Sunday 25th May
(9th anniversary of the "Miracle of Istnabul")
Minutes from adding the MOST PRESTIGEOUS trophy in global CLUB football, to being impressive (surprise?) "La Liga" champions...
"Atleti" (Atletico Madrid) were foiled first by an "equalizer" by "Royal Madrid" 's Ramos in the 90 + 5th minute, then the 100 million pound Bale saved his own poor performance by snatching a winner in extra time..
the "rich Royals" may have a trophy but it was "Atleti" who won admiration... and global respect with a Team that cost 10per cent of the rich team they opposed (whose hierachy got "funded" to pay record monies for their players whilst millions of spanish are on the poverty line & / or unemployed) is spain a "democracy" or still a fraudulent financial facism, who enables the mercenary club to profit whilst the society crumbles>? ..so yOU blame the sheeple for allowing it??????
I do, just as I blame UEFA and the board of Lfc for allowing Man city to get away with breaking rules this last season, "punshed" by a 60 million euro fine, that wont even make their billionaire owners blink. "Citeh" should be penised by 20 points because only missing out on the profits of european football will "penalties" have any effect..

you know it, they know UEFA know it...but the sheeple allow it... protest FFS!
I watched the game last night and wondered at the ability of Atletis defenders to intercept and inter-pass and especially representing their clubs name, athletic ability to quickly re-gain possesion ... their Team reminded me a bit of Shanks Teams of the 60's & 70's and their "collective effort" and energy... the mistake , as it often has been with our own team this season is to run out of energy (or "confidence") before the game is completed ( away @ Palace etc) however, Atleti'sa coach could show BR a thing or two about how to defend - always required to win a championship
for me ; Atleti are European Champions and LIVERPOOL champions of the "Premiere league"
Alternative ("social-isms") V the system
Just as the global financial system & capitalism is crumbling, we should not worry, as we are not too far away from the days when people will have to be more intelligent and resourceful in creativity & sharing when "money" wont buy YOU LOVE or anything much, lessons can be learnt NOW, that its possible for a TEAM of players (or a community) committed to a common "goal" win against the "rich " royals , the billionaires and those who will have to east their dollars, euros or whatever... the titanic sunk, just wake up and smell the (coffee) fear ...as they go under, believe in yourself, and not the illusion and enjoy y-our "Team" <SMILE>
Alternative ("social-isms") V the system

Liverpool ARE CHAMPIONS.. http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/2014/05/liverpool-are-champions.html