There is STILL a lot of "apathy" in our global support...The tendence to forget the dangersous situation the previous Yankers placed us in, has tended to make some Lfc fans forget and believe all they are told by the Lfc "office" ..I love this club, its been my life..THE ONLY CONSTANT when all those family & friends I loved haver gone...but I also must be careful of "wishful thinking" that all is now "OK"
....About the "Committee"
Supporters' Committee latest
19th Oct 2011 - Latest NewsLfctv. "Anfield will stage the second meeting of the Liverpool Supporters' Committee ahead of the Barclays Premier League clash with Swansea in November - and we want you to make sure your voice is heard.
The Supporters' Committee - formed in the summer of 2011 - met for the first time ahead of the opening game of the season in August and raised a number of issues and discussed a variety of topics with Principal Owner John Henry, Chairman Tom Werner, Managing Director Ian Ayre, Director of Communications Ian Cotton, Head of Ticketing Strategy Phil Dutton and Head of Customer Experience Jean Crisp.
Ahead of the next meeting on November 5, we would now encourage fans who wish to raise an issue to contact their individual representative on the Supporters' Committee. The inaugural meeting, held on August 13, provoked a wide ranging 90-minute discussion and led to a number of actions being taken by senior club staff as part of a drive to improve services for all supporters.
Here is a complete update of progress being made against all issues and questions raised during the first meeting:"
CS> whilst some "minutes" of the meeting between fans & the Lfc board (bored?) were published, the most important and vital aspect (the minutes of the first meeting OF THE COMMITTEE) are SECRET??? why???
Question 1 from Jonathan Hooks representing LFC Official Membership
How does the Club see the role of the Committee going forward and what assurances can we have that these meetings will be productive and result in real change for the benefit of all fans?
Points raised: The Committee was created to represent all the constituent parts of the fan-base. It's about giving the Committee the opportunity to ask questions and for the Club to respond appropriately. The Club wishes to share ideas and receive feedback from a group representing a cross-section of the fan-base, as we want the fans to have a voice within the Club.
Actions agreed: None.
CS> comment; a "voice" without teeth??? the board will follow the interests of the Yankers, not the Supporters. Those who were here last year NEVER at any stage made a proposal to allow supporters to hold shares WHICH is the ONLY SURE way of ensuring the club retains its ethics from the days of Shanks..AND would raise significant revenue to enable to strengthen the squad, faciltiies or ground rebovation/renewal
CS > PROPOSAL; that the board itself issues a "supporters shareholding initiative" to have a target of 50% held by supporters worldwide by the Year 2020 (its a discrace that USA sports stars, with no relation to our club, hold shares and we do not!)
Question 2 from Damien Moore representing International Fans
Do you see certain countries as offering significant opportunity to develop and enhance our fan base, e.g. Canada, United States and China? If so, do you envision organic growth through community involvement, new soccer centers and being a leader of special needs clinics?
Points raised: We haven't ruled anywhere out in terms of our effort, but Asia, and particularly SE Asia, remains a priority. We have seven soccer school franchises, with Northern Ireland being the latest. Our digital media effort is allowing us to reach new markets. Our merchandising team is looking at local delivery, to save items being shipped direct from Liverpool, and taking transactions in local currencies.
Actions agreed: Announce destination for 2012 pre-season tour when known.
Progress against actions: Club will ensure dates are announced once they know
CS>comment ; due to ian Ayres previous CV, Asia is a priority and "Standard chartered blue shirts fiasco" a result ! ?? eastern Europe and particullarly our region (The Balkans) is beign ignored whilst other clubs liek Barca are promoting themselves here! scouting is also essential int this region, considerable young (european) talent
Question 3 from Lewis Cubbin representing the under 18s
Is the Club satisfied with the process of buying tickets (bulk-buying) that those under the membership scheme have to carry out, and will this be reviewed before the next phase?
Points raised: We are satisfied to a point with how the sale went. We review everything and there are a few minor things to change before the next sale in November. We have made changes to the website to make it more robust. We are satisfied with the loyalty-based system giving fans the opportunity to make purchases with 13 games or more. We cannot stagger the sale further as we simply don't have enough tickets, it would result in a closed shop. Better liaison with visiting clubs and non-attending season ticket holders will potentially release more tickets for members.
Actions agreed: Investigate a queuing system; survey members after each sale; consider offering a day dedicated to the sale of adult/child tickets.
Progress against actions: A dedicated day for adult and child tickets has now been agreed. Further details will be posted on our website in due course. The club will also be hoping to implement a survey, assessing the new process.
CS>since the changes to the website I have not had ONE uninterupted viewing and no chance of ticket purchase, and the club "robot" replies to every complaint, as it probably will to these comments/proposals ;)
Question 4 from Tore Hansen representing Official Supporters Clubs
Why do branch members of Official Supporters Clubs need to be members at a cost of £29 - to get tickets through their branch?
Points raised: It is not implemented as a revenue generating exercise, but merely an opportunity to standardise the purchasing of tickets for all and for the Club to engage with and better understand our fans, including those members of official supporters clubs.
Actions agreed: Make the policy clearer to fans.
Progress against actions: Updated FAQ's are now live on the website and a detailed and clearer policy discussed with Supporters Club representative with a view to share with all branches.
CS>Why arent individual international members allowed to purchase tickets?
Question 5 from Robert Humphries representing Season Ticket Holders
Can the Club explain why there is a charge of £23 when paying cash at the ticket office window for a season ticket when there is no charge via the internet?
Points raised: In the past we operated a system where discount was given based on when you renewed not how you renewed, so for example you might have paid £600 before a deadline and £650 afterwards. We have simply replaced this policy with one that gives a discount for online sales instead; this is not only the most efficient method for sales but also brings us into line with other industries that discount online. This is not a booking fee or a charge. This summer with some members unfamiliar with computers, the ticket office has shown flexibility by helping the season ticket holder make the online payment, thereby qualifying for the online discount.
Actions agreed: Review charging structure in light of some fans considering the offline cost as a punitive charge.
Progress against actions: Monthly meetings set up with the Head of Ticketing Strategy to look at a clear process.
Question 6 from Les Wright representing the Away Fans
Can the Club approach the Premier League to investigate pricing structure at away games for supporters of LFC? If officials representing home clubs wish to raise their ticket prices for Category A clubs, then why should the away fans pay the same rate, effectively paying the same price to watch a category B or C game?
Points raised: The current rules allow host clubs to charge travelling fans the equivalent to the highest ticket price on offer, irrespective of where the away fan is seated. Clubs often take advantage of this rule and it needs addressing.
Actions agreed: Raise at the next Premier League meeting.
Progress against actions: To be raised at the next Premier League meeting.
CS>The whole FA, EPL, UEFA, and FIFA ticket pricing needs to be investigated, the continual exploitation of supporters and variation of prices is a SCANDAL and a FRAUD. and requires a BOYCOTT!
Question 7 from Andrew Moran representing General Admission
Can the Club provide an explanation and breakdown of how all seats at Anfield are allocated to the different sections of support - including away fans - and the number of seats that would be unavailable due to fan segregation, and to then provide a full breakdown on a game by game basis, of how seats have been allocated so far for the current season, and then publish and maintain this information on the Club website, to be updated as necessary and when the allocation for future games is arranged?
Points raised: Ticket allocations change on a game-by-game basis. Tickets allocated to sponsors are commercially sensitive information. Any tickets not taken-up always become available for purchase by members. It would be easy to show the allocations prior to the game, but this information is often different once the game has been played and the seating plans are finalised.
Actions agreed: Publish a plan on the website showing the ticket allocation before a game and the final distribution after the game has been played.
Progress against actions: Website to be updated with this information. Click here for a breakdown of the ticket allocation v Wolves (24/09/11).
CS>WHY, is the ticket allocation to sponsors "secret" ??? (if the Board dont want to name names, they could at least state numbers, or are they ashamed?)
Question 8 from Laurence Whitehead representing Corporate Fans
Why have corporate season tickets increased despite there being no European games this coming season and will prices increase excessively next season assuming the team qualifies for European football?
Points raised: Ticket prices are not set dependent on whether the Club will be playing European football or not. Rather, they are based on other factors such as market trends and inflation. Over time it balances out, some years a corporate member may get 30 games (including cup games) other times they may get 21 or 22, they are not charged for the extra games. We are looking at the pricing policies deployed at other Clubs and will learn from their experiences.
Actions agreed: Continually review ticket-pricing structure.
Progress against actions: Corporate representative to meet with corporate sales manager in October 2011.
Question 9 from Nasser Aboobakar representing International Supporters
Can the Club provide additional time for international fans to purchase tickets, as the current timescales are far too short?
Points raised: We work hard to try and accommodate as many requests from travelling fans and understand the commitment required from fans travelling from abroad. We appreciate that the timeframe in which international fans have to commit is very short and we will address this.
Actions agreed: Extend the time from when ticket availability is announced and when international fans need to make their purchases.
Progress against actions: Club went back to member to clarify the information requested. International member requested clarity around the policy. Please see below:
Independent supporters:
If an international supporter wishes to purchase tickets for a match at Anfield, we would recommend that they purchase LFC Official Adult Membership. This type of Membership gives the Member priority ticket access to all Barclays Premier League home games. This season, the tickets went on sale for all matches up till 31/12/2011 in July. Tickets for the second half of the season will be going on sale in November. There is sometimes late availability due to returns. LFC Official Adult Members are able to purchase tickets for as many matches as they wish (one ticket per Member)
Supporters travelling as part of a Supporters Club branch:
Supporters who may wish to travel to Anfield infrequently may prefer to access tickets through their local Supporters Club branch. Our Official Supporters Club branches have access to 2500 tickets per Barclays Premier League home match. Branches request tickets from the Club twice a year - once fixtures have been announced in the summer (for matched up until 31/12/2011) then again in November for tickets from 1/1/2012 for the rest for the season.
A membership card is still required for each person travelling to a match at Anfield in order to gain entry into the Stadium. However supporters who are travelling with a supporters club branch have the option of purchasing LFC International Membership. This Membership is cheaper as it does not have the independent ticketing benefits and can only be used for entry where a supporter has purchased tickets through their supporters club.
CS>It is obvious that this is a "penalty" to discourage individual international member card holders, the time delay is ridiculous and the block purchase also penalises the poorer fans, and, of course, benefits the "richer" fans, "peoples club" ??
Question 10 from Jeanette Dodd representing Disabled Supporters
Are there any plans to address the deficit of wheelchair spaces available at Anfield in order for the Club to meet its access duty in line with the government's minimum standards as described in the Accessible Stadia Guide?
Points raised: The challenge is the physical constraints of the current Stadium, we are aware we have a deficit of the minimum requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). There are no immediate plans to increase the number of disabled places from the current 101 to the minimum required under the Act to 221. However, we are prepared work creatively to address the problem.
Actions agreed: Arrange a meeting with the Committee, DLO and Stadium Manager and work together to identify a workable solution.
Progress against actions: Meeting took place between Jeanette Dodd, DLO, Stadium Manager and Director of Communications. The legislative difficulties in increasing wheelchair bays were explained and the issues with implementing any increase in the current stadium. All agreed that the deficit would be reduced in the event of the club announcing either a new stadium or the refurbishment of the current stadium. The club will endeavour to find a workable solution in the meantime and consult Supporters Committee member and the Liverpool Disabled Supporters Association if it is found that an increase can be made.
Question 11 from Janet Brown representing Family Supporters
How is LFC going to make the club more family friendly?
Points raised: This is an area of focus for us this year, and we do want to explore what can be done within the constraints of the current Stadium and provision of family tickets and provision of family area. We started to trail match day initiatives such as lunch packs, 'my first visit to Anfield' promotion and photo opportunities in front of life-size images of popular players. We are also keen link with Clubs who have made great progress in engaging families, and we do work with industry experts. We have a very active community department who work with families to bring football, education and social initiatives together and there is much more we can do to engage and make the Club more family friendly.
Agreed actions: Work with the Committee member, families and community priorities and act upon new opportunities.
Progress against actions: The Club agreed with Jan Brown to have dedicated Adult/Child sales. As part of the system review we are also looking at how best to process them online. Committee member met with Head of Community department to further understand what is currently in place.
CS>thats nice, but the club needs to be more "supporter friendly" first?
Question 12 from Paul Amann representing LGBT Supporters
What is the club's LGBT/Equality policy for fans employees and players and how is this monitored and what action is taken, if and when necessary?
Points raised: The Club is working on a policy but doesn't have a policy in place at present. Brighton and Manchester City have made progress and could provide useful insights into what can be achieved in this area.
Actions agreed: Meet with the Committee Member, HR and Social Inclusion Officer and identify a practical plan of action. Assess current industry best practice.
Progress against actions: Committee member Paul Amann met with Club representatives and discussed the various ideas. Paul mentioned "Charter for Action" government scheme stamping out LGBT in sport. Suggestion made for educating of our stewards in recognising homophobic chanting. The Club will look to progress further. Club to look into arranging an event for football versus homophobia. Plans in place to assess possibilities of linking with Mersey Marauders FC. Paul Amann agreed to support the Club Equality and Diversity training programme.
Meetings have also taken place with the FA, Brighton and Hove Albion and Manchester City to better understand the work they are doing in this area.
Question 13 from James Benson representing Anfield and Breckfield Supporters, Aaron Cardoso representing UK Supporters and Samantha Armstrong representing Female Fans
What new information can be provided regarding the stadium and what dialogue has been had with the local community regards the changes and regeneration of the area and do you have any timescales regarding the future of Anfield?
Points raised: The status quo is not what anyone would want. Mistakes were made in the past and money was wasted. We are in continuous discussions about refurbishment of Anfield and building a new stadium in Stanley Park. Both options are not without their challenges, risks and complications. One way of making the new stadium a viable option is to secure a naming rights partner. However, what is certain is that there is now a real commitment to do the right thing for the Club, its fans and local residents.
Actions agreed: None.
CS>the naming rights should be a matter for the supporters, and could be funded by the above-mentioned (point 1) supporters shareholding
Question 14 from Stephen Kelly representing the Over 60s
Is there any possibility of parking close to the ground specifically for the over 70s?
Points raised: We have car park facilities in Stanley Park, Anfield Road and St Domingo's. A review of the problem would give a clearer indication of the number of elderly fans affected and we will try to help out.
Actions agreed: Work with the Committee Member to clarify the problem and identify a workable solution.
Progress against actions: Car parking for the over 65's - several spaces have now been allocated in Anfield Road car park on first come first serve ST / Members. A drop off zone seems more difficult to achieve but will still be considered.
Question 15 from Abu Nasir representing the Ethnic Minority Supporters
Will the Club have a policy or strategy for BME (black and minority ethnic) engagement? For example, opportunities to attend matches, recruit players with an Asian heritage, employment within the Club?
Points raised: The Club runs a successful Equality 4 All project and our Social Inclusion Officer works with Kick it out and Show Racism the Red Card. We run soccer camps with different ethnic communities within Liverpool. Player recruitment has always been based on whether the player is good enough and not on his ethnicity. During the pre-season tour to Asia, we used the opportunity to attend local trials and our Academy Head of Player Recruitment is travelling to China shortly to conduct a series of scouting missions.
Actions agreed: None.
CS>a group which is totally ignored is the gypsy/romas!
Author: Paul Eaton
ChriS> I FELT I had to write this and risk abuse etc (which inevitably came) .
….Perhaps its a result of the mess Lfc was in , in recent years, combined with the "sky(tv) washing" of global footy fans, but there is an increasing "nasty" element creeping into the internet forums , everywhere, ...
Those of us who have been though exceptional times, trophies in Leagues, European record champions, cup finals and also the horrible (hopefully rare) defeats..and of course those highs (especially the "away-days") are balanced with tradgedy at Heysel & Hillsborough (& fighting against continued Injustice) ..should know , in our heart and soul what the "Liverpool Way" is, that Shanks installed in our club (there are enough reminders on Lfc . tv or you tube if any one is too young)
The insults have increased, not witty, but blatant disrespectful and often aggressive and downright "nasty" attacks on our own supporters, players, ex-players and even managers who did and do wonders for our club...
the "owners" dont come into it. our "holy trinity" ; players, manager & supporters is once more intact, in force and moving forwards (i believe we should push again for shared ownership, but lets leave that for the sake of this message)
OUR older supporters alsways knew how far to go, yeah we'll rubbish the oppositon, especially the mancs or the cockneys etc..but there IS a limit we shouldnt cross,, and whether we were at Anfield or away, we usually could "police" our own, if someone crossed the line, we would "have a word" ;), because i for one, am part of a big Global RedS family, and i dont want idiots ruining the games , the travel or the "craic" (party) before or after , do you??
in the modern world of "instant" its too easy for ppl to react negatively and nastily..i am not naming names..but i am sure we all heard it at stadiums or saw it in print or on the net..its up to us what sort of Club we want, to be and remain "the true RedS = the special ones" ;) or just be brought down to the level of all the clubs "fans"..
if you care then its up to you...dont blame anyone else, dont point the finger and turn away, they will stop, or be stopped if we act "reasonably" and if ppl get P**ed off with MY "patronising " attitude, then I am quite happy to discuss it with them ;) properly
below is something i sent after a true REd, a girl who gives everything she can to our club was insulted on a forum..(on 2 forums actually)
I am disgusted that i had to send this yesterday to the administrators of a group, their "reaction" to ban the "victim" and myself!!
"complaints have been made to members of your group *red nation) and in response the plaintiffs have been insulted or banned if this continued, the culprits will be named and the group may be closed down..
please ensure you adminstrate your group in a way that does not bring the good name and reputation of Liverpool supporters worldwide into disrepute
on behalf of True Reds, Liverpool supporters
and ChriS SMITH, u.r.s.u.n - Global RedS
Montenegro "
"Blast from the past"
(written almost THREE years ago...)
Since the semi finals of the then European CUP in Milan in '65 when we had our very good chances to be the VERY first British winners of that "Champions cup" denied by corruption. I have felt we are always going to be involved in extreme emotional times both ecstatic & tragic.
and also during the various generations and teams that we have had in the last 50 years we have fought back against adversity and opponents within & without.
Even Shanks (in his book "Shankly by Shankly" ) complains that eventually fighting constantly to get his way too away his energy & whatever his "funny ways" (and if the media today think Rafa is eccentric, they would have wiped out by Shanks exclamations) the man that established us as a global force surely deserved a better treatment by LFC...
Even King Kenny, arguably the best player to ever put on the shirt and certainly the best player-manager in the history of the Football league complained of unwarranted criticism during his time as manager, despite the immense contribution he & his family made to LFC & the community post-Hillsborough.
Souness, arguably one of our best players, whatever your opinion of his mistakes as a manager, had a heart attack, & GH, who prior to Rafa had given us our best success since Kenny, was virtually crucified for his substitutions at Leverkusen after his return from absence caused by his heart attack, when I see the unwarranted attack on Rafa, who has put us in our best position overall since Kenny resigned & certainly capable of bringing us our best chances of a return to Domestic and European glory since Bob & Joe, it quite simply makes me sick!
Some "fans" born of this "fast food" & "instant entertainment" generation could possibly be excused for their lack of patience (after 4 draws, 2 away & 2 Deby games, lets not forget that the mancs LOST both of their derby games last season!) but its surely up to us, who were part of the legend of the standing KOP, on which this forum is based, to make it clear that such pessimism is unwarranted and UNWANTED at LIVERPOOL football club.
The Media has written us off, our captain pilloried by the same & opponents fans ridicicule him, our players scorned by the FA & our supporters tainted by UEFA, the KOPITE mentality I feel is the essence of our "holy trinity" of Supporters, players & manager is to rallly the "troops" around our Liverbird defend ourselves and show WE are deserve to be champion supporters.but, If there are to be inquests, at least have the respect to wait until there is a a "dead body" ...otherwise WE are guilty of football suicide & losing this opportunity...
over to you Rafa...
Paul Eaton 30 January 2009
Rafael Benitez has shrugged off his side's recent indifferent form by insisting they still have a 'fantastic opportunity' to claim this season's title.
Although three successive league draws have seen the Reds relinquish top spot to rivals Manchester United, the manager remains confident his players will soon rediscover the winning habit and keep in the hunt to end their long wait for a league title.
"The players know that, after a lot of years talking about being contenders, this is a fantastic opportunity so they are really together and you can see the mentality of all of them," he said. "The training sessions over the past two weeks have been very good.
"This season, from the beginning we were so good, we were scoring goals and winning games and everyone could see that it was an opportunity for us.
"People were saying, 'Maybe it'll be this year' so we have created a lot of the expectation ourselves. But we are still in this position so everybody knows that we have to do our best.
"Clearly we have to improve in attack. We have plenty of control and plenty of possession, but we have to create chances and take them. This is one area we can clearly improve on and we are trying to improve.
"We are in the best position that the team or club has been in for the last 15 years or something so we have to be positive and think about the positives, concentrate on Chelsea."
From: "chrismith" <>
To: <>
Cc: "FAIR" <>; "media" <>; "ana. M" <>
Subject: "its Liverpool" = I am LIVERPOOL
Date: 13 September 2011 20:01
I couldnt sign up on the website , the campaign registration page isnt working(?)
Having lived abroad instigating numerous international networking projects since leaving GB more than 25 years ago I have always promoted Liverpool; the people, the culture, the music ; the city and Lfc.. I have volunteered in many charities, coached kids "the Liverpool way" had my own version of a show similar to John Peel on a german free radio station, (smile)..constantly promoting "all things LIverpool", I tell everyone I meet that this is the place to be, because of the friendly people, culture , its music and football.(being a supporter of Lfc since the 60's) .

![]() |
OF course I support Kenny 100%.. |
The weekend ended better, we played a very competitive 6-a-side match and the mancs got battered `-6 at old toilet..,.if only we had taken a few of our chances in the games v sunderland, stoke, manure and norwich , WE would be top of the league!!!