April fools (continued)
Via REdGEMnet (ChriS & UNsub c is playing away ; ha ha ha ) as ...
april fools ... continued /// ..a poem for your"time"
so a "poem for your time"
could i make this a rhyme?
the word "hopeless" comesa to mind..
shall i tell U TRUTH, OR should i be "kind">
as u mostly focus on WHITE faces
there is suffering i many places
not only the millions of kids at WAR
that you are told to IGNORE
because hating a Ruskie is on show
some lackies of MED1A only "know"
USAcorp is what I call the current evil
pretending to be "global sheriff" is a weavil
when I was very YOUNG..
"wild west cowboys" were our fun..
in white hats they acted like the "good guy"
but as an adult ..I see what IMAGE can buy...
USAcorp started by murdering the natives
then killed each other, now killl anything that lives
WARbiz. big pharma legal drugs & marketing a flue bug..
They pollute our lands, waters, seas AIR //
and take YOU sheeplefora"mug"..
they turn your kids into more rons...
where are the GOOD daughters & sons????
UNsub / mails / social media blocked
(see ChRiSlive via mewe.com/i/chrissmith & worldwide groups linked via mewe.com/i/crvenadawn ?) dare yo join>???
previous unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/04/chrislive220401-april-fools-is-every-day.html
LOCal : fools of april
In the beautiful peninsula ofLucista ..the FUBAR "game of THORNS" is rampant
the once "swallow Island" is NOW an island of Human Monkeys ; "Mamula" complete with HELI-pad for the rich, who concrete nature... now are constructing a cable from the beautiful WILD beach... RUINING the best part of this BAY which belongs to OUR land...
Scenery & views will be RUINED by the BRUTAL imposition of modern EVIL; ..
ChRiS> this morning, .. I was HIKING through the old path less than a KM from that island , with spectacular VIEWS .. allowed to turn into jungle, I could only get through 75% of it before NATURES JUNGLE BLOCKED THE OLD ROUTE (still on OLD maps) ... WHO is to blame..the locals as well as the SHARKS & jackals who turned the coast into EXPENSIVE cafes, beach bars, restoran & pizzerijas INSTEAD of enhancing the BEAUTY of this land...
Confidential/FYeo CRSFU 220401 Miriste/Xile
to; MSp
Are U now classified for communication with me?
Extreme storms again here, I wont be online for the next days
MSP > 220330
everything is OK.
I m out of MNE, now.
I will back.
See you after April 4th.
___________________log copy; (also sent to your NVO mail)
april FOOLS is every day???
wishing you all in the local & global mental asylum an APRIL fools birthday.. befitting the FUBAR "game of THORNS"
that makes the TV series : "game of thrones" seem like children's entertainment in comparison..
DARE to CARE>>>>>?????????????????????????
Aaron Maté> @aaronjmate
US and NATO allies arm neo-Nazi units in Ukraine as foreign policy elites yearn for Afghan-style insurgency by @RealAlexRubi
via @TheGrayzoneNews ///..." thegrayzone.com: (UScorp) and NATO allies arm neo-Nazi units in Ukraine as foreign policy elites yearn for Afghan-style...Corporate (UScorp) media and foreign policy hardliners want to create a new Afghanistan in the middle of Europe by flooding Ukraine with weapons. The arms industry is very pleased. Following urgent...
8:34 PM · Mar 20, 2022·
UNsub> as USAcorp OIL profits compete with WAR-Biz & big pharma frauds for RECORD money POTS! of evil GREED! as ...
Both Ends of the Earth are Burning: Last week the Arctic was 50 degrees warmer than average and Antarctica 70 degrees warmer than average–.. "you will be sorry!" ....!
... " Micro-plastic particles, from clothing, tires, and cosmetics have been found across the entire planet, from the summit of Mount Everest to the depths of the Pacific Ocean. "
MARCH 28, 2022
Antarctica on Edge
"few weeks ago East Antarctica’s temperatures soared by 50F to 90F above normal. (Ref: Antarctica Crushes Records, March 23, 2022) A couple of weeks later East Antarctica’s Conger Ice Shelf (1,200 sq km) completely collapsed and two additional calving events occurred at other glaciers, all in the same week. in 2007 Richard Alley (Penn State) said it was already melting 100 years ahead of schedule.... about March 15th Conger Ice Shelf, East Antarctica completely collapsed. This collapse followed record temperatures of 40C+ warmer than seasonal norms ..
In February 2019, John Englander, gave his best guesstimate: By mid-century, we could get a couple of feet of sea level rise. with emphasis, he said: “Reduce emissions immediately!” " the past three years makes the annual rate of increase from 1950 to 2000 look like a cakewalk....“We will see more ice shelves break up in the future with climate warming,” King said. things can change quickly… Our carbon emissions will have an impact & Antarctica will come back to bite the rest of the world’s coastlines and it may happen faster than we think,” Ibid.
UNsub> But BOBBY, your USAcorp MEd1A has all the global sheeple looking at "unique WAR in Europe" (UK RAIN) wait until they get their feet wet, before arriving at the beach??? :p ...or hope that Asians & Africans REVOLT against USAcorp; see
Hunger Stalks Central Asia as the Ukraine War Unfolds (BY VIJAY PRASHAD )...
"On March 16, 2022, Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev pointed to the spikes in food prices and currency volatility as some of the worrying economic consequences being faced by the country as a fallout of this conflict.
" food products such as baked goods, cereals, vegetables and dairy—had increased by 10 percent. .. “harsh sanctions” imposed on Russia by the West are already impacting the global economy, ..& Other heads of governments in Central Asia have similarly expressed the need for their governments to enter the food production arena," the enormous vulnerabilities in the global food chain, exacerbated by the privatization of food production.
." The UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s Food Price Index reached “a new all-time high in February.” Ideas of “food security,” , have been around since the first World Food Conference in 1974; at that meeting in Rome, the member states of the UN reflected on the famine situation in Bangladesh and called for measures to ensure international stability of food prices and to make governments responsible for the abolition of hunger in their respective countries......(BIG) that wheat harvests in Kazakhstan decreased by 30 percent due to the (PLAN)demic restrictions. This has had an impact on food prices within Central Asia.
UNsub> watch (original) Films (Omen 1 & 2.the EVIL PLANdremic prophesized?)
"countries like Tajikistan have been encouraged by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to import food and export cotton and aluminum...." Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Agriculture has now urged its farmers to increase production of wheat..(&) to enhance the domestic production of sugar to meet the country’s internal demand ..the poorest households in the Kyrgyz Republic——spent 65 percent of their income on food; the current inflation will be catastrophic for them. .." greater self-sufficiency is important—particularly in food production—" " What the IMF says about liberalization of food chains makes little sense these days. Worries of starvation and bread riots .."wake-up call for countries to focus on finding more sustainable local and regional solutions and to solve problems that have been part of the economic, social, and political fabric of Central Asia for decades. (This article was produced by Globetrotter.)
===================excellent article ; DO you care about DARKER faced KIDS DYING TOO???????
MARCH 29, 2022
What is “Unbelievable” Violence?
" kind of violence I fear perpetuating is one that values some children’s lives, namely those of Ukrainians, at the expense of others, namely the more than 450 million other children around the world who today live in conflict zones deemed to be worth little or no media coverage....."ubiquitous mass media has implored us to react – because the events at hand are beyond tragic: more than one hundred Ukrainian children killed and 1.5 million having fled to other countries. We are shown haunting images: a memorial of empty strollers in Lviv; a Romanian “toy bridge” that connects to the Ukraine.
"the prevalent insinuation that their suffering is uniquely horrific and therefore worthy of unprecedented coverage...!( calling this ) “the worst catastrophe since World War II” is shocking.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
" not to mention the 14,000 killed in eastern Ukraine prior to 2022, following the 2014 Maidan coup that brought NATO aspirants Petro Poroshenko and now Volodymyr Zelensky to power. ..."?? qualifies it as a worse disaster than the millions who died in Vietnam, Rwanda, Iraq, the Republic of Congo, or the many other places of preventable conflicts since World War II? ????????????????
Katharina Ritz, a Red Cross official, reminds us, “I think it’s not about Is it Ukraine or not? Now it’s Ukraine and Yemen and Syria and Iraq and Congo and so on. … the facts: Two million children were killed and an additional four million to five million were seriously injured during the Iran–Iraq conflict. WMDs were even used by then U.S. ally Saddam Hussein to terrorize civilian populations, without any condemnation or crippling sanctions. About the savage eight-year Iran–Iraq conflict, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Secretary of State (goebels2) Kissinger eerily remarked, “I hope they kill each other.”
"While the fear and pain are real, so too is the widespread psychosis that the definition of “real” violence is conditioned by relative proximity. Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere..." absent from the collective conscience of the mainstream, is cultural violence, specifically the use of prominent social norms to justify hegemonic, inequitable, and de-humanizing power relations. Perpetrators of war rationalize their actions through the belief that the “enemy” is morally inferior..."that some children’s lives matter more than others in this world. Who can forget the 500,000 Iraqi children whose deaths were directly owed to sanctions under President Clinton? Who can forget the chilling remark made by then Secretary of State Madeline Albright: “The price was worth it.”...
What is “unbelievable” violence? With the almost half-trillion dollar U.S. defense industry quietly supplying weapons and making huge profits; with shares of U.S. giant Lockheed up by around 16% since the invasion, against a 1% drop in the SP 500; and with UK’s BAE Systems, the largest player in Europe, up 26%, " Or are the pending deaths of children everywhere now acceptable and worth it? (full article; counterpunch.org/2022/03/29/what-is-unbelievable-violence ) Heidi Morrison is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin, & author of Global History of Childhood Reader (Routledge, 2012) and Childhood and Colonial Modernity in Egypt (Palgrave, 2015)...
& BY JEFFREY ;MARCH 27, 2022..."The Price America Paid for Madeleine Albright; The Awful Mortuary of Empire
Albright speaking at a February 1999 press conference, where she threatened the Serbs by announcing that the Clinton administration is adding 51 US warplanes to its attack force in Europe...."
"By end of 1995 alone, UN Food and Agricultural Organization had determined that as many as 576,000 Iraqi children had died as a result of sanctions. The mortality rates were soaring with terrifying speed. The infant mortality rate had gone from 47 percent per 1000 in 1989 to 108 per 1000 in 1996. For kids under five the increase in the rate was even worse, from 56 per 1000 in 1989 to 131 per 1000 in 1996. By 1996 the death count was running at 5,000 children a month... ;
.."tributes to Madeleine Albright, who died this week at 84, are sickening to read. " her obituary should read very simply: Chief architect of a sanction regime that killed 500,000 Iraqi children, whose deaths she said were “worth it.” Ms. Albright’s sanctions on Iraq killed 1 million civilians, half of them children, (USAcorp) still invaded Iraq, toppled their government, occupied their country for the next 17 years and continues to bomb it at will...."
+ Albright may be dead. But her policy of “hands-off” killing through sanctions continues to function as the most lethal weapon in the US arsenal. Look no further than Afghanistan where upwards of 175 newborns are dying every day as a consequence of crippling sanctions. Her lifelong obsession was not the Middle East but Russia. She never stopped pushing for NATO expansion right to Russia’s borders, sparking an antagonism that has only intensified ever since.
UNsub> USAcorp policies! = MURDER..anywhere ; the "american dream - IS OUR GLOBAL NIGHTMARE! ..!!!!!
/...MARCH 28, 2022 Rising Threat of Nuclear War...
BY PATRICK COCKBURN (picAbandoned nuclear weapons depot in Northern Germany.?)
" Kurds were ..truly terrified them was the prospect of Saddam Hussein’s forces using chemical weapons..." had been assured by President Bush and Tony Blair, (B-Liar) along with the rest of the world, that the Iraqi dictator was hiding his weapons of mass destruction (WMD). ... in 1988, Iraqi forces had used mustard gas and nerve agents to kill 5,000 Kurdish civilians in the town of Halabja – were frightened that the calamity would happen again." Much of the population fled .. Iraqi government chemical and biological weapons turned out to be a myth, but the terror they caused was very real.
UNsub> says Biden warns Putin not to use ChemoWAR, but USAcorp/NATO/C1A black ops already have, regularly!!
" Russia has claimed that biological weapons were being developed in Ukrainian laboratories funded by the Pentagon. ..
.Whatever the real threat from chemical weapons, the risk of WMD being used has risen to a level never seen in Europe since 1945. Most ominously, the danger of a nuclear exchange is higher now than it was at the height of the Cold War between the Western powers and the Soviet Union." " emphasis in the US and USSR was on nuclear weapons between 2,000 and 3,000 times more powerful than the bomb which destroyed Hiroshima. This made “mutually assured destruction” an overwhelmingly powerful deterrent against launching a nuclear strike."
"But in recent decades, the emphasis ..has been on the development of smaller nuclear devices with a third or half the power of the Hiroshima bomb. The purpose of this reduction in destructive capacity is to make it feasible to deploy such weapons on a battlefield to destroy a convoy or an enemy stronghold...."Russophobia " is the mood of the day, just as Germanophobia was in 1914. A literary course on Dostoyevsky is dropped in California and Tchaikovsky is purged from a concert programme in Cardiff. .." previous dread of a nuclear Armageddon has largely evaporated. The fact that it never happened has fostered a feeling that it never could have happened – though any realistic risk assessment suggests that the danger today is greater than it ever was in the past....
Time is Ticking: Israel’s Balancing Act in Ukraine is Likely to Backfire
BY RAMZY BAROUD ...Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, began calling their Ukrainian and Russian counterparts. " "However, the headlines quickly moved on, with terms such as ‘Israeli oligarchs’, ‘Jewish oligarchs’, and other combinations of Israel-friendly oligarchs dominating the news. Business interests quickly began replacing the supposed concern over the safety and welfare of ordinary Ukrainians...." Channel 12 reported, on March 10, that many Ukrainian refugees were “stuck at Ben Gurion Airport, facing cold and callous treatment”....
"newcomers to Israel would eventually be incorporated into the country’s illegal settlement enterprises.. from history, " who arrived in their hundreds of thousands in the early 1990s. Not only do many of them now reside in illegal Jewish settlements, but to some extent, they also represent the backbone of some of Israel’s far-right political parties, the likes of Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu...." also a violation of the rights of these vulnerable refugees, who will be expected to live in another war zone in the service of Israel’s Zionist ideology.
"Shamelessly, Israel finds tragedies as political opportunities worth exploiting. the Russia-Ukraine war has also exposed the opportunism of other countries around the world – Israel’s exploitation is doubly shameful as it hopes that war-torn Ukraine would help it sustain its own war waged against the Palestinian people..." Zelensky has taken every opportunity to express his solidarity with Israel in the past," Palestinians were the ones dying in their thousands..."“We must become Icelanders in soccer, Israelis in defending our land, Japanese in technology,” he said...(holocuast ref) "Many others joined in, in Israel and the US, attacking Zelenky’s supposed audacity."
" By allying fully with Ukraine, Israel could find itself at risk of losing Russia’s somewhat tolerant position pertaining to Israel’s ‘security’ in Syria and throughout the Middle East. " .."Though from the onset, Israel attempted to exploit the Russia-Ukraine war to its advantage, future scenarios are quite bleak for Tel Aviv..." ( Ramzy Baroud is a journalist and the Editor of The Palestine Chronicle. website is www.ramzybaroud.net )
-----MARCH 29, 2022 (Biden Gets a Chance to Get the Refugee Issue Right)
BY MELVIN GOODMAN national security columnist for counterpunch.org."
" Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the gold door.” The words of Emma Lazarus on the Statue of Liberty....."
" Only several thousand refugees entered the United States during the four years of the Trump administration, and 6,600 in Biden’s first full year in office..."
UNsub> both TRUMP & Biden are from IMMIGRANT families ??? (
Unfortunately, the Biden administration initially followed Trump’s refugee foot-dragging in terms of vetting, screening, and approving refugees. .." his administration thoroughly bungled the refugee situation on the way out of Afghanistan, "" Obama and Trump administrations never granted half the number of visas sanctioned by the Congress "average wait time for an applicant as of 2019 was at least four years. Tens of thousands of Afghans with links to the United States were left behind, and the vast majority of evacuees to the United States were given only temporary protective status, ...
"At least 1,300 Ukrainians were taken into custody along the border with Mexico between November 1, 2021 and February 28, 2022. "(Poland also permits Western military weaponry to cross its territory for the Ukrainian military despite threats from Putin.) (Germany accepted one million refugees from the Middle East in 2015 during the worst days of the Syrian War.)
"Foreign Minister Yair Lapid stated that Israel had a “moral duty” to take in more refugees,.." Shaked announced that Israel would accept 5,000 non-Jewish refugees on a temporary basis, and would allow the 20,000 Ukrainian non-Jews in the country to stay only until the end of the fighting. Other Israeli hardliners warned that acceptance of refugees would “flood the state of Israel with gentiles.”
"protect his relations with the ultra-Orthodox community, which opposed immigrants from Ethiopia and Sudan in the 19990s .. Netanyahu, denied requests from Ukraine and Estonia to purchase powerful spyware tools—the Pegasus system—in order to hack Russian mobile phones. Israel willingly sold Pegasus to several authoritarian governments (including Hungary, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) that use the spyware as a tool of domestic repression. Following the end of the Vietnam War, the United States resettled more the 130,000 Vietnamese refugees. In 1999, the Clinton administration evacuated more than 20,000 Kosovar refugees out of Macedonia to the United States. " Trump administration placed onerous restrictions on the asylum system and, as a result, there are more than 670,000 cases pending in various immigration courts."
( Jeffrey> + "Detention of immigrants and refugees was once reserved only for those who threatened public safety or posed a flight risk. Now (USAcorp) has the largest immigrant detention gulag in world."
+ ICE is shoveling millions to private companies for detention contracts,
"Unlike the recent evacuation of Afghans, Kosovars were adjudicated as refugees under U.S. law, giving them access to assistance, residence and family reunification. Meanwhile, thousands of Afghans remain warehoused in American-run processing centers in Europe. The Afghans are without status, unable to apply for permanent residence and have no right to reunite with spouses or children. (!) Congress for its part has yet to pass legislation to establish a pathway to permanent residence and family reunification. & I haven’t mentioned the nightmare faced by refugees from Central and South America. " ...."To paraphrase President Barack Obama, “this is not who we are.” Or is it?..."
UNsub: the USAcorp "regime" is built on gemocide & violence ; distrubutes WAR BiZ, bigh pharma (legalized drugs) &
polluTES our LAND, air, WATER, seas, FOOD & minds of your KIDS, WORLDWIDE ..via their FUBAR "game of THORNS" ..
their "american dream " = OUR global NIGHTMARE! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
extra "snips" ;;;
* + 23% of Americans who died in the last five years had a net worth of zero or less....!
* Google worker in California claims the tech giant tried to relocate her to Brazil after she criticized the company’s contract with Israel…..
* Zhang Jun, China, at the UN Security Council session ; “We call on Israel to halt the expansion of settlements, stop the eviction of Palestinians, stop the demolition of Palestinian homes, "Don’t expect Zhang to apply a similar logic to China’s occupation of Tibet.."
* Russia, if you’re listening: after the “de-Nazification” of the Azov battalion, perhaps you could turn your attention to the LA Sheriff’s Department,
* + Average Wall Street bonus:
1985: $13,970
2021: $257,500
Federal minimum wage:
1985: $3.35
2021: $7.25
* 33 years ago this week the Exxon Valdez clipped Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound. The resulting oil spill killed an estimated 250,000 seabirds, 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 250 bald eagles, as many as 22 killer whales, and billions of salmon and herring eggs.
* nearly 20 million people into severe food insecurity (that means HUNGER) in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, while nearly eight million more are expected to go hungry in South Sudan, which is now facing a fifth consecutive year of severe flooding: “Trauma is real and people are suffering in silence.”
UNsub> HATE these modern "word-excuses" "food (in)security" = means they are going hungry or starving ; stop this BS!!!
* people burning or cutting down trees to make charcoal or to open up land for farming, have transformed vast portions of the once lush island of Madagascar into a dust bowl:
* “Since 2000 Canada has had the most expensive and severe floods and droughts in its history, lake water quality has declined, groundwater has become increasingly contaminated”
* Kyushu University estimates that 25.3 million metric tons of plastic waste has entered the Earth’s oceans and nearly two-thirds of that cannot be monitored. More ominously, another 540 million metric tons of plastic waste—nearly 10% of all plastic produced so far—remains trapped on land, much of which will eventually find its way into the seas.
* he still "lives" ? Apparently, even the deepest precincts of Hell have rejected Kissinger...
* In France, half the men who were between the ages of 22 and 30 in 1914 were dead by the war’s end in 1918.
* The first major battle with modern weapons was fought in 1897 at Omdurman where english troops under Lord Kitchener enfiladed Sudanese peasants with Maxim machine guns capable of firing 600 rounds a minute. In a single day, 12,000 Sudanese were killed and 15,000 wounded and maimed for life. ...
_DARE to care insert)
..........piics from desktop
_________________________________________VERy LAST, really! ..Very last-sh words;
april fools ... continued /// ..a poem for your"time"
so a "poem for your time"
could i make this a rhyme?
the word "hopeless" comesa to mind..
shall i tell U TRUTH, OR should i be "kind">
as u mostly focus on WHITE faces
there is suffering i many places
not only the millions of kids at WAR
that you are told to IGNORE
because hating a Ruskie is on show
some lackies of MED1A only "know"
USAcorp is what I call the current evil
pretending to be "global sheriff" is a weavil
when I was very YOUNG..
"wild west cowboys" were our fun..
in white hats they acted like the "good guy"
but as an adult ..I see what IMAGE can buy...
USAcorp started by murdering the natives
then killed each other, now killl anything that lives
WARbiz. big pharma legal drugs & marketing a flue bug..
They pollute our lands, waters, seas AIR //
and take YOU sheeplefora"mug"..
they turn your kids into more rons...
where are the GOOD daughters & sons????
pic resistance
ChRiS> I really am tired of so-called "left ish " writers & their "hearfelt/clever articles" on this Uk RAIN conflict..
..on MARCH 30, 2022 Why Spill Any Blood? BY RON JACOBS ... telling all you (already left?) readers about the futility of war, I think in some ways I GET angrier about the SOFT opponents to their (USAcorp) FUBAR "game of THORNS" than some of the evil perpetrators..why? maybe because instead of writing (mostly PREACHING TO THE CHOIR) YOU SHOULD be fighting, (not with guns) but by physical blockades, demos & strikes ! your USAcorp govt "leaders" & their "international clique" have been DOING this since WW2 (& even before in some ways) ....
a more RON? ; " I ultimately supported the Vietnamese people in their resistance to the bloody US military operation and believed their cause was just. "
UNsub> "what means "ultimately" ? like ultimately you realise USAcorp/NATO are murdering now? ..
", I supported the FMLN in El Salvador and the Sandinista in Nicaragua. Like the Vietnamese freedom fighters, their struggle was a defensive struggle that was a direct response to the murderous nature of the governments they opposed. Naturally, these governments were supported and maintained by Washington. "
UNsub> How :supported: did you go tojail for protesting (and I dont mean the "country club camp u were "detained" in!) or stand alongside the Sandanista REbELS??
" Until 2014, the various governments in Kyiv since the dissolution of the USSR interacted with Russia in a peaceful manner. This was often in spite of an increasing amount of provocation from Washington and ultra-nationalist/fascist forces in Ukraine......most important thing for DC and Wall Street was assimilating Kyiv into the US capitalist sphere. Itâs not like the CIA is known for having moral qualms; it did arm and help train numerous fascist and right wing groups around the world during the Cold War and was instrumental in the creation of Al Queda. .."
UNsub> agreed , OK!
' the Zelenskyy government in Kyiv, having thrown its lot in with the empire across the Atlantic, blindly (or not so blindly?) moved ahead with its war on the separatists, ignoring the Minsk 2 agreements ..Vindman, said ; âOne way or another, this ends in some sort of negotiated solution. The question is, how much blood is spilled?â (3/27/2022).. "
(more RON; ) we should be asking before any war begins, why spill any blood? "
UNsub> errr what? because USAcorp WAr-BIZ is the aim ..and none of your USAcorp sheeple have opposed it fully since ...you murdered the natives hundreds of that continent years ago!.. whilst " hubris and wishful thinking " decribes the CONTENT of paddy Cock- Burn 's article ( MARCH 30, 2022 "Putin Made a Terrible Mistake, and His Concessions on Ukraine are a Sign of His Weakened Position" ...Paddy, when U point the finger at Putin with your blatant anti-ruskie BIAS, (& denial of Zelenskyy sanctioning of a NAzty battalion and the blatant RACISM of USAcorp & others who give UNLIMITED support to WHITE faces far out of balance to the darker Syrian, Afghan & Yemeni victims , U are typical & do not help anything by your prejudice ..go write fot the NYT??
Paddy COCK - burn & his allies out to ABSORB his C-P colleagues ; Americaâs No-Fly Zone (published on same day at PC's error) PAUL EDWARDS; ( counterpunch.org/2022/03/30/americas-no-fly-zone ) tempted to repeat in FULL; I recommend it , ;some WORTHY extracts;
" in the U.S. itself. Our Empire, in mortal fear of exposure, has erected a hermetic, impenetrable "No-Fly Zone" over the grotesque mass of shameless, sickening, infantile bullshit that constitutes its Exceptionalist propaganda ...No independent thought, no factual information, no honest relation of events, and above all, no unbiased, sound analysis of the actual motivation of this âwarâ is allowed or even admitted to exist. The Empireâs fairy stories, absurd and poisonous, are the only stories Americansârendered appallingly stupid and bovine or, at minimum, childishly gullible and amoralâare fed and, predictably, they have wholeheartedly embraced them..."
" when Putinâour eternal Beelzebubâtold the U.S. that the deceitful NATO push to its borders, and its arming Nazi Azov Battalion and Right Sektor attacks on Lugansk and Donetsk was not acceptable, and asked for mutual understanding to provide security guarantees for all parties, he was dissed and insulted by our vacuous imbeciles... He stated.. It would go in on a temporary basis, destroy Azov, Right Sektor, and the Ukrainian Army they controlled, along with their bases and supply dumps. It had no interest in âtakingâ Ukraine .. nor in running their government, if any. Nor would it occupy territory beyond what assured their objectives. Russia, largest nation on earth, has no wish to expand, no imperial ambitions, but it will not permit threats to, or assaults on, its territory without severe consequences to the aggressor. Russia already has a âNo-Fly Zoneâ over Ukraine and will treat defiance of it as an act of war...
... " The American Mental No-Fly Zone must successfully keep our deeply ignorant people from access to dangerous information that would counter the moronic pap they are fed, and encourage rigorous thinking by exposure to realities..."much prefer being told who they have to hate, and how much, to doing an honest inventory on themselves and on their sick, deceitful, malevolent country..." the hooligan Nazi outfits are mostly already dead. Mariupol was their HQ and last stand, where they shot captive Ukrainian civilians to death for trying to evacuate to safety..."
" (USAcorp sheeple) themselves are the true, pathetic victims of the most vicious economic system in the history of the world. It was American Capitalismâs rabid lust for world hegemony and control that set off the Ukraine fiasco... Capitalism âR Us, and our ruling clique will take us to terminal disaster with the full consent of our sad, cognitively conquered people. They are trained to worship a system that vacuums all the good that should be theirs into the offshore accounts of their owners, and to cheer as they are mortally abused by them.....
" The pain and pathos of Ukrainians is no less to be regretted than that of Iraqis, Afghanis, and Yemenis. And no more. Sadly, Americans have been drained of real empathy and schooled to mimic it only when The Empire approves. This excision of that natural human faculty is arguably U.S. Capitalismâs worst crime. ... " (Paul Edwards, Montana)
UNsub> thank you..!? ...have also "supported" several of Paul Street's articles.. and this one ( counterpunch.org/2022/04/01/looking-for-good-guys-on-ukraine ) is a WORTHY read, however, whilst I mostly agree, there are no "whitewashed" players in the current scenario...except to note an advice to NON WHITES, to paint their faces white the nezt time USAcorp decide to invade/bomb/napalm THIER homelamds... I find some "contradiction" when Street insists Putin (I AM NOT A FAN of, BTW) should have been pursuing political and diplomatic channels to address Russiaâs regional security concerns regarding Ukraine...
USAcorp have shown no respect for decades old agreements/promises by Bush & others of USAcorp & their "game of THORNS" clique.. IF you understand "real Slavic culture" you would realise PAUL, that Putins action was inevitable based on the BLATANT pressure of USAcorp/NATO & co... to Diss his "Nazty cleansing" cause, whilst admitting that Zelensky endorsed NAZI PRIDE battalion Azov .. & has installed far-righters in his govt after a C1A backed anti-Russian coup in 2014 is fecking NAive! (and surprising, as the rest of the article is ripe on content & structred well) ...
Street> " Washington has been poking the Russian bear in the eye regarding the especially sensitive case of Ukraine since at least 2014, indifferent to the plight of millions put at risk by such imperial jabbing.."...would never permit Mexico plan to join a Chinese-run military alliance, install Chinese missiles aimed at the U.S. and conduct military exercises with the Peopleâs Liberation Army..."..
UNsub> Paul would defemitely be ready "to throw a Molotov at a Russian tank" however, expects a Slavic president to wait "paddling in the water" until forever for the UN or some other toothless Org to protect his previously ravaged nation from USAcorp/NATO sharks ..
Street> To quote Black Sabbath:
âIn the fields, the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah
Time will tell on their power mindsâŠ
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait till their judgement day comes.â!
UNsub> yes!
Street> ( Lale Arab Jouneghani and Warren Montag; ) " those seeking refuge from the expanding wars in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, ...some of the wealthiest countries in Europe (and the world) declared that taking in several million refugees would prove ruinous to their economies..... thisâŠallowed Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and other Central and Eastern European countries to claim ...they could (also ) not be expected to do so....countries that have together accepted over a million Ukrainian refugees in a ten-day period refused just a few years earlier to allow refugees simply to walk across their territory on the grounds that their passage would involve costs these nations could not bear.
... Lebanon and Jordan have opened their doors to fleeing Iraqis and Syrians & together taken in 4.5 million refugees.ââin 21st Century Europe,â the supposed heart of âcivilization.â Massive tragedy and ruin in Africa or the Middle East fail to shock them but seeing those same things in white Europe freaks them out. "...Another part of the equation has to do with who is doing the victimizing. Russian is an official enemy, but the Palestinians are oppressed by an official US ally, Israel. The same goes, of course, for the people of Yemen, bombed and starved by the arch-reactionary US client state Saudi Arabia..."...then thereâs the millions of listless US âliberals,â including people who claim to back peace and justice but post paeans to the now deceased imperialist mass child-killer Madeline Albright,..
UNsub> for some reason its "the apathetic friend" who impersonates sheeple who sickens the most!!..whilst ....
Brian Garvey> ( Assistant Director of Massachusetts Peace Action )... also posted on "april fools day" ( " the-ukraine-crisis-is-splitting-the-peace-movement-when-its-needed-most ").. " Escalation must be opposed. ..must be solved at the bargaining table, through negotiations. Peace talks ..be encouraged and supported. Violence by either side should not be cheered on or excused, ..Letâs stop calling each other names and assuming the worst of one another. Right now this war is being used as an excuse to continue dividing the world into camps, and to arm each of those camps to the teeth...The peace movement must call for global coexistence, mutual respect, and cooperation to solve common problems. It should lead by example.,,
..blah blah blah...
UNsub> WAR biz is stopked & provoled by "leaders" that your compatriots have voted into power, time after time.. the problem is inm your neighbour's house, start THERE! ,,in your shopping mall ..CONTINUE THERE... voting only fuels the monster, BOYcott, block & strike..
its called INSURRECTION.. " just do it, and stop fecking chatting about it.. "
____________________see comments...
3 pauses IN english plastic Money league games.....
https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40841327.html ..Liverpool midfielder Thiago Alcantara insists the players are in a âone-mission moodâ as they enter a hugely-significant April.
Saturdayâs early kick-off at home to Watford, when they could go top of the Premier League for the first time since September, is a prelude to a Champions League quarter-final with Benfica before they face Manchester City twice in two competitions within the space of a week.
UNsub/REdGEMnet;- Thiago needs to stop talking off the pitch & posing on the pitch, ROLL your fecking sleeves up and make it happen??...
LIVERPOOL what ford?
to edit :
MARCH 30, 2022
Make Peace, Not War, in Ukraine
I prefer his bro in TVs "columbo"
pic ...3evil
UNsub> this idiot FalK questions Ruskie right of self-defence //but I put to YOU sheeple..oops am i falsely relating to someone with integrity/courage?
i was about to say.. if YOU were (however big U may be) found yourself at home surrounded by (nazTY?) thugs , who you know have a reputation for invading any house they want, and decided that @attack is the best form of defence@ would reasonable neighbours blame you??
Falk repeats the fecking obvious regarding USAcorp's WAR machine (N A z T 0) and as their dictatorship of mainSCREAM & @(anti-)social MEd1A
in the proxy war to convince the sheeple that the yankees cavalry is STILL dangerously,ready, to eliminate the (REd?) "indians" their greatest test since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
this writer like most, is clueless about the
Strategic objectives .... activation of the International Criminal Court in pursuit of an indictment of Putin. ..shows a short memory of USAcorp black Ops in Vietnam also 50 years ago, and consistently violating human rights , whilst ignoring the international court claims against the fascist americans..hypocrisy rules the world!, with only China so unwilling to give either Russia assistance or to endorse it.N A zT0 illegitimately used by Washington as a global policy tool to provide a collective cover obscuring the unilateral lawlessness of (USAcorp) policy undertakings that involve uses of military force.
tactics of confrontation and incitement (has Falk not grasped this?) ARE (USAcorp) policy since more than half a century..backed by WARbiz profit & @global dictatorship@ after @the cowboys@ won the war against the enemy (REd indians) USING Islamic factions: did NOT bring a sustained FEAR ..but decided to bring out the "commie threat" again (based on the IGNORANCE of USAcorp sheeple , as Russians are now at least as "capitalist" ..)
-investment in the military (more than a dozen of other major nations COMBINED! shows their INTENT to maintain their arrogant /ignorant self-imposed role of "global sheriff"
i am pleased if appropriately named Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock; claims;an end to the globalization (these criminals hold trillions in assets)buddies of J W***** Henry?// (F s g head shark)/.........companies and governments worldwide MAY NOW reevaluate their dependencies and reanalyze their manufacturing and assembly footprints.
ChRiS> about 2 decades agoi suggested to a leader of the EU commision that the best was if Europe (& other continents) reverted back to state/county and networked whilst providing as much their own needs from local initiatives & cross state networked co-ops!!!!!!!(they laughed at ME!)
George Ochenski (G.O>"globalization is market system in which human and natural resources are exploited by wealthy nations that simply go to places with the fewest human rights and/or environmental regulations to obtain their goods /be it products of brutal sweatshops or oil, gas, and minerals. "
UNsub>Child & virtualslave labour amongst the harsh reality of modern day colonialism "buy low, sell high" is the mantra...of their FUBAR "game of THORNS.." as their "american dream...became OUR GLOBAL nightmare...
hopefully breakdown of global supply chains will lead companies to rely more on domestic supply & especially in lazy populated lands ideal for cultivation such as Montenegro...
"Monsoon" weather (this current phase goes into a 2nd week of rain..reminds that this land has rich soil, and cries out for a "legal eyes" attitude ..however the "Monty mini oligarch sickness" is rampant!!! they just keep filling the land with more CONCRETE!
MARCH 31, 2022
in "modest Proposal for Peace in Ukraine...(attorney KARY LOVE// "a lawyer is always an arsehole" (Le Carre) // "Biden & Putin are both Nuclear Dictators & Unconstitutional under both the US and Russian constitutions as well as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other laws and treaties.//..
ChRiS> as I often told inmates of a german ("remand for investigation" ) detension block// "having your rights is one thing" getting them is another ..Kary is full of nice, pretty wishful thinking... however 2020 proved that 99.99% of the adult population of the globe are cwardly sheeple,who obeyed draconian restrictions without question due to a 0.01% risk of fatality,which i have repeatedly stated not even
in MY "top 10" of risk tohumanity (one being nuclear)
" cite Nuclear Dictator George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq (the 19th anniversary of which was March 19, 2022), an invasion based entirely on lies "
.ICAN Treaty outlawing nuclear weapons by rejecting and repudiating the The stark and final truth: Our war criminals are no better than theirs...
UNsub>true ..but your compatriot voted them in ,time after time.. so you get the society that deserves! disolve your govt ,then talk about "Justice" as almost ALL "leaders" worldwide are GUILTY of murder!
MARCH 31, 2022
NICOLAS J S DAVIES> "USACorp) NATO policy backed a coup and now a proxy war in Ukraine,have used similar forms of force and coercion against many countries. In every case they have been catastrophic for the people directly impacted, whether they achieved their political aims or not."
"Wars and violent regime changes in Kosovo, Iraq, Haiti and Libya have left them mired in endless corruption, poverty and chaos. Failed proxy wars in Somalia, Syria and Yemen have spawned endless war and humanitarian disasters. U.S. sanctions against Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela have impoverished their people but failed to change their governments."
"USAcorp).-backed coups in Chile, Bolivia and Honduras have sooner or later been reversed by grassroots movements to restore democratic, socialist government. The Taliban are governing Afghanistan again after a 20-year war to expel a U.S. and NATO army of occupation, for which the sore losers are now starving millions of Afghans."
" risks and consequences of the U.S. Cold War on Russia are of a different order; ...."2018 U.S. Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) in a war with another nuclear-armed country, "United States would only consider the use of nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners"..."but are not limited to, attacks on the U.S., allies or partner civilian population or infrastructure"//
removes any restriction at all on a U.S. nuclear first strike."
"Russia has explicitly warned us that it will use nuclear weapons if it believes the United States or NATO are threatening the existence of the Russian state. That is a threshold that (USAcorp)/NATO are already flirting with as they look for ways to increase their pressure on Russia over the war in Ukraine."
pic >Dr Strangelove
UNsub>> this "reality show " is like watching a combined feature film of "Dr Srangelove/wag the Dog (as NATO countries, led by USAcorp/UK pm "blowJOB" supplying Ukraine with up to numerous deliveries
of weapons per day,& training (fascist?)
Ukrainian forces ////...
William Arkin("newsweek")claims he was told by
Senior DIA officers "Russia has dropped fewer bombs and missiles on Ukraine in a month than U.S. forces dropped on Iraq in the first day of bombing in 2003, and that they see no evidence of Russia directly targeting civilians CASULTIES,//as they do just as horrifically in every USAcorp WAR!!!!!
"Since the United States and the U.S.S.R. blundered into their nuclear suicide pact in the 1950s, it has come to be known as Mutual Assured Destruction, or MAD. As the Cold War evolved, they cooperated to reduce the risk of mutual assured destruction through arms control treaties, a hotline between Moscow and Washington, and regular contacts between U.S. and Soviet officials." ...United States has now withdrawn FROM!!! and INCREASED military expansion and serial aggression against militarily weaker countries and their peoples..."
"Michael Mandelbaum crowed in 1990, âFor the first time in 40 years, " can conduct military operations in the Middle East without worrying about triggering World War III."\9D Thirty years later, people in that part of the world may be forgiven for thinking that the United States and its allies have in fact unleashed World War III, against them, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Pakistan, Gaza, Libya, Syria, Yemen and across West Africa."
UNsub> the former soviets AT tat SAME time,
had an army of Western economic advisers, shrank its GDP by 65%, reduced male life expectancy from 65 to 58, and empowered a new class of oligarchs to loot its national resources and state-owned enterprises...NOT a fan , BUT...Putin restored the the Russian state and improved "standard of living" by making them "plastioc yanks" ?& when NATO and its Arab allies overthrew the Gaddafi government in Libya and then launched an even bloodier proxy war against Syria, Russia intervened militarily to prevent the overthrow of the Syrian government."
Russia helped ..remove and destroy Syria's chemical weapons stockpiles, open negotiations with Iran C1A
role in the coup in Ukraine in 2014, reintegration of Crimea and support for anti-coup separatists in Donbass put paid to further cooperation between Obama and Putin, plunging U.S.-Russian relations into a downward spiral that has now led us to the brink of nuclear war.
USAcorp roles in resurrecting the Cold War that spawned this crisis, are at the root of this evil... but there seem to be about 300 million of sheeple who keep giving power to WAR biz leaders there, in the UK,france etc..enabling "north atlantic" TO transform itself into an aggressive global military alliance, enforcing imperialism, and a forum for dangerous, self-fulfilling threat analysis, to justify its continued existence, endless expansion & CIVILIAN murder & destruction
on three continents, including Kosovo, Afghanistan and Libya...INSURRECTION is our last chance!
pic yemen kids
CHARLES PIERSON> (another fecking lawyer)reports
that last August, Saudi Arabia and Russia signed a military cooperation deal viewed as an affront to (USAcorp) ..as " Biden on February 4, 2021 promised to end US support for offensive operations in Yemen. Biden has done no such thing"
.. Yemenis call this the Saudi-American war. Far from ending US support for the Saudi-UAE coalition, the US need for cheap oil following ban on imports of Russian crude may give Saudi Arabia an ideal opportunity to pressure Biden to return US military assistance to its previous level.
"Biden has betrayed Yemen.During the 2019 Democratic presidential debate,called Saudi Arabia a pariah state; vowed to make the Saudis pay for the assassination of Khashoggi&to sell no more weapons to the kingdom.Almost 400,000 people have died during the seven-year-long war in Yemen which began with an unprovoked attack in 2015 led by Saudi Arabia
"Obama, took the US into the Yemen war in order to mollify the Arab states who were angry over his nuclear deal with Iran. Obama and Trump provided intelligence sharing, logistics, target spotting, arms sales, replacement spare parts for coalition warplanes, and in-flight refueling" "that without US spare parts the Royal Saudi Air Force would be grounded.////...! "
"In December, Congress approved a $650 million arms sale to Saudi Arabia that Biden had proposed. (after) a $23 billion arms sale to the UAE which had been negotiated by the Trump ///Biden briefly suspended Trump's gargantuan UAE sale before allowing it to go ahead..."USAcorp recently dispatched a squadron of F-22 fighter jets to defend the Emirates//following rocket and drone attacks on the UAE by Houthi rebels in January and February."
* * *
"These days, (environMENTAL "DEMOCRAT") Biden is desperately pleading with Saudis to increase oil production,since Biden banned US imports of Russian oil, coal, and natural gas ... Rising prices may translate to the Democrats losing the Senate and House in the November midterms.///...Saudi Arabia and the UAE are not cooperating..."sticking to the modest production increases allowed under the schedule set by OPEC+, of which Russia is a member."
"Neither Saudi Arabia and the UAE has condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine. And MBS did accept a phone call from Putin on March 3 & discussed the possibility of Saudi Arabia mediating the war in Ukraine...Some commentators have suggested that MBS might be willing to increase oil production if the US ramps up its support for the Saudi war in Yemen..
UNsub> Biden is just a puppet, blackmailed by the sponors wh empower him aswith all USAcorp leaders..WARbiz, big Pharma & oil/polluting corps are his backers too.. he could NOT care less about the Yemenis or any other (NON WHITE) victims of war, famine, pollution orinequality...
"american dream = OUR global NIGHTMARE"
oppose their FUBAR "game of THORNS"..
UNsub> whilst the sheriff & the Uk rain (nazty cowboys" wage against the "ex-REd indians" the Chinese seem to be leading the way in climate/fuel/energy issues.//...and the move from "globalization"
*reduced its infrastructure investments in Africa for the next three years. It also cut its assistance in agriculture, climate, health, peace and security, and trade promotion by 80 percent and in capacity-building by 90 percent.
*At the same time, the Vision 2035 document promised a new green growth model for common eco-development of China and Africa.\9DAt an off-the-record meeting with representatives of African NGOs// entities: the state, multilateral financing institutions, and enterprises.
(before the official launch of the Belt-and-Road Initiative, there was a huge outflow of investment as Chinese firms and contractors were looking everywhere for opportunities to build infrastructure projects)
* (now) ..a bit of a shift away within the Belt-and-Road Initiative away from hard infrastructure and more toward digital connectivity through e-commerce and newer technologies. hydropower has increasingly attracted much of the Chinese energy investments, with solar and wind investments also rising in recent years. âIn official discourse, the Chinese government has been quite positive about low-carbon cooperation,..funding tends to follow local resources: coal in the south, hydropower in the east, and gas in the west, of Africa.
* announcing at the UN General Assembly in November 2021 Xi wanted to promote China as a responsible player in the climate sphere...(against coal investment overseas etc)
New Environmental Guidelines
In January 2022, the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment along with the Ministry of Commerce released new âGuidelines for Ecological Environmental Protection of Foreign Investment Cooperation and Construction Projects./new
legislation could give the Ministry of Environment and Ecology power to regulate and manage Chinese overseas investment as to their climate impact.
*evidence that the Chinese government is shifting away from the mercantilist, profit-driven ideology that has dominated overseas loans...When Chinese firms get involved in social projects, it's usually under the umbrella of corporate social responsibility... Sometimes we'll see a construction company build a school near a project or make a donation or consult with the community. (N.B. In some cases, this is corporate greenwashing...!)
*China has signed and ratified international human rights and environment treaties. Under those treaties, the state has a legal obligation to comply with those international treaties(&)include the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, which requires the Chinese state to protect human rights beyond its borders. (This is a legal instrument that civil society could use)
*Debt; China has provided a lot of loans to Africa, approximately $150 billion. // has also engaged in considerable debt restructuring, including debt service suspensions for 16 African countries With Guinea-Bissau, for instance, China extended $20 billion of loans over a nearly 20-year period for bauxite concessions.
*Supporting Renewables; 80 percent of the solar panels used in projects in Africa are provided by Chinese companies...Another in renewable energy is the Green Panda bond, an instrument introduced in 2016 by the BRICS bank. (John Feffer snipped) is the director of Foreign Policy In Focus,
IF u want an "education" on USAcorp telecoms (nothing mentioned about net dictatorship, nor social media manipulations by USAcorp agencies who dominate your global comms too.. see MARCH 30, 2022
AT&T Fumbles: the Tyranny of Big Telecom//
& MARCH 31, 2022
Eleanor Marx: The Last Word..BY DEAN WAREHAM is about : Eleanor Tussyâ Marx, who died on this day, March 31, 1898 her teachers at home were top-notch: Marx, Engels (when he visited), and Engels' partner Lizzy Burns, who could neither read nor write but interested Eleanor in the cause of Irish independence. . By fourteen she was assisting both Marx and Engels in their research. She learned German and French and later studied Norwegian for the sole purpose of translating Ibsen.
Rachel Holmes argues that the feminist movement properly dates to the 1870s, not the 1970s, and considers Eleanor Marx the foremother of socialist feminism "Women are the creatures of an organized tyranny of men,"workers are the creatures of an organized tyranny of idlers"..
UNsub> the interesting start seems to move into a form of GOSSIP damning her 15 years "life partner" Aveling.. in as much as the victyors in WAR get to write "militar/political/social/national" history.. biographers can choose whatever the society says aabout a person ( a century or so later.. ) well I have problems believing what I am told of a "celebrity" from last week... she wrte (with Aveling) The Woman Question: From a Socialist Point of View, on the oppression of women and how it affects both men and women. Holmes describes it as a synthesis of Marx, Engels, Wollstonecraft, and Mary Shelley.
...she wrote to the family friend Frederick Demuth, "I see more and more that wrongdoing is just a moral disease"...Her death was registered in Sydenham: Eleanor Marx, age 40, a single woman...\9D In fact, she was forty-three.left a short note for Aveling:Dear, it will soon be all over now. My last word to you is the same I've said during these long, sad years ; love.
Jennifer Julia Eleanor Marx was cremated at the Woking Crematorium, and her ashes In 1956, when Karl & Jenny's tomb was built in Highgate Cemetery, her remains were buried alongside them.
The Last Word (by Dean Wareham of L.A)
I fell in love with a communist cad
A free union, he drove me mad
Isn't it wonderful, isn't it nice
LaboUr and capital, value and price
LaboUr and capital, value and price
I will tell you one last word
I will tell you one last word
I told you lies but I never deceived you
You only heard what you wanted to hear
Send for the chemist, send for the maid
My time has come, I'm not afraid
I will tell you one last word
I will tell you one last word
My last word to you is the same that I ve said
During all of these long sad years
My last word to you is the same I've said
During all these long sad years
These are the ashes of Eleanor Marx
Jennifer Julia Eleanor Marx
Who took her life, on the last day of March
Jennifer Julia Eleanor Marx
Footy interval;
as the USAcorp-style commercially dominated sports complete their "take over" of the ENGLISH plastic MONEY league (a.k.a. "premiere" ) with 4 pauses for adverts????? ; liverpoolfc.com/news/premier-league-announces-substitution-rule-change
https://www.skysports.com/football/news/30778/12548604/champions-league-final-uefa-under-pressure-to-move-game-from-saint-petersburg-due-to-russia-ukraine-tension ...
UNsub> did anyone cancel sports events in USAcorp cities??? boycott USAcorp olympics ..or their "world series" (contested only by internal based clubs..ha ha ha) ?????? (see unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/03/unsubc-monty5-will-u-continue-to-feed.html )
FA and PFA outline plan for fast-tracking players to become top referees...Steve Baines, who spent eight years as a Football League referee, is a rare example of a former player becoming a qualified official.
Professional footballers are to be encouraged into a second career in refereeing by an initiative to be set up by the Football Association and the Professional Footballers Association (PFA) within the next two years.
At present former footballers who try to break into refereeing have no advantage over members of the public with no experience in the game. With the journey from Sunday leagues to Premier League taking at least 10 years, a player who retires in their mid-30s will be approaching 50 and pondering a second retirement before they reach the highest level. Though age limits have been abandoned in recent years the oldest referees currently officiating in the top flight are Neil Swarbrick and Roger East, who are 51.
The PFA have been looking to do it for a number of years and now we've got to the point where we need to try to do something about it,said Neale Barry, the former Premier League official
The move comes in response to demand from the PFA, coaches, managers and former top footballers. "Players have an instinctive understanding of the game, " Alan Shearer said in January. "If we could change the attitude to refs and make it an appealing option post-career, with a top salary that gives guys a future, I believe former players would go into refereeing."
Within the next couple of years we want a group of players who want to become referees and have that group working together. What we really need is one of those to come through and become a role model.."something we've been looking at for decades,â said John Bramhall, the PFA deputy chief executive. & had meetings recently with the PGMOL and the FA...
..Jason Jarrett, is a former professional, having played for 16 league clubs... has stepped away from refereeing after five years having become disillusioned by the hurdles placed in his path.
"think I know a lot about the game. 5 years had gone by and I was still doing semi-professional teams. ...I believe ex-players could offer a lot. I'm not saying they should miss out all the steps but I do believe they should be escalated a little bit quicker because of what they've experienced as a footballer. It has to count for something." !
UNsub> hmmm well with all the yanker changes they will get a few breaks to look at their errors on the VAR TV during those 3 extra pauses...
ChRiS> thankfully I enjoyed football at my peak when it was at ITS PEAK, pre english palstic money league and UEFA/FIFA etc re-inventing the game every few months.. I STILL miss playing though, thanksto your PLANdemic & anti-social APARTHEID i havent played since 2019!
pics Liv-wat
UNsub> LIVERPOOL 2 what ford 0 *DioGO-al, Fab (pen)
briefly TOP of the english plastic money league, quiet/nervous fannies at Anfield (prawn sarnies anyone?) :p
Pos Team P GD Pts
1 Liverpool 30 57 72
2 Man shity 29 50 70
17 Everton 27 -18 25
18 Watford 30 -28 22
19 Burnley 27 -16 21
started; 1 AB, 12 Joe, 32 Matip 4 VVD, 26 Robbo, 17 Jones,14 Hendo, 6 Thiago, 9 Firmino,20 DioGO, 11 Mo
Subs ; 3 Fab (s 62') 5 KonG, 7 Milly (s 90'),10 MANe (s 69'), 15 Ox (!) , 21 Kostas, 23 LuisD, 62 Kells, 66 Trent
keeps the pressure on man shitty fraud Klub!
(n.b.stats? hmmm 19 shots . 9 corners; ONLY 2 shots on target!!!, woy tactics blcok the pen area as usual, go home FFS! !)
( theguardian.com/football/2022/apr/02/liverpool-watford-premier-league-match-report ) & ( irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40842836.html ) ;
DioGo-al, who scored the opener from Joe Gomezâs Trentesque cross, âIt was the beginning of a new cycle today. People were coming from all over the world, and an early kick off is not easy, but we did our job. I told Joe before the game he was going to get an assist! I was confident and fortunately for us it happened.âJoe adds: âThatâs the nature of the Premier League. No game is going to be easy, and they put up a tough fight. Theyâre organised and well drilled, and it was tough until the end. Jots said that would happen before the game.. J.Klopp: " âJoey did well defensively but offensively as well. We had some banter on the bench and I told (Trent) that it was not him, itâs just the position that makes the crosses!â
pre Benfica v LIVERPOOL
before another week of congested games; 2 small matches with the blue mancs (semi FA cup too) & the home leg v benfica...
proposed , not predicted; in Lisbon; Kells
Joe KonG
Trent Hendo Ox Kostas
Mo MANe LuisD
Milly on at 60m with DoGO & Thiago?
UNsub> not sure if this was meant as an April 1 joke article ; ( counterpunch.org/2022/04/01/bondage-at-the-oscars )
the "slap" by Will Smith is found on U tube, better entertainment ? than the "no time to die" film ruined the Bond films of my youth & the 3 (Royale, Quantum & Skyfall) before the typical USAcorp streched the script & "political correct" trend to nullify the role in Spectre & this disaster.. DAVID YEARSLEY's rambling account of the oscars reflected the same "confusion" of the film / song 's writers?
also Net-posted on April FOOLS day; :p
" climate-collapse-or-nuclear-winter-take-your-pick" (EvE) ...
So the hunt for more fossil fuels is on, with AmeriCANT right-wingers screaming that we need to drill and frack more and
after Biden tried to palm off the pathetic lie that astronomical prices at the pump were Putinâs fault, courted Venezuela for its oil: âOh, just forget about our sanctions that killed over 40,000 of your citizens, ignore the failed assassination attempt on your president, never mind about your funds that our attack dog, the UK, snatched from you in an act of brazen larceny and skip the ferocious propaganda war weâve waged against your country â this is the U.S. empire calling and we need your oil!â
..oligarchs who benefit from our oil and gas addiction bank on the mirage that climate collapse wonât affect them in their posh New Zealand bunkers. Theyâre mistaken,...this bookâs thesis that ordinary people are to blame for global warming. (Eve) blame Exxon, BP and all the other thieving fossil fuel polluters.... critical importance of reducing consumption. .. especially for those of us proles who focus our purchases exclusively on what Marx termed use-value.
UNsub> Eve wants you to read the Book, ( Lloyd Alter, @Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle@ ! )WE WANT you to leave your car at home, walk or RUN to and block anything that represents their MONSTER..
re-focus and remember that the earth is burning and our haughty corporations are the cause..." remember that our future depends on NOT burning oil and gas. ..a grim future on a hot planet looms. That is, of course, if the geniuses in Washington donât bring on nuclear winter first, with their high-handed arrogance that they could drive a nation armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons into a corner and then, somehow, expect to survive it..."
BY APRIL M. SHORT (real name on april 1st ??? ha ha ha ) anyway apply ChRIS live solutions (take time to go through It ALL at mewe.com/i/chrissmith and you may be one of the 1 in a thousand who shall UNDERSTAND and survive..to LIVE!
There are VALID aspects to the article.. After a week in coma in 1995, i spent some Years with my GF & other : local hippies: in what was the "virtual European Eco capital" although there was often a reluctance to be organised ..I "dropped out" and was often in conflict with the establishmenty & their police..
I formed my "freedom e Union" and gave gratis "eco logics course" ..the lack of "courage" was evident and many were simply lazy , choosing the movements & co-ops as an escape, and avoided responsibility..for themselves as well as nature ..
Although I learnt mcuh about Homeopathy, which comparse with your desription of "deep medicne" i strengethend my will & my health with it, SPIRIT a word rarely used is strong in me...
I do not agree with the call for "funding" IF you are TRULY committed to ALTER-NATIVE solutions,,, you must divorce from their stsytem & its coloured paper fraud... in most other matters , I agree with
Rypa Marya..& some points of your article...
However I would also suggest you do not campaign to return children to "schools" and suggest that the community (elders) should answer questions of the young (if the elders are wise) .. whilst the others make use of their energy..avoid placing women over men, (otherwise I will get visions of the "Wicker Man" film.. ha ha ..
One of the wisest young men I ever met had only read one book and avoided state schooling prior to our meeting in 1999 .. Let children grow without the rubbish piled on them that "the game of THORNS" infects everybody with.. and you may find they "educate" the elders..
Plants often just need SUN & water, and protection from man-made poison... much as children.. the PLAN demic, & its dangerous flu bugs & "variants" are a result of the poisons & pollution of traffic, industry & factory farming... an EVOLUTION will not be possible until the population face this truth..
I do believe in another chance, however I suspect that a global Tzunami is required to wake up the sheeple, which is why I know at most I am only able to relate to 1 in 1000 of the beings that occupy MY planet.
Best wishes
F & U NGO , Montenegro, Europe.
email ngo@mypod-net.org

yes MORE RONS .. & extra snipSS from "Jeffrey" :(....?
ChRiS: paraphrasing Dylan (Bob) " steal a Dollar they put you in Jail... steal a BILLION and they make you President, PM, CEO or Oligrch" ..,,oh and to differnciate; UNsub uses "FUBAR, #game of THORNS, MainSCREAMed1a & NamericanT".. capische?
* oil companies are poised to make tens of billions more in profits from wartime pricing of oil and gas. There used to be a name for this kind of predatory behavioUr…
* Apparently, Russia’s generals and intelligence chiefs have been less than forthright in telling Putin just how badly the war is going in Ukraine or .....so sayeth the intelligence agencies that buried the Pentagon Papers, kept Reagan “out of the loop” on Iran/contra, and swallowed Curveball’s fabulations on Iraq…...
* According to interviews by Reuters with workers at Chernobyl, a convoy of Russian soldiers entered the “Red Forest” restricted zone without anti-radiation gear..
UNsub> tourists go into a smaller radiated forest ( by NATO during their bombding of SErbia/MNE ) at Mirista/LUCISTA every summer!!!!!
* Biden’s Space Force is requesting $24.5 billion in the 2023 budget, roughly 40 percent more than in last year’s request. Officials said the jump reflects the urgency to launch and defend satellites that can “spot a hypersonic missile & track a moving truck. ... no idea whether Russia & China have hypersonic missiles.. But even if they don’t, the Pentagon would say they did. Nothing drives the arms procurement budget like a new “missile gap,” real, perceived or invented…...
* (The Wizards of Armageddon), revealed that in 1961 JFK’s White House drew up plans for a nuclear first strike against the Soviet Union, an option that JFK seriously considered putting into action–a preemptive strike against global warming....
* Perhaps nothing illustrates the absurdity of most European Wars more than the fact that on the day Britain declared war on Germany in 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm was a Field Marshall of the British Army and Admiral of the Fleet of the British Navy.
+ Gen. Edmund Allenby, T.E. Lawrence’s brutish commander in Arabia and Palestine, was fanatical about appearances and once berated a soldier in a muddy trench near Ypres for being sloppily dressed. His anger swelled at the impertinent man’s lack of a reply, until he was informed that he was yelling at a corpse....
* WW1+ first day of the battle of the Somme, the British troops lost 57,000 men... Most were cut down after taking only a few steps out of their trenches. Those who made it ..into No Man’s Land, encountered barb wire, deadly for the Scottish regiments, who were forced to wear kilts to battle, which inevitably got entangled in the fencing, making them easy targets for German machine guns.....The insane commander Haig believed that lower-than-expected casualties were an indication of cowardice among the ranks....
* “Kill the Germans! ...but to save the world! Kill the good as well as the bad. .... I look upon it as a war for purity. I look upon everybody who dies in it as a martyr.” – from a sermon by Arthur Winnington-Ingram, BISHOP of London, 1915.
+ Bin Laden’s fatwahs never sounded this blood-thirsty...
* Bertrand Russell ; “The anticipation of carnage was delightful to something like 90% of the population. As a lover of truth, the national propaganda of all the belligerent nations sickened me. As a lover of civilization, ... the massacre of the young wrung my heart. ... English and French say they are fighting in defense of democracy, but don’t want their words to be heard in Petrograd or Calcutta.” For his antiwar activism, Russell lost his lectureship at Cambridge, was stripped of his passport and jailed...
* UN Special Rapporteur Prof. Michael Lynk concludes that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid, and urges the int’l community to adopt robust accountability measures...+ Michael Herr, quoting an NAmericanT grunt in Vietnam on his understanding of the Domino Theory: “All that’s just a load, man. We’re here to kill gooks. Period.”..
* another NAmericUNT" ? Connie Uhre, owner of the Grand Gateway Hotel in Rapid City, South Dakota, banned Native Americans from staying in her hotel last week. The woman defended her action by saying she couldn’t tell the “nice ones from the bad ones.” ..
* ? on the efficacy of Ivermectin for treating COVID symptoms is out and concludes that: “volunteers who took ivermectin in the first three days after a positive coronavirus test turned out to have worse outcomes than did those in the placebo group.”... ! .. as + Walmart now owns the vast majority of all the supermarkets in Mexico.
* Operation Whistle Pig. ; a surveillance program and leak investigation run by a secretive unit of Customs and Border Protection .. to investigate the finances, travel and personal connections of journalists, congressional members and staff, none of whom were suspected of any crimes.... NAmericanT!
* Between 2001 and 2014, 62 percent of the forest acreage lost in the Tongass region of Southeast Alaska was on state or private lands that had been transferred out of federal ownership...+ Fifty years after the passage of the Clean Water Act, nearly half of the US’s lakes and rivers remain too polluted for swimming, fishing or drinking... NAmeriCUNTS!"
* Fruits and vegetables are now absorbing micro-plastics through their root systems....+ New research suggests plastic pollution is causing dropping sperm counts, a trend that scientists warn may be unstoppable and could led to making much of humanity infertile. So maybe there’s a glimmer of hope for the planet, after all….. :p
* Paris is constructing a fully-automated 47-mile subway line encircling the city for around $10 billion. Meanwhile New York is spending $6.9 billion on a 1.5-mile subway extension that is already partially built.
* ...it might be worth recalling that John Wayne had to be restrained by six security guards from going on stage to yank Sacheen Littlefeather from the microphone, where she inveighed against the racist portrayal of Native Americans in Hollywood films…+ Chris Rock could’ve taken a dive like Sonny Liston for the Ali-impersonator that slapped him…..
UNsub; thats ALL folks.. confused? you WONT be, when the next episode of "SOAP" appears on your mobile phone/NOT MonTV! :p
v MADridR i final! How is May looking for Liverpool as they remain on course for the quadruple? ; https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40865126.html ... & .... Jurgen Klopp might have allowed himself a moment of sad reflection when he wasn’t celebrating his ‘mentality monsters’ as they stormed into another Champions League final. After all, it was he who once attempted to subvert the moral order, who persisted for the guts of three seasons with the notion that the dodgy keeper could be redeemed.
ReplyDeleteFirst Simon Mignolet and then Loris Karius. Klopp believed that the healing power of his personality could cure keepers of their dodginess. Klopp’s love would save all, even those who could not save themselves. He sent Karius into a Champions League final against Real Madrid, then the most ravenous scavengers of them all, and they picked him apart for sport.
It was one of Klopp’s few big failures at Liverpool, his vibe-generating capacity no match for the money put down to subsequently sign Alisson Becker.... .https://www.irishexaminer.com/opinion/columnists/arid-40865087.html : some hard Irish sarcasm too ; "Everyone has a plan until they let the ball run through their legs " )