Updating May 25-30.. only for TRUE REbEL REdS !!
REdS European campaign & more see previous ;
( created this particular supporters LOG 9 MONTHS AGO!)
this LOG shall record remaining schedule & RESISTANCE and defiance V their F U B A R " game of THORNS"
220531 IS THE LAST OF THE MAY DAZE..BUT THE END OF THE BEGINNING ; SEE https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2022/05/do-you-really-know-your-enemy-cont-and.html
TRUE REbEL REdS with our MAN-e LUCK!
the royalists salute the world's BEST squad
same old story ; fascist state & their policeattack REdS
"it only take one...goal" x 2?
fans abused by parisian police (repeating Hillsborough danger)
a quick smile at Fab & Thiago
(morecambe & wise dance?)
deserved more, but...
go again in Istanbul....
www.theguardian.com/football/2022/may/28/champions-league-final-match-report-liverpool-real-madrid PRE final
Liverpool can cope with Madrid's chaos better than most Superclubs https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40882874.html
and ( .///;;;;; irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40882916.html ) ..Key talking points ahead of Champions League final
Liverpool and Real Madrid go toe-to-toe as Paris hosts a mouth-watering Champions League final on Saturday evening
#as The once upon a time Socialist REdS versus the royal madrid finalists (European winners number 7 heaven?)
ChRiS> REminder (LINK)
when we battered them 4-0 in 09
(5-0 aggregate) /...
and i spent a week in madrid and with the local REdS club with spanish TV as we battered the lesser mancs 1-4 the next saturday!
MANe equally important to the REdS, have the boardroom sharks AGAIN under valued HIM?
https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/mo-salah-staying-put-sadio-mane-less-sure-ill-answer-after-the-champions-league_arid-40881017.html .....a touch on anti-REd bias in this (by a manc fan perhaps?) ; https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/how-liverpool-and-real-madrid-compare-ahead-of-the-champions-league-final_arid-40880786.htmlVideo REdGEMnet v fenway sharks ..a gladiator comparison...
CHAMPION REdS v royal MAD-rid
The once upon a time Socialist REdS versus the royal madrid finalists (European winners number 7 heaven?)
(if its like 1981 ...)
ChRiS> recall being in Paris in 1981, the game less so, but Liverpudlian mate Eric Wright and I
(i was able to combine supporting the TEAM with my enterprise travel in those days before I "dropped out")
stayed in an expensive hotel (i hear that the parisians are AGAIN EXPLOITING the western bias that cancelled the final playing this may in St Petersburg ...
(catch up with " One night in Paris for Liverpool and Salah to settle old scores view-one-night-in-paris-for-liverpool-and-salah-to-settle-old-scores_ )
we won with Ray, Graeme, Kenny & Alan Kennedy's goal against a brutal royalist team, and most of those (very few were like the modern fan nies returning the same night) went to Place Pigale "red light=ish" area ,,
i was asked to "translate /negotiate" for a lot of REd supporters with the local "ladies of the night"
Eric & I also tested a naughty bar .. (!) ...
as I have often said sometimes the journey is more important than the "end game" ,,
(as in Life!) ... we were Spoilt we had been dominating the (true english league, not the modern plastic money version)
domestic CHAMPIONS almost every season...and between 77 - 84 were European Champs FOUR times too... in '81 we also won the league cup &* a happy memory of taking my old Dad to a game , the only time we went together, before he died of....what? a slight hip injury lost his life in surgery??? )
and now I give respect to the current LIVERPOOL TEAM-Squad ... to compete in every POSSIBLE fixture ... in all FOUR competitionsto go through all the games. win BOTH domestic cups...Go to the European Champions Final ..
and be 10 minutes & 1 goal away from winning the domestic league too // puts the billionaire blue manc Fraud klub squad & their BS in the shade,,.,
but DO NOT forget that the INFESTORS of Lfc are also Billionaire backed... BUT they WONT/DONT spend without
guaranteed INCOME first, so credit to Juergen also for his part in this success,,whatever happens in paris...
( and https://www. terrace-talk-liverpool-no-quadruple-as-a-taunt-its-slovenly-in-its-bitchiness_)
although its fair to say , money could buy an element of success in the pre-plastic era of my youth, its wasnt possible
for that to enable CORRUPT league champions that manc sh&tty have been since 2014 (at least) ... I dont overly rate
Guardiola. my dead Gran could manage a squad like their , bought & over-paid for!
enjoy this season lads, BUT i STILL want the FEN WAY sharks OUT of what WAS OUR CLUB... however such are
the weak willed football fan nies that our LbiRD Coin / shareholder takeover, will still need our success
in exposing the USAcorp CRMES of J W****er Hen ry & co...
and,,,, whatever hapens this week. ..the REdS legends TEAM win against their OLD enemy at OLd Toilet!
writing before the game ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnVJYbSI4Ck ) ..... Hunter Biden’s firm took in about $11 million from 2013 through 2018. By contrast, Jared and Ivanka Trump made about $640 million while working in the White House. And the Saudis committed $2 billion to his investment firm shortly after Trump took office. They’re both grifters, like Donald Nixon, Billy Carter, Roger Clinton , Neil Bush and Tony Rodham before them…
LIVERPOOL v wolves 3-1 (MANe, Mo, Robbo)

Report; https://www.2022/may/22/liverpool-fall-short-in-title-bid-despite-winning-wild-ride-against-wolves
"The entire Liverpool squad comes out for a lap of honour, l
ooking about as disappointed as any group of footballers carrying the League and FA Cups possibly could.
They form a guard of honour for Divock Origi, who was ruled out of a final appearance for Liverpool at Anfield through injury but is being presented with some kind of framed signed display.
For a team to play every possible match in a season, to win two cup competitions with a third perhaps to come and end up one final-day goal away from the league title as well, is a phenomenal achievement, bewilderingly good. That they then leave the field after their final league fixture with shoulders slumped is horribly cruel...."
post match JK : (increased desire is right because the European trophy is much more than the english (plastic money)domestic league!)
pre match ; just a football fantasy ALTERNATIVE /// ...imagine that the sh&tty team collapse, with 2 REd cards against them
in the first 20 minutes , get hammered 0-7 whilst LIVERPOOL only draw but win the much hated englsh premiere PLASTIC money league!
We'll never stop hunting Man City down, vows Jurgen Klopp ( .irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40877738.html )
ChRiS> whatever happens, JK , one game at a TIME, then Paris, then talk about next season(s) ?
____sunday. hate seeing the corrupt USAcorp fen way sharks shsring bIG Div 's last day photo! .....
why I oppose ameri-cUn(T)s ;https://montv-chrislog.blog/2022/05/may-daze-freedom-e-union-versus. ;;
pre LIVERPOOL v wolves
prop' TEAM;
Matip KonG
Hendo Robbo
Trent Thiago Naby
OX!!! Luis D
Diogo & Mo, Curti or Origi or Tako after 60m
a double thank you ..TWO under-rated players ;
Div. ORIGI expected to move on this summer..
Martin Skrtel retiring after 20 years as a player!
(for those who dont know was part of a much feared TEAM of Rafa 's REdS .. circa 2007-2009 and after..with;
support all OUR TRUE REdS
soton 1 v LIVERPOOL 2 (Tako, Matip)
amazing ther REdS in yellow take it to the wire ... ha ha ha feck U, guardiola
old man Milly leading the way https://www./may/17/james-milner-liverpool-southampton-
apparently Milly had a dig at the lads saturday for being on their phones, instead of enjoying their special moment , GOOD man! & FA give Tako a fecking medal FFS!

220511/14 the SQUAD!
almost as good as Kells this lad! ha ha ha
FA cup final
chel*ski? v LIVERPOOL 5-6 pens (AB save & Kostas decider)


SEND your Spirits to OUR TEAM | Shanks & Bob...!! | | |
latest injury-list-suspensions-and-availability
favourite memory of OUR unique rivalry is the 1986 FA cup final between
the 2 famous clubs (yes the have an impressive history too ) see also /news/rush-sinks-everton-liverpool-clinch-double
(well before the TV a-holes, med1a sharks &manipulation by USA oily-garths // ...when football truly was the "religion"
of the working man... 28,000 of our REdS would pack one end of the Anfield stadium (called "the KOP") and double that
were at my first taste of a cupfinal (1974//..thats another story..) ..

anyway... mate ERic phoned me on the friday before the game, "we are on the way down for the game" (saturday at wembley)
"u are based near London? can we stay over at yours?" ...I said yes, of course, "how manY" Eric replied "8 REdS & 4 blues!!"
... i told my wonderful (now deceased wife) Jacqui ..who asked "where will they sleep?"... they were on the living room floor,
guest room, bathroom ,anywhere,and we all went to wembley in the morning. parked & took the tube (underground train/metro)
on the wembley line...
but half way, and packed with supporters the train stopped with an announcement "technical fault" ...
... i was based in london, managing my company there, i knew London, as I had also been an office boy..and taken
items,to my employers all over the city..so I said to Eric and the lads (in panic) "follow me" .. up the emergency stairs..
on to a typical saturday north london high street, & a bus stop... a big RED double-decker came as we got to the stop, where
a couple of shocked housewives stood,with their shopping bags..
the bus doors opened and the bus conductor put his hand up and shouted "you cant all get on!" ..I was about to say there is
only a dozen & your bus is almost empty ,when I looked around and saw about a hundred had followed up from the train!
laughed and said "to the conductor ,we are going to wembley, do you
want to tell them they cant get on?we got in just 5 minutes
before the start. (at the blues end)
and saw lads impersonating Chinese acrobats on each others shoulders to
risk life & limb to get in the wembley towers windows...hard times
in LIVERPOOL & many had "bunked" travel or hitch-hiked there!
(BTW; everton scored first, but our REdS won 1-3 and the league & cup double was ours, 9 of us on the bevvies, didnt see
the blue lads again though... happy days!
+ villa 1 LIVERPOOL 2 (Matip, MANe)
and https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2022/may/10/resurgent-naby-keita-keeps-liverpool-going-when-the-limbs-are-screaming difficult for Naby to justify the pre-signing hype & wearing the 8!!! " in a game where Liverpool were in danger of submitting to their own
languor. The limbs are screaming with tiredness, the minds are cooked,
there’s a cup final on Saturday and effectively three more after that.
Depleted, disheartened, but somehow still fighting: in a way, the story
of Keïta is also the story of Liverpool’s season. "
Gerrard, who reiterated his intention to sign Philippe Coutinho on a permanent deal from Barcelona.
got to take those big moments we created. The big positives for me are
that we were brave, courageous and went toe-to-toe with one of the best
teams in the world. We knew at times we would have to suffer.”
STEVIE coaching the opposing TEAM mixes up my loyalties in the same way it did when KENNY brought his TEAM to Anfield to win the league with blackburn ;;;;; https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40868618.html
radical selection proposal; Kells
Joe Matip VVD
Hendo Kostas
Ox LuisD
Mo DioGo
Mane rested for the cup final ;
Curtis , Thiago & Fab on after 60m
also didn't get impression that either the geordie support nor the ("sign on BS" ) spurs fan nies wanted OUR team to win !! :p
220505 + 220508
LIVERPOOL ("lose") 1 - 1 with spu rs
Luis D
still feel that propsed selection of (hungry unplayaed fresh) Ox, with Naby & Hendo in midfield could have opened up a defensive london team early on with Kostas on the left rather than exhausting the incredible Robbo! of the "quadruple" & would rather have the 7th European trophy & FAcup than the english plastic money league.. as more yanker sharks will probably buy the chelski rent blues too..
2204 30
REdGEMnet footy interval
realVillaR 2 LIVERPOOL 3
(agg; 2-5)
report; https://2022/may/03/villarreal-liverpool-champions-league-semi-final-second-leg-match-report
newcastle 0 LIVERPOOL 1 (Naby)
starting ;
Joe Matip VVD
Hendo VVD
MANe DioGo
and ..../reds-battle-newcastle-victory-thanks-naby-keita-strike
Advantage Liverpool, in more ways than one; irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40860644.html
Hendo, Emery and the night in a bar that launched new Liverpool : irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40860050.html ?
from REdS terrace; ; irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40858136.html ? " " not really as arrogant as its title ;
" Quintuple still on: four trophies for us, relegation for them " Salah back on track (don’t forget that assist for Andy, either), but Thiago sensational....certainly hasn’t been this good all the time. We’d have noticed. & Yes, it’s bad, but I feel uncomfortable, with our past, telling them to put their house in order. Various Hillsborough criminals and trolls, never convicted, won’t ever receive forgiveness from me. Turning the other cheek becomes impossible when it’s been constantly slapped...."
video link to Gladiator too (2) re-written by ChRiS/OUR MEd1ATEAM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uN40ymzOr0
from april fools to may daze/// will you wake too?? https://unsublog-chrisfandungo.blogspot.com/2022/04/from-april-fools-to-may-daze-will-you.html
see also ; pre LIVERPOOL v villa real ;) (a marketing name not used in Monty?)
and Juergen (we are NOT "kloppites" as part of oyurcampaign was/still is to have a supporters owned Liverpool with Stevie/Rafa managemenet, on hold...)
HAS signed to coach until 20126... https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40860818.html
we still want the USAcorp / fen way (is not LIVERPOOL way) sharks gone..
pre newcastle v LIVERPOOL
as i (ChRiS) prefer to win the 7th European champions trophy rather than the english plastic money league ... JK , propose he should rest some key players and apply the "fringe fighters " team something like:
Joe KonG
Milly Hendo Kostas
Bobby (if unfit ; Tako!)
Jota Luis D
LIVERPOOL 2 (Hendo, MANe) villareal 0
Advantage Liverpool, in more ways than one; irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40860644.html
Hendo, Emery and the night in a bar that launched new Liverpool : irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40860050.html ?
previous; at https://rednet-alien.blogspot.com &
FOOTY interval
Sunday 24 april is easter here..but its "MERSEYpride" for SUPPORTERS REd & blue ...as LIVERPOOL v everton
IS the TRUE meaning of the word "derby" mis used by many fan nies & pundits to describe just about any "rivalry"
My favourite memory of OUR unique rivalry is the 1986 FA cup final between the 2 famous clubs (yes everto have an impressive histtory
(well before the TV a-holes, med1a sharks &manipulation by USA oily-garths // ...when football truly was the "religion"
of the working man... 28,000 of our REdS would pack one end of the Anfield stadium (called "the KOP") and double that
were at my first taste of a cupfinal (1974//..thats another story..) ..

anyway... mate ERic phoned me on the friday before the game, "we are on the way down for the game" (saturday at wembley)
"u are based near London? can we stay over at yours?" ...I said yes, of course, "how manY" Eric replied "8 REdS & 4 blues!!"
... i told my wonderful (now deceased wife) Jacqui ..who asked "where will they sleep?"... they were on the living room floor,
guest room, bathroom ,anywhere,and we all went to wembley in the morning. parked & took the tube (underground train/metro)
on the wembley line...
but half way, and packed with supporters the train stopped with an announcement "technical fault" ...
... i was based in london, managing my company there, i knew London, as I had also been an office boy..and taken
items,to my employers all over the city..so I said to Eric and the lads (in panic) "follow me" .. up the emergency stairs..
on to a typical saturday north london high street, & a bus stop... a big RED double-decker came as we got to the stop, where
a couple of shocked housewives stood,with their shopping bags..
the bus doors opened and the bus conductor put his hand up and shouted "you cant all get on!" ..I was about to say there is
only a dozen & your bus is almost empty ,when I looked around and saw about a hundred had followed up from the train!
I laughed and said "to the conductor ,we are going to wembley, do you want to tell them they cant get on?we got in just 5 minutes
before the start. (at the blues end) and saw lads impersonating Chinese acrobats on each others shoulders to risk life & limb to get in the wembley towers windows...hard times in LIVERPOOL & many had "bunked" travel or hitch-hiked there!
(BTW; everton scored first, but our REdS won 1-3 and the league & cup double was ours, 9 of us on the bevvies, didnt see
the blue lads again though... happy days!
LIVERPOOL 2 Robbo, & Origi ! blues 0
match report : liverpoolfc.com/news/robertson-and-origi-clinch-merseyside-derby-success-anfield
Robbo> " “It was so hard. In the first half we weren’t at our best. We started playing their game instead of our own...
“Back-post headers are rare for me! It’s my first goal at the Kop End which is an amazing feeling. "
Div> " “It’s a nice record [against Everton]. Today we needed it, and in the end we got the three points which is the most important thing. "
Starting ; AB, Matip & VVD,Trent, Fab, Robbo, Thiago, Naby, MANe, DioGO, Mo..
( *theguardian.com/football/2022/apr/24/liverpool-everton-premier-league-match-report)

LIVERPOOL 4 lesser mancs 0 ..Luis, Mo 2, MANe!
match report ; theguardian.com/football/2022/apr/19/liverpool-manchester-united-premier-league-match-report
& ; irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40853762.html JK happy with MANe & Mo...
ChRiS > comments ; took lesser manc club 80 minutes to contest, and then the sh&te got dirty ; as young Hanibal & poser Fernandes kicking out at Trent & Hendo... REF (atkinson) didnt give either a sending off,//
but; this was a LIVERPOOL REdS performance to savour ..enjoy
started; AB; Matip & VVD, Trent, Fab, Robbo, Thiago,Hendo, MANe, LuisD & Mo!

and on to the derby...
my proposed selection (if VVD & Thiago,who both got kicked a bit too.._) ; (IF anyone cant convince JK to play same 11 started again)
LIVERPOOL v everton ...
Trent Hendo Kostas (give Robbo a breather)
Curtis (OX?)
DioGO LuisD
Tako & Origi on at 60 mins..& OX if not already playing...?
at this MOMENT; (english plastic money league);
Pos Team P GD Pts
1 Liverpool 32 61 76
2 Manshitty 31 52 74
5 Arse nal 31 8 54
6 Man Ure 33 4 54
7 WHam 33 9 52
post match; Mo; "great ball from Sadio, who is playing more number nine now and scoring goals. The race is not in our hands, but we will focus on our games and we’ll see.”
Thiago adds: “We are not thinking about winning four. We are thinking about winning each game that we have. And now we have days to recover from this, and to think about Everton"
anal ysis ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLsIYfc8YQU

previous; unsublog-chris2022/04/good-agent-v-sharksjackals-
15th april///...(1989. 1995//.....)
Its the 33rd memorial of HILLSBOROUGH * and (my coma of 1995) today, so i am quiet , but if you & your buddy wish , I invite you to come tomorrow for a drink here , Vino or Rakija & local cheese ;)
in 2016 after 27 years of OUR CAMPAIGN... ~ for Justice .the original coroners verdict was overturned ...
and 96, which became 97 last year after a lad eventually DIED after so many years of dying..
///the coroner called it "unlawful killing"
.. in basic terms MURDERED! by fascistory government & their police!
I spent some time with Peter Carney ( a survivor), in 2007. who , like many (then kids) who came back from that game//
and i give so much credit to Peter as well as Sheila Coleman ( Campaign organiser) praised all of us who never gave up...
someone I saw many times when I went back to LIVERPOOL, rightly called the deliberate obstruction by @authorities"
despite a BLATANT COVER UP///.aided by the english scum media ...... no police officer has been punished ...to this day !! (15th APRIL 2022, THIRTY three years of corruption!
in england, a so called "democracy" the UK PM ... Boris Johnson added to the COVER up and also tried to blame the Supporters!
(now proven ALL LIVERPOOL supporters were not only INNOCENT, but it was OUR supporters, NOT police or medical staff who assisted many being crushed, otherwise over 3oo would have been MURDERED!
i got a bit choked up, LFCtv channel showed a lot of documentaries about that day, and since, and Kenny , a supporter who did much to organize grass roots campaigning and the shop opposite the ground where i bought my campaign scarf so many many years ago, is dead now, he dont deserve a fecking medal from some queen bitch
but Kenny & those alike are heroes .. in a world of sheeple , who cower & hide and imprison themselves due to a bug fatal to less than 0.01% of the global population..
i remember being at the 20 year anniversary , in 2009 at Anfield when almost 30,000 came there to remember & honour,
as a minister tried to add his name to ours, we just shouted him down, shut him up and chanted @JUSTICE for the 96!...until he stepped down...
..and this ; @ " Justice Collective - He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother (2012) "
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye4cELYLzJM )
it depends on the individual Sanja,the world now is proof that sheeple have repeated mistakes over and over since thousands of years and the result is a virtually destroyed planet and a a global occupation by liars, cheats & cowards... any way, dont worry be happy! today's " leaders " are too stupid, corrupt or mis-guided ,,,too little reaction to REAL dangers too late to save the best of this planet......Monty is a corrupt copy of...USAcorp ; (american dream) =the global nightmare ..... the world is insane, as image destroys truth...and what is true is also simple...who are the criminals? those in or out of Govt>??? ha ha ha ...well as the other currencies are worthless, its about the same risk :)
join MY UNIQUE global campaign initiative groups via mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059
& meeting at MNE coast in May
MEREdGEM#23 rednet-/2021/09/european-champions-trophy-season-
HarveySCLOG-UNSub_At_MontyApril 15, 2022 at 12:07 AM
starting ; A B
TRENT Naby Thiago Robbo
MANe LuisD
15th april 2024 (strek-picard ) when the future is changed irrevocably. of(f) course
of course Loyal supporters are still mis - treated ... no lessons learnt from the past..
man sh&tty 2 LIVERPOOL 3 KonG , MANe2

(feck the @emirates too..)
report; https://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/liverpool-reach-fa-cup-final-3-2-win-over-man-city-wembley
goals@ ( https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=manchester+city+vs+liverpool _)
www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40852808.html ... nice from Juergen ; " a different person now’: ..on his long road at Liverpool
anal ysis ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSRUtS2-Yoo
another 15th april memory 42 .. Jacky Robinson ; irishexaminer.com/opinion/columnists/arid-40851536.html

snips from C-P & more///..mainSCREAMedia2
the USAcorp & co sanctions that they expectyed to hurt russians seem to ignore that russsians have large fuel & food resources that instead
of exporting to " the west" can serve their internal & allied regions... which..
also could be GOOD for encouraging the rest of the world to seek (non polluting) resources although its probably too late for many who will suffer from the damage done by "the human race" over thousands of years...concrete & metal & plastic covering the planet..
..as I watch the @mamula monkees@ (ON SUNDAY) destroying the nature of the beautiful Miriste/Lucista peninsula
for the sake of empowering a few rich a&&holes who want to play "who is the richest BITCH" on what was OUR people's
swallow Island ( sold by HN govt& apathetic locals to the sharks..as much has been here & everywhere there is beauty & natural animals plants & birds..
for the sake of some coloured paper called "MONEY"...
///" words are misleading because they assume an action is either ‘deliberate’ or ‘unintentional.’ There is something in between, for which the word is ‘inevitable.’ If you engage in an action, like aerial bombing, in which you cannot possibly distinguish between combatants and civilians (as a former Air Force bombardier, I will attest to that), the deaths of civilians are inevitable, even if not ‘intentional.’ "
" (USAcorp) and its allies have dropped over 337,000 bombs and missiles, or 46 per day, on nine countries since 2001 alone. Senior U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency officers told Newsweek that the first 24 days of Russia’s bombing of Ukraine was less destructive than the first day of U.S. bombing in Iraq in 2003.
(USAcorp) led campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria bombarded those countries with over 120,000 bombs and missiles, the heaviest bombing anywhere in decades. U.S. military officers told Amnesty International that the U.S. assault on Raqqa in Syria was also the heaviest artillery bombardment since the Vietnam War.
Mosul in Iraq was the largest city that the (USAcorp) and its allies reduced to rubble in that campaign, with a pre-assault population of 1.5 million. About 138,000 houses were damaged or destroyed by bombing and artillery, and an Iraqi Kurdish intelligence report counted at least 40,000 civilians killed. "
(see : counterpunch.org/2022/04/14/from-mosul-to-raqqa-to-mariupol-killing-civilians-is-a-crime ) “smart bombs” during the First Gulf War in 1990-1991. ...
But they in fact comprised only 7% of the 88,000 tons of bombs it dropped on Iraq, ..reducing “a rather highly urbanized and mechanized society” to “a pre-industrial age nation” according to a UN survey."
"The Western corporate media play a key role in this, by showing us corpses in Ukraine and the wails of their loved ones, but shielding us from equally disturbing images of people killed by (UScorp) or allied forces..,,,,,, torture was approved by U.S. officials all the way up to the White House, no officer above the rank of major was ever held accountable for a torture death in Afghanistan or Iraq "
& " actively covered up its war crimes. A tragic example is the 2019 massacre in the Syrian town of Baghuz, where a special U.S. military operations unit dropped massive bombs on a group of mainly women and children, killing about 70. The military not only failed to acknowledge the botched attack but even bulldozed the blast site to cover it up."
" easy to point fingers at others, but we will not stop war until we force our own leaders to live up to the principle spelled out by Supreme Court Justice and Nuremberg prosecutor Robert Jackson:
“If certain acts in violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.”
Medea Benjamin is cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace," ... note also; " used in the US government’s fiery 1993 massacre of 76 Branch Davidians, including 25 children, near Waco, Texas.
(USAcorp) also retains stockpiles of deadlier agents, which it agreed by treaty in 1997 to destroy by 2007.
Given the American government’s own retention of several actual chemical weapons and frequent,
even casual, use of another, calling a supposed white phosphorous attack in a war zone “deeply concerning”
comes off as, at best, insincere and opportunistic." ( April 14, 2022 "
Chemical Weapons, Here, There, Everywhere"by Thomas Knapp)

“The movement taught me to come forward and fight my own battles. It has given us respect.” By ‘us’ Rajinder Kaur means women like her who took part in the movement against the Centre’s farm laws introduced in September 2020."
April 12, 2022
Women in Punjab: Pushed to the Sidelines
by Amir Malik
"an all-time record for the extreme right and populist identity in a national election in France:
it is therefore this pole that has recorded the strongest surge (right wing fascist) over the last five years."
( April 13, 2022 The Three-Way Split of French Politics
by Mathias Bernard __)
" motives for war in human history, capitalism added another: profit. That motive drove technological advancement and created a genuine world economy. It also built new capitalist empires such as the Spanish, Dutch, British, French, Belgian, Russian, German, Japanese, and American empires. Each of these countries built its empire by various means including wars against prior systems operating on their own territories, in their colonies, and in foreign “spheres of influence.” Wars likewise characterized interactions among empires. Global warfare (“world wars”) accompanied the globalization of capitalism and its profit motive. The war in Ukraine is the latest chapter in the history of capitalism, empire, and war( April 14, 2022///... The Role of Capitalism in the War in Ukraine, by Richard D. Wolff ) far less damaged by World War I, (UScorp) capitalism grew fast in replacing the global capitalist positions that Britain and Germany had lost because of the war. World War I also established capitalism’s responsibility for the tens of millions who died, were injured, and were made refugees in what was then considered the worst war ever. Germany tried to regain its global dominance a few years later, allied with the newest capitalist empire, Japan, to undo the results of World War I. It failed, as the United States defeated Germany and Japan to demonstrate its economic and military (nuclear) superiority. A consolidated U.S. global empire prevailed from 1945 until recent years. "

add Business of Sport: Betting on a €12m catastrophe - how Punchestown covered Covid
brokers see the PLANdemic as @excluded" act of GOD? not a " state of emergency" ?
and an alternative look at the biased Med1a ; Have I Got a Bit More News for You S63 E1 - YouTube
jeff> "+ Mick Wallace, Irish Member of the European Parliament:
“This War is empowering all the worst elements everywhere, in Russia, in Ukraine, and in NATO countries.
The voices of Barbarism are drowning out voices for Peace.
And the Arms + Fossil Fuel Industry, the Warmongers + Polluters are presented by the media as the reasonable people.”
" as Franco did at Guernica, claiming that the Republican forces had burned down the town and blamed the fascists. This prompted the Paris weekly, Le Canard Enchainé, to run a satirical story reporting how Joan of Arc actually lit the fire that consumed her at the stake in Rouen. "
blacks had gone to Spain to fight the fascists, disgusted by their own government’s failure to intervene against Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia in 1935, where the brutal tactics (including the use of poison gas) of the Italian army and the black-shirts left nearly 400,000 Ethiopians dead."
"one of the global rightwing’s favorite ’80s media personalities, Jimmy Savile,
was a child sex predator? He was an intimate of the Royals, including Andrew, of course,
and a favorite of Thatcher, who secured his knighthood.
Many of them knew–or suspected –his criminal perversities (800+ victims).... "

Video link
the 15th of April///..significant for so many reasons...and as the victims of state enforced murder by the fascisTory govt of 1989 is mirrored by the current insane murderers of buffoon of "BlowJO" PM UK ..reaches 97
you should ensure that insurrection is your aim to stop war biz, big pharma (legalised) drug peddling & industrial/traffic pollution that you all contribute to..
IF ever there was a time , you cant wait, and the call " what WE do in life ; echoes in ETERNITY" in your hearts & minds it is NOW..
ok, only 1 in 1000 will see/hear this sign...but thats enough to improve & posibly "save" humanity//
resistance via groups ; connected to mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059
ngo@mypod-net.org / fumission@ursun.net
EXTRA ; pre geordies v LIVERPOOL & memorial for international workers v USAcorp , fen way other jackals
8 comments: from
Wham were 2 -0 at half time v the blue manc frauds, (ended 2-2) for me (ChRiS) winning the 7th european champions trophy was/is more important than the english plastic money VARcial league ... pushing the mancs is amusing though... imagine IF the REdS win the last 2 remaining games & Stevies villians get a result at sh&tty??? ...2022/may/14/chelsea-match-liverpool-but-jurgen-klopps-side-have-sense-of-destiny ....
blocked? by the googly goons???
monday morning;; proposals for tomorrow's away game at soton ;
exclude VVD, Fab & Mo due to injury risks, Robbo & Trent too ?
would include KonG (Ibrahim) because i feel he fits well with Joe (Gomez)
so fresh legs Matip , Milly , Naby, Curtis, Tako, Bobby, the "hero" Kostas , and MY choice who must be hungry after being left out so often by JK... this;
(proposal NOT prediction)
Joe Matip Kong
Hendo Kostas
OX Bobby
Tako, Milly & Origi after 60 m..and Elliot 2nd half...?