On tuesday morning about 09h .. I was attempting to upload this... i
was "ackerede" internet restrictions at Obala Caffe, device identified
as 1.7, 1.8, 1.19, etc...
those of you who are unaware just how much
of your "private communications" are monitored by DIRTY PERVERTS in
"agencies" directly or indirectly employed by your governments or
others./.. who use and store info that could used or abused, twisted to
suit their agenda NEED to WAKE UP...NOW>>> ( oh Hello John
Henry & co...)
I know full well, that many of these go way over your head, or down the drain, in your bin..or somewhere else ..

and have often said that I write these for me, (or perhaps my estannged
children) because of my cynical form of optimism.. .. I believe the
impossible, and doubt if any readers are allowed, due to the madness of
the "human race" to have time to absorb, let alone APPLY, what i
None of my LOgs are purely about one subject,
this LOg is based on football related society, however thisb"beautiful
game" has been such a vital part of my life , and affcetd billions of
people that obviously (?) many aspects of life in general are involved
and compared to..
two "sagas" intensified recently... The "Star
Wars" dynasty (and a tv programme that compared Lucas's productions to
myth and legends...
"Monty" (python) ....which just
happens to be the "nickname" I give to CRNE GORE (recently given the
"latin translation" of Black mountain. ..for international
marketing...)currently known as MONTENEGRO
Add to this, that my once mighty and beloved football club LIVERPOOL have employed .. JURGEN KLOPP....
take his initials.... J K .... and add o & e = J(o)K(e)r?
the TV cameras love showing his comical expressions as Lfc struggle ...
and the y do struggle...not because of Klopp, and when some fan nies
hold up scarves calling him "King of the KOP" ..as a Shankly boy, I
shudder...I am NOT a KLOPPITE... and I try to surpress something just
short of disgust inme, when I see "teutonic" scrawl on banners at the
"Liverpool end" of a stadium... too many of our parents rememebr what
was done to the world by armies and such carrying those letters..
.on their merciless flags.
"Star Wars"
f.s.g. and John Henry and others of his type INFESTED OUR game, OUR
club, OUR life, and the "sponsors" of Lfc, and all the corporates that
make it FAR too expensive for a working class father to support what
was once OUR CLUB, ARE the evil EMPIRE and the "Empire" is the US
driven "New World ORdER" fascism .. and yet when I see this pic , I know
I am not alone and there are still some signs of REBELLION in this
galaxy......in relation to the films, it feels as IF I am situated
somewhere between "the Empire strikes back"
recently the opposition to the blatantly corrupt and biased government
of the last 30 odd years has risen to protest levels , with rioting and
attacks on the police who block off several streets near the maSSia
president..... its clear that the end is nigh when ordinary middle aged
men of this "careless" casual, almost latin "manyana" people, get on my
bus to go to a protest on a saturday evening,..and many thousans are
prepared to stay in the capital city centre all night ...at risk of
injury or arrest,...
Yes, "The Democratic front are
revolting".....and whilst I reach part of my first mission target here,
(to wake people up), my sense of humour takes over,.. I am in "Monty"
mode, and recall scenes from pythons... "Life of Brian" ... (link)
also SEE (CS diary) and TEXT AT
https://www.facebook.com/groups/BlackSheepGRINS/ ...ITS GETTING HEAVY HERE 2 ,,,
pics of "Monty" protests,, (Podgorica)
BE REd , not dead...
When I first played football and supported "the REdS".. ...........
....the Manager, and my "mentor" Bill Shankly instilled a form of
socialism that fits the "code" of the rebellion in Star Wars, and the
"peoples republic" betrayed by socviets and capitalists,... whilst the
chinese enforced a controlled state dictatorship so far from true
socialism. As Shanks put it..." nothing to do with politics, to work
together, and share the rewards" ...thats a GOOD team, and thats a good
COMMUNity... its not a politic,. because politicians...on either side,
ALWAYS take something good and pervert it for selfish reasons...even if
they didnt know it..?
YOU WILL feel GOOD when you give , in a good way....
a cable tv propmotion last night promoted a TV series called "the
walking dead" well.. the absence of enthusiasm amongst "cool people"
makes me think you are all playing this role..?
Bill Shankly, ("Shanks") amongst so many things, created "the Anfield
bootroom" where he and his training staff, and sometimes opposition
managers, would sit and talk about football and life in simple terms..
it was said when Shanks, Matt Busby (then manager of Man Utd) and the
Celtic manager Jock Stein talked about football, a 5 year old could
understand,.. and thats how it should be... people complicate football
and complicate life, ...and now, "fan nies" and "experts" make
themselves seem important duting their complicated ANAL ysis..
/... BOOTROOM OPINION and more...
it takes "courage" to state own opinion these days..
Opinion from Evita Torini (gets "attacked" by fan nies..
Evita Torini > that's not a scoda, sorry and as I am not a fortune
teller Klopp IS not a good mechanic and he will never make RED. that's
my private opinion
Debi Manford >Thank fook it's ur opinion &
no-one elses!!! The mans been in charge for 3 games, is/was one of the
most in demand managers in football but hey Evita knows better!! Please!
Do me a favour!!! Think he'll make more of a red than u ever will! Btw,
is that you on ur cover pic?
Martysa Huntington> The liverpool
players are all overrated by the liverpool fans. In reality, theyre just
below average and cannot penetrate a defensive line. What can Klopp do
about this?
Patti Ormond > Evita have you got another account ?
Martysa sounds a lot like you and she is slagging Liverpool off as well
I'm afraid you and by that I mean the two of you haven't got a clue
about football if you think Klopp is rubbish ....look him up and do your
research ...I won't be commenting on this thread again because you are
really quiet boring in your opinion ...now curb that temper of yours
Evita I've seen the other side of you when it comes to Muslims your a
nasty piece of work arnt you sweety and please don't comment from
another account we all know your fake
ChRiSmith > Evita, u are not alone,
too many fan nies just accept what pundits and media claim...
and dont have their own opinon, Lfc have been mis-managed since a long
time, and the fan base is worse and worse..u are not allowed to stand u
and say anything against "the f s g empire" and they (after G & H)
are the main cause ,,but i blame the fan nies too ...
https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters/ I am not a Kloppite, not did I like Brent for the sa
me reason that henry employed them both,
BR won nothing before Lfc and Klopp has only won the Bundesliga, a 2nd rate league.
. and the yan kers let Rafa go who has won almost everything...!!
yes the "most intelligent supporters in the world " is no longer true!
btw, The bundesliga is still cllased well below the premiere league, La
Liga and Serie A, check YOUR Facts ...and the "spell check" on FB
translated won to "one" he has only won in the bundesliga, .. its a
different problem to win the league in england, spain or italy, (and
dont WE know it.. as 25 painful "almost") ......for Evita, always have
the courage to stand up for your opinions,,,..I dont consider them
"ladies" but you are ... worthy of explanation..
Fan nies : those
who blindly follow the modern commercial Lfc and are cloned f s g to
swallow any propaganda that the yan nkers want to profit from.
kers: the INFESTORs who dont love our club or the game,............
their "game" is to suck as much money out of your pockets as possible,
they NEVER made any net investment themselves, they use OPM ("other
peoples money")
the "ladies" attack you , because they are not "fit
enough" to argue or debate the content , so they attack the messenger,
you, or me.. because of their ignorance.. or simply because some of them
only want to read stuff that they agree with..!..................btw i
have more sympathy for true supporters who cant afford the tickets and 3
sets of kit every season, that "coaches" who get paid a lot of money to
do a job i would do for nought! Klopp must have known what he was
getting at Lfc , or he is even more stupid than the "ladies"... take
care kidder! C
p.s. if i write fan nies in their way, the face book gest apo block me! ha aha...
saturday morning, sunny in Dg, but those "darkness people" still block
the net at "Obala" caffe.. so u idiots punish a small business?
....pathetic little perverts in the "agencies" ... spying on my
in caffe Kordoba, (liked the waiters t-shirt..but
could not use their password!) ..so at "mafffffia cebtral" and "they "
are reading everything..so I read a facebook greeting "good morning
Christopher" as I opened this profile, I would be more impressed if
facebook stopped blocking and censoring the TRUTH about the "new world
order" and your responsibility for it..
if u dont like your life...improve it...be ....
we are building a football and social club for you and the
community..please remember this...IF u are lucky enough to be at the
start..! of anything creative..in this "dead commercial NWO"
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
72 Members