Be Strong =because they are wrong! | 25 juli 19:35 |

.= the
sheeple..= who are so easily manipulated by "leaders'" to follow their
corrupt and pervertd "causes" the RESULT is a world so completely wrong
and INSANE, that ppl call ME "Crazy" for doing my best to improve it,
however & whenever, with whatever I can... :)
Most "fans" seem to be missing the main points...
I have discovered that under "USA LAW" and therefore which applies to N E S V & H-W...that IF it can be proven that certain partners, MEMBERS or participants, shareholders or stakehoders within a corporation/club/firm/organisation or company create the majority of revenue, profit or income or has been the major force in the development of that "entity" they (WE) are entitled to claim ownership of said "entity" ..therefore..
we are proceeding to work on bringing this to action...
a) Who "owns the LiverBird" ??? arguably the LIVERPOOL community!
b) Who built the global "reputation" of the "entity" known as Liverpool football club? we, the local & global supporters, through financial involvement , purchases, Y.N.W.A. and our world-fanous kopite songs banners and CULTURE..
c) 7 million plus registered "Lfc fans" create more than sufficient funds to support an EPL club, but due to poor adminsitration and direction = the responsibility of those claiming to be "owners" we have suffered.
This action will force "them" to (at least) wish to negociate and we may be inclined to share 50/50 if they correct their other "business dealings" that bring our club into disrepute and threaten our clubs future.

CS 27th July..2012