footy CLUB
this was (at first) "banned" on the official blog of Lfc websites "My KOP"
I have written elsewhere about my experiences, complaints, & ideas of Lfc, if you bothered to read some of them you will learn that LIVERPOOL has been my Life's passion, the only constant in a changing life when all other things & people are gone.
One of my criticisms of the uneducated (including those who claim to be "owners" or "fans" of Lfc) is that they focus on short term results , instead of understanding what makes this club much more than a football team or teams ; the SUPPORTERS..
The LIVeRbiRD.... belongs to the Liverpool Community (not Lfc) and the Supporters who promote it worldwide with pride, we have literally Supported through "wind & rain" (& snow & ice) home and away, all over europe, with pride and pleasure with our " comrades" beginning with Shanks' REd Army and ENDING with "the return of the KING"
for people who have been so "slick" in their "Public relations" (propaganda) to have removed our Living legend is such a way was much more than a "disgrace" (and Kenny IS a LEGEND..on & off the field to TRUE REdS..) ..it was proof that this is part of a commercial plan to make Lfc "ready" for re-sale, There are FOUR advance cash injections this summer , 2 new shirt launches & Pre-ticket sales for HALF a season's games, and the usual season - ticket income..
The proposed INJUNCTION to stop the H-W/FSG/NESV machinery and reclaim the club in the name of LIVERPOOL & its supporters, therefore, could be "scuppered" by a sale during our proceedings. My articles, Blogs Sclogs & written on dogs ;) contain the anger I see in the decline of the TRUE "Liverpool way" being replaced by the (failed) "American way" ...the WHOLE world is rebelling against their way of life (& death).. (but as Shanks might say "Football is more important than that"
However, the problems that H-W have in Boston etc & the various components of N.E.S.V (which is not only the vehicle of H-W, but other "buddies" of George W. Bush, you know the one that got elected by fraud and started a war that way too...) are deep & complicated, and its likely Lfc will be used to solve problems, dont forget bank credit of FSG is loaded on Anfield & Melwood!
In my "Angry columns" I have used a lot of Crazy stuff, provocative images & statements & some dark humour to try to wake you up and illustrate the dangers than followed everyone seemingly jumping from the G & H "frying pan" into the FSG(NESV) "Fire...
However I have had recently the chance (and thanks to the "bizzies" on this forum & elsewhere who blocked me,) to take time out & realise the "collateral" efefct of a Global REds "war on FSG" such as we did with RBS/G& H..
The tough decision to attack "them" would ALSO involve hurting a lot of people - we are involved with, via Lfc, @ home & abroad..and therefore , I propose an "Alternative Liverpool Footy club".....in co-operation to secure a 50/50 share of the 'entity" and thus "everyone wins" but OUR heritage, the Liverpool ways of Shanks "holy trinity" are PROPERLY protected...
The proposals,.

... then I would be happy to exchange ideas with you...
* The club & supporters merge (including the "union" of S.o.S-S.Lfc which has been not so well managed, either) .. and PUSH / promote a "Liverpool Shareholders issue" to a maximum of 50% shares (new shares being issued that can be bought to equal those "held" by H -W/FSG(NESV) - target to achieve progressive income of an average 50 quid per Supporter/fan - this could achieve a target of half a billion (500,000,000) by 2010! (if managed properly)
* The (eventual) Result being a club EQUALLY shared by SUPPORTERS and "investors" - each share could return "dividend" but only one vote per person! (and "Supporters" would be "qualified" ) Obviously proven season - ticket holders etc would be identified. The SUPPORTERS would have a small representative group (voted by Supporters & fans, NOT by the LFC board) Karen Gill, is a "figurehead" because of her Grandad, a nice girl, but not qualified to be "in the chair". This would protect us from being a "commercial corporation" that could be bought & sold without respect to our "Socialist Spirit"
* Liverpool Supports clubs (official & unofficial) worldwide would be encouraged to be "sales points" (with website support) for pure Liverpool product sales that woudl be agreed between marketing people AND SUPPORTERS.. thus avoiding the ridiculous "blue on our shirt" scandal ....this would increase global sales immediately, and reduce "black market" copies. Such clubs would also be assisted (cheaply) with "LiverBird" academy development at their various locations. Kenny & Rafa would be brought back into our club (more about that later)
* and VERY controvertial - the KOP end would be converted to MODERN SAFE standing area - (at the moment we are standing ANYWAY, and thats more dangerous with seated stand, and difficult to clear out if there was a disaster) The KOPites would be "qualified" and this would be a Privaledged allocated ticket and would give us extra capacity with LITTLE renovation..(could be achieved within a summer break). (i DO respect & personally have always supported the HJC & the 96, in many ways, i have lost people too! and FA 0bjections are overcome by a UEFA/ECHR (Strasbourg) petition.

* Full respect would be given to our UNIQUE mentality and the SUPPORTERS who built this club into a global entity - all "changes & marketing" would reflect it, BUT an enterprising club can MARKET our UNIQUE LIVERPOOL image - Liverpool products & serv ice - maybe REd beer & banking, lol, rather than re-selling our sponsors products -
we promote OURSELVES, because WE are the BEST, , WE are LIVERPOOL, WE are the CLUB!
see also :http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/
& http://csliverbird.blogspot.com/