of you just use it for selfish reasons)
We have lost l Stefan & Wolfie ("quiT") , Sava (?) Lazar (no respect) and now probably Filip (Injured)
Goran (work) and others didnt bother,,,  the other Goran (Spuz) has difficulties because of location.

I have been LOYAL to you all... is it reciprocated?  sometimes....!  but you are spoilt by a selfish society.
people cheat and tell you its "normal" ,,,,  I dont accept thsi..

WE have several weeks before end of this year,  I plan many things in football and life in 2017
when I was 16, i was working , distant fro home, in London and captained the local senior team,
my "team mates" looked after each other, on and off the field..

I expect MORE than 100%  tomorrow, I dont want any stupid comments here, do your talking in the game,
give the effort and you will enjoy the result,  you are not children , you are young men,
you are forng the character of your future lives in what you do, how you are , and if you
do what you have trained to do, AND what I have explained to you,

to close down opponents
to "press" and steal the ball back from them
to tackle with strength
to find space to receive pass
to pass to other players when obvious
to attack as a unit
to "mark" and defend your goal, thats VITAL!

you will win,... if you do all, then I will ask no more..

I see you at 17.30 at "stadium" Donja G.
ChriS Smith
Monte REDS d.o.o

p.s. parents are excluded from "coaching" but I welcome SUPPORTING!

p.p.s. I would rather tell you this in personal voice, but language does not yet allow..understanding.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Klopp = Dr Evil of Lfc ... and Sabotaging ME

this is almost GUARANTEED to be censored by the fecking SG C1a=                                                                                                              Klopp = Dr Evil of Lfc ...  ????? :)

AS I watched the game v West Brom saturday

...enjoying the discomfort of Pulis, whose tactics have often “Bogeyed” Lfc teams in recent seasons, his teams sent out to bully and bustle and destroy and steal games from the few corners and free kicks their industry rewards...

The Reds team in the first 45 minutes reminded me of some the best “pass & move” teams from the dynasty of Shanks through Bob, Joe, Kenny , and Rafa.. allied with “pressing” opponents into error ...(REdnet) comments at half time

REdNeT @ half time and can it get much better than 2-0 against bogey Pulis team? fluid and beautifully simple , 1 each Mane and Phil , everyone is part of this = 8 attempts and 0 from wa 72 per cent possession.. pressing , pass & move, just like we used to..keep it up!.

but soon after the re-start the foot was coming off the accelerator and I could sense a disaster in the making
at full time (RedNet reaction)  " 

 REdNeT > ......................2nd half made a dramatic win, wasting many chances that Gave wba hope where there previously was none, nervous at the end ... Can a culprit and it seemed the team and fans ran out of energy on 70mins ,we know their tactics, our GK must learn to command 6 yard area,,, 3 points and 2-1 ( instead of 5-0 it should have been) ..please dont sin (!__yes, a deliverae spelling ) "we are gonna win the league" when we could have drawn the Game ...



I had a visitor from russia that night, who was not into football and in between explaining some peculiarities of my location, he had to collect his bag from the car, i refected on how to explain the “problem” without the BS or boriing ANAL ysis, of so many of the journos, football blogs and ex player pundits...

Lfc now reminds me of a spoof james Bond script , if you watch  “austin powers”  (after about 1min of these DR evil clips) 
HOW much I loved those iriginal Bond 007 films, but I always thought to myself, in so many “thrillers” how the villian always gave the “hero” a chance of escape by making a complicated drawn out death threat,,,
and of course , typically, the Hero, struggled but escaped...
WELL I always thought I and my REDS are the HEROES, and the opponents “evil” at least during the 90-120 minutes of league or Cup matches and We “escpaded”
BUT the perverse Dr, KLOPP seems to have perfected Brenda N’s attempts to frustrate me,
SATURDAY WAS SUCH a situation,,, after HAMMERING wba , (isnt that a boxing association, fittingly?) ....

in the first hour of the game , Lfc peppered the wba goal with shots, and missed it completely (hello Emre Can) too often after a brilliant move. And the “SPECTRE” (007 fans will understand) started to appear, its dark soul creeping into that game, wba started to benefit from the ebbing of Lfc palyers energy levels.. more of the ball, more free kicks, then corners with Pulis rule number 1, ...obstruct the goalie...  I wanred before the game that so far neither choice , Mignolet nor Karius assures me anythign like as mcuh as the disposed Pepe Reina, (a Lfc/Fsg mistake to match any of the poor , sometimes bizare, transfer “policy” decisions)
GK may be the one reason Lfc do NOT win the league. Otherwise there is no raeson we shouldnt take the league title , apart from the SPECTRE of Dr (evil) Klopp.....  
editing note,,, if you dont appreciate irony, then you wont appreciate silvery or Goldy (with apologies to Baldrick)


Since I survived a meningitis induced coma , as a young man, I have done my best to challenge society and violations of peoples lives by government offcials, and others, I am no messiah (“ i ‘m a naughty boy “ ) but having been given a 2nd chance of life..I have done my best to make the most of it, one advantage has been to lose fear, and state my truths, to say what I mean  and mean what I say,  whatever the consequences, yes I often stand alone (but still with “hope in my heart” )... the lyrics of YNWA need to be felt not just sung....(too fast)

so it seems after 6 years of SABOTAGE of every aspect and every project or relationship, I now am informed our trainer has been “distracted” 

... I have lodged (“on hold’) this complaint, which is local AND global, because it almost certrainly applies to where you live and the society you allow :  


(at the International court, awaiting application, on my signal)

Open Letter to International court
cc: (see email bc)
ref :  "govt. laws and rules, but no equality of chance or justice in MNE"

Having lodged incidents of HR violations at the ECHR, I have investigated the social and
foootball environment thoroughly after 6 years "research" in the Balkan region.
Report overview;
* the Montenegrin FA (FSCg) is unable or unwilling to punish corrupt or fraudulent individuals.
* "cronyism" and BLATANT bias exists throughout the society at all levels.
* the OSCE employees are incompetent. COMMUNICATIONS are still obstructed!
* officials and officers of all institutions are corrupt or at least apathetic.
* Associates involved in opposition or alternatives are also "profiled"
There is a significant damage to youth opportunities, and repetitive violations of HR!

The details apertaining to the above have been sent to our office for PUBLIC MEDIA release
depending on subsequent events or by the known deadline.
e & o e
Smith C.R.
NGOra action group (Balkans)
F & U Mission

Saturday, July 16, 2016

JOIN YOUR PROTEST - for the KIDS sake! join Alternative European Football Association Network (AeFAN)

the MNE state FA asks each player from 6 years old to 18 to pay 50e just to register ! its a blackmail by monopoly and time for ..PROTEST , and this is a VIOLATION of the council of Europe articles that CRNA GORA is obliged to obey (the AVERAGE income is only 300 euros PER MONTH) that fee is almost a weekly income for their parents! thats like demanding hundreds of pounds from a British unemployed or working class parent to register a child, thats BEFORE any subscriptions , kit or other costs...(excuse is "UEFA rules, ironic as UEFA is as we all  know, a  CORRUPT org,)

Christopher Richard Smith
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
8 July at 19:10

Please ADD your name to this PROTEST.....
WE MUST make it possible for ALL kids (not just rich) to play Football

Open Letter

Predrag Boskovic - Minister of Education (& Sport)

I manage/sponsor a local youth football team.
which has caused me to challenge the "status quo" of sport & society in Montenegro.

Why have the state cut back on sports education and facilties?

Is it because the government have handed the control over to commercial interests?

My team was initiated In the region between Danilovgrad and Podgorica, due to low income families without financial status unable to pay for football club participation.
despite the massive income the state receives from EU grants, UN and now selling out to NATO.
(the irony is incredible considering MNE have no obvious "enemy threat" (so is a decision based on financial benefit?)

In spite of this private initiative, I am struggling to find out how my team may join a youth league.
(information is vague, even amongst local football coaches and ex- national players)
this makes player recruitment and planning almost impossible.

During my time, based in Montenegro, I have encouraged hundreds of visitors, and, for example, visited Skada lake.
I noted each visitor MUST pay e4 per visit, however at NO time have I seen anyone "caring" for the lake or environs.
The exception was when, for the first time, a police boat stopped us to check our visitors had their tickets!!!

Its a similar situation in Durmitor, the only expenditure I have seen was the kiosk built solely for ticket money collection.

So where does all this money go?
Millions of euros, is not on sports facilities that would benefit ordinary children!
The state of football in MNE, who challenged England not so lng ago, is in decline.

The beautiful game, is the easiest in which to engage young people.
The former Yugoslavia had a proud footballing history and culture, which , it seems politicians
and business people are content to let decay and decline.

I will oppose this. For the childrens sake, I will give my energy and abilties for the Good.
In these days of youthful waste, we strive to make a positive step, because society is in danger,
when kids sit in front of video screens, or join street gangs, or take drugs or become criminal,
or worse. You have the choice. to join our initiative, , or feed social decline.

Football is still the best way to keep ordinary kids positively engaged and teaches community skills.
(if the influences are good).

Therefore, my challenge is to you, are you willing to do good for the people, or yourself?

F & U Mission


join us & our protest against local FA , in the Balkans
& at UEFA

Saturday, May 28, 2016

160528 REdNET review; opening the bootroom ; NOT "being Liverpool" (2015/2016)

 CS> anyone who ever (truly) reads these SCLOGs rather than scans for trolling, will know whats coming ... :) 

the root cause IS F S G ... money badly spent, constant change of staff, poor transfer politics ; 


and that when YOU compare JK with Brent says much ; Lfc coach should be compared against Bob , Joe or even Kenny (sacked after finding a winner in his only full season (part 2) the only trophy achieved, in 6 previous seasons, and but for a disallowed goal, might have won 2 cups that year! ; but 8th WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH for the "infestors" )

 (NO one can compare to Shanks, he WAS the "messiah") 

 JK with a strong team will win many more games but will get "caught" by the likes of Huddink, and Emery (Guardiola & shudder...maureen at mancs! will be even easier to hate them , ha ha ) because they will change tactics too for the final last week .(uefa trophy 18may in Basel)

.. as I said before that game was crying out for LUCAS to fill the huge HOLES in the middle...but buying players who dont know Lfc culture wont help

I like JK, he is a good coach, and may be great some day, but Lfc cant afford more "transitional seasons"  its now 6 years since they dumped Rafam who had a 10 year plan..

... the "holy trinity" culture has gone, and JK for all his charisma dont understand in the way Shanks did,

They are messing with his Spirit , moving Shanks Gates , "this is Anfield" sign and,, the Memorial,,,bad Karma!
 .... you just cant tell fans not to come to Basel, and PLEASE dont compare the devil (Fergie) to John Lennon! :)…/jurgen-klopp-deserves-criticism-for…

15/16 Squad ; BOOTROOM comments;

 the GOOD , *TEAM) or the bad ..or ugly?

The Europa Final was as per my pre-match comment,..  a question of which Lfc Team turns up..

well we got both..

In the first half, even though Sevilla started better, before half time the opponents were " lost" the referee saved Sevilla from going in 2 or 3 = 0 down  ..rather than Lfc s  slim 1-0 lead

My biggest worry is that anyone in Football who had watched Lfc knew the team selection..the same as punished VillaReal 3-0 ; 

.....but had been "exposed" (as Klopp virtually admited to the press) JK claimed Lfc , were "ready"  for the final, WRONG. they collapsed, it was a reversal of the "Istanbul miracle" ..
Emery's team stole the game in 20 minutues from H=T . and "Lfc fans" were not strong enough to react, .. neither were the players.

Jk must accept the blame, for 2 main weaknesses , the left side of defence, MoreNO has been faulty defensively before and after Klopp became head coach.. as hazard had, teams running through the centre v Arsenal had also at Anfield earler in the season..

I liked it when Milly was slotted in at LB , instead of Alberto, against the Mancs,..Id have given Skrtel more chances , as he was the ONLY solid defender before JK took over. Despite a constantly changing defence.

Can is a "full throttle" disciple of Jk, and Klopp must be wary of avoiding favourite status for Can as BRent did with Joe "the Hobbit" who has often selected in front of better players, Allen , for me, is a squad player, ideal for "securing " a result..


For me, a key man, is LUCAS, i am convinced that rather had use him as a "utility" Klopp should have given him a role, in key games, especially away, AND in the final, as "protector"...

so, heres my "bitter player review" ,,,with appropriate irony..
No, is a good shot=stopper on his day, but I compare always with Reina; (who was forced out by BR/fsg!) any goalie can and will make errors but must COMMAND the six yard area, if not the pen box, Mig. is a big guy, but still not right coming off his line, I would have given Ward more time, and if JK dont bring back Pepe , who has pin-point distribution, dont complain about goals conceded!

Maybe, Solid , and reliable , as a defender, is more important than spectacular..

YES , usually solid defensively, if he learns to be more decisive in attacking positions, rather than taking a backwards choice, or delaying a ball into the box, could be better, but gives Lfc mostly what you want from a RB.

Maybe , Deserves a new chance, if he gets back his form could be the Rb or LB solution, needs game time,

Maybe, as wing half , is not reliable enough as a defender,  in back 4 , if Lfc play 5-3-2 maybe a place but not guranteed.

Maybe, gets forward well, needs experience; not sure if his defensive abilty is good enough, yet!

Yes, has improved, it seems with JK s backing has found more confidence and stability, arguably first choice CB!


Did well at times, but can be exposed if strikers are allowed to run at him. Has experience, but I cant help than wonder why Lfc didnt do more to Keep Stevie , at same age.

WAs sound earlier in the season, (MotM at Arsenal etc) but got crocked at Watford, during his struggle to get back
into form, fans made Toure and Sakho "cult figures" and biased Journos made him "unpopular"  it seems that he, no surprise, now wants to leave, and thats a shame.

YES....... is stll on his way back ; following 2 serious long term injuries, which also says a lot about his mentality..
IMO I would have him in the team every game, at least in the big ones, and especially away to protect the defence
he can play as holding or from CB position, one of the few players to outshine YAYA at his peak...important.

YES.. Didnt make it back into the UEFA final team, has had injury struggles this last season, at his best is a good
if not exciting midfielder, Had good games, and others where I expected more, I am not convinced he has the ability to be the sort of Capt that leads the Liverpool way.

YES,,JKs "favourite" ?  needs to get "dirty" I dont mean fouling, but looks like hes off to a fashion show after the game,
going forward can impresses, for a big man must get his head in where it hurts, should be winning at corners etc.
still learning, needs to improve defensive positioning.

Yes, highly talented, when on form is a match - winner, went off the boil, still quite young , perhaps the  expectations
put him under too much presuure, his inconsistency is a reflection of the team. Which Phil will turn up?

Yes,  Highly talented, but similar to above, if he was as clinical in front of goal as Studge usually is,
he could be the star of the league, similar situ as Phil..inconsistent..

Maybe...  is Phil version 2.00 .. surprising he didnt get more match time at the end of the season.

Yes,  Sharp midfielder, all round talent, passing, shooting, tackling.. needs more match time..

Yes, although I didnt agree with "new boy" being made stand in capt., but as the season wore on, put in some incredible efforts, in fact I would have slotted him in at Lb again rather than risk MoreNO, team player, who gives his all..

maybe... scored a great goal at W.Brom, but can be awful with passing and final ball/cross.. talented,
but like too many ; inconsistent..

Yes, as with Lovren, has improved with JK, who favours him, and like Milly, puts in a decent shift, has started to shoot more often, and..
when the "pressing game" is possible, he can cause opposing defences problems, showing more  talent on the ball, this season..

Maybe, if Lfc wanted his type of "plan B" why did BR want Andy to go...? diffiult to make a difference with justa few mins left in the game,
hasnt looked the player that Lfc obviously "expected".

Yes, When fit, world class.. should not be allowed to play for england until completing a full season for Lfc!

Yes, a big lad, in the "Stevie mold" could be the answer if he cant transfer his young talent from Red Stars champion team
to the english league...

Not sure, taking other examples, (Lovren etc) very few CBs can come straight into english league football..
or the Lfc team , and immediately perform, I hope fans dont "over expect"

More at
Memories to sooth the soul...

NOT "Being LIVERPOOL" ??? 
 1. ,, 

first time i "bothered" to watch this,,, disregard the BR or JwH & Werner BS,, ,,, 
*they canned Kenny after one full season, for only coming 8th, a cup and narrow (disallowed goal) FA cup final defeat,,, !!
if only Brent was as strong as his words,,! ,,nice bits of Stevie and Lucas/Luis at home... especially shows Lucas coming back after long injury,..he woudl be my current capt...but...
was Andy gven enough chances , inspite of Brents "supporting words"..?

some of the "methods" of BR are sound...but ..
not sure splitting squad with a"world cup" helps... but seeing Carra with yoga was amusing..
a fair exchange , the red sox shirt for a standard out of the shop stevie 8 ha ha !


 watching this I 'm mindful of JK,,,i hope he and the fans dont get carried away, he is also "learning"  and this TV thing probably did BR no favours.. every thought , decision and so on broadcast, Klopp is another "media Man"

 ... one of the reasons I prefer managers like Bob, Joe, Kenny or Rafa, they kept/keep their own council.. no opposing manager was informed.. the only one who was "big enough" to carry himself and the club and the expectation of supporters was Shanks , and even he found a time when it was "enough"  ...

 Klopp seems able to handle the pressure , but , he hasnt seen the dark side of fans and the english media fully yet.. i wish him luck...
..players posing for chevvy... no comment... :)

Daniel Craig, ...  the friendlies in N,America that summer needed 007's shooting ability?


When BR caled Joe (the hobbit) the "WElsh Xavi" it was a big mistake, its bad enough if fans make the early claims or media comoaring nearly always turns bad, and i also accused BR of selecting Allen too many times when off form in front of hendo and Lucas back then,...

features segment of George talking about reaction to Hillsborough..

and.. good to see Danny Agger... although he had injury worries BR pushed him out far too early, when U consider how many games Toure played for Lfc this past season, he must be sick,...great player,,,when fit he and Skrtel were a formidable CB pairing..


the 3 envelopes,,, hmmmm

looking at the team bus, bit of a dark mood, I dont think that is so Good for players....
the work should be left behind on the training ground, so that its "automatic" in their DNA so that they dont think too much... I  felt BR over -complicated a simple game...
(JK may be the reverse!) :)

IMO ... BR shows his naivety by letting them bring cameras into the dressing room, a new cosch and players dont need that.. it creates a "sureal" atmosphere,  u cant have "reality TV" because the mere presence of Tv changes the "reality"... people react differently ..players and BR are not above that!
,,and its bad "karma"....


Nice window into Pepe s family , a definate loss for not only the team (his part in defence and pin-point distribution cant be under-valued ) but his positivity in and around the club, a good man, badly treated,  BR/fsg negociated his removal without discussion after 8 years with Lfc....

Kirby says " we should never drift away from Shanks vision" 

but that the effect of G & H and f s g  (henry) commercialized ; in the top 10 richest clubs in europe.  but so many changes in staff , the removal of the 2 best managers of the last 30 years; Kenny and Rafa ; replaced by media men . BR and a "woy" who will never understand our culture, Klopp is learning but Lfc have had far too many "transitions" in recent years.. the heart is a man having too much surgery...


The game v Citeh, 2-2 and It seems to me that BR is not talking to the team , he is talking to the Tv audience.. 
the transfers ;   Adam , Jay and Andy out
Sahin, Hobbit, Yesil, Assaidi & Borini  IN ... hmmmm ( missed Dempsey)     says so much about recent transfer policies

and Cameron, of all people, telling that Thatchers govt. and her police and media were wrong in 89 means nothing,  there wont be "Justice" because no one will ever  pay the price of losing a child (or 2) ,,but the TRUTH is known.. and thats the achievement of "J4t96" campaign .. 

WE Never walk alone.....

p.s IF JK succeeds in strengthening the heart of Lfc, IMO Henry and f s g have to give him control of players in and out... if they do , Lfc have a chance,, look at Leivester;  its not about money , its about the combined strength and ability of the people in the club,  as Shanks said " forget the Directors, they are only there to sign the cheques" , or in JwHs case sell the club to us

.. yes I can dream too....